Task Force on the United Nations

Members, Senior Advisors, and Experts

The members of the Task Force were a diverse and bipartisan group of distinguished Americans from a variety of professions and backgrounds. They included former diplomats, policymakers, business executives, and military leaders.

The Task Force was co-chaired by Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, and George Mitchell, former majority leader of the Senate.


Image on right: Member Wesley K. Clark participates in a discussion during a task force session in February 2005.

Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the House of Representatives (Co-Chair), CEO, Gingrich Group

George J. Mitchell
Former Majority Leader of the Senate (Co-Chair), Chairman, Piper Rudnick LLP

Wesley K. Clark
Gen. U.S. Army (Ret.), Chairman and CEO, Wesley K. Clark & Associates

Edwin J. Feulner
President, The Heritage Foundation

Image on right: Anne-Marie Slaughter, member, responds to a question at the February session.

Roderick M. Hills
Partner, Hills and Stern

Donald McHenry
Ambassador (Ret.), Distinguished Professor, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

Thomas R. Pickering
Ambassador (Ret.), Senior Vice President, International Relations, The Boeing Company

Danielle Pletka
Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy, American Enterprise Institute

Image on right: Member Donald McHenry.

Anne-Marie Slaughter
Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

A. Michael Spence
Partner, Oak Hills Capital Partners

Malcolm Wallop
U.S. Senator (Ret.), Senior Fellow, Asian Studies Center

R. James Woolsey
Vice President, Global Strategic Security, Booz Allen Hamilton

Senior Advisors

Charles G. Boyd, Gen. U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
President and CEO, Business Executives for National Security

J. Robinson West
Chairman, PFC Energy, Chairman of the Board of Directors, U.S. Institute of Peace

Task Force Experts

As directed by the Congress, the Institute organized the Task Force with the support and participation of leading public policy organizations, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institution, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Heritage Foundation, and the Hoover Institution. Each of these institutions provided a number of experts to support the members of the Task Force. Below is the list of experts listed by Task Force working groups.

Group One: Preventing and Ending Conflicts and Building Stable Societies


  • Wesley K. Clark (Wesley K. Clark & Associates)
  • Malcolm Wallop (Asian Studies Center)


  • Eric Schwartz, Coordinator (Council on Foreign Relations)
  • Frederick Barton (CSIS)
  • Bathsheba Crocker (CSIS)
  • Michael McFaul (Hoover)
  • William Nash (Council on Foreign Relations)

Group Two: Preventing and Responding to Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations


  • Anne-Marie Slaughter (Princeton University)

Senior Advisor:

  • J. Robinson West (PFC Energy)


  • Tod Lindberg, Coordinator (Hoover)
  • Ivo Daalder (Brookings)
  • Lee Feinstein (Council on Foreign Relations)
  • Joseph Loconte (Heritage)

Group Three: Preventing Catastrophic Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction


  • Thomas R. Pickering (The Boeing Company)

Senior Advisor:

  • Charles G. Boyd (Business Executives for National Security)


  • Robert Einhorn, Coordinator (CSIS)
  • Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings)
  • James Phillips (Heritage)

Group Four: Ensuring the Effectiveness, Integrity, Transparency, and Accountability of the UN System


  • Edwin J. Feulner (The Heritage Foundation)
  • Roderick M. Hills (Hills and Stern)


  • Ann Florini, Coordinator (Brookings)
  • Nile Gardiner (Heritage)
  • Branka Jikich (CSIS)
  • James Lindsay (Council on Foreign Relations)
  • Brett Schaefer (Heritage)

Group Five: Fostering Economic Development and Reducing Poverty


  • Donald McHenry (Georgetown University)
  • A. Michael Spence (Oak Hills Capital Partners)


  • Patrick Cronin, Coordinator (CSIS)
  • Kenneth Anderson (Hoover)
  • Steve Hansch (Georgetown University)