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    About Us

    The National Federation supports families in all the work that they do at the local, state and national level. Through our various programs and resources, we are able to help families and their children obtain the needed resources and supports.
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    Don't forget to download a copy of our brochure which has more information that you can read about and pass along.

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    If you have a specific question about what we do, feel free to give us a call at 240-403-1901, Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm ET.
  • Chapter Information

    Find a Local Chapter

    The National Federation currently has over 120 chapters that provide the groundwork at our local and state levels,

    Start a Chapter

    We are always looking to increase our chapter membership so if you’re interested in having your family organization become an official chapter or parner organization of the National Federation, do so today by giving us a call at 240.403.1901 or viewing this page.

    Chapter Portal

    If you're already a chapter, stay tuned -- we are currently building a chapter portal where you can access additional features and benefits.
  • Become a Member

    Individual Membership

    One of the easiest ways you can join is by becoming an individual, family, or youth member of the National Federation. The best thing about it is that it is completely free! By signing up, you’ll start to enjoy numerous benefits:

    • Networking Opportunities
    • Listserv Access
    • Reduced Conference Fee

    Use the form to the right to get started or head to the full membership page.

    Webform: Join the National Federation

    Enter your full name.
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  • Resources

    Browse our Resources

    We have a wide collection of resources for families, youth, organizations, partners, and anyone else looking to gain insight into the work that we do. You can browse our resources by either role or topic to the right. Can't find a resource you're looking for? Contact us and we'll help you find it.

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    We have a wide collection of publications for families, youth, organizations, partners, and anyone else looking to gain insight into the work that is done in the field. You can access our full publication database below or access our key publications to the right. Can't find a publication you're looking for? Contact us and we'll help you find it.

    Latest Publications

  • ED Column

    Executive Director Monthly Update Column

    We are continuously expanding our ability to provide you the most up-to-date information happening in the field and at the organization. We are proud to present to you our monthly ED column. Our ED, Sandra Spencer, will be providing insight into the organization and other information that all National Federation members should know about.

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The National Federation of Families is proud to announce Elizabeth Smart as it's 23rd Annual Conference Keynote Speaker. More information can be found at http://conference.ffcmh.org.

The Bill of Rights For Adults, Youth, And Children with Behavioral Health Care Needs And Their Family Members can now be downloaded in poster format! Check it out.

Attend the New York City Family Support Network 2012 Annual Conference, Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 8:30am - 3:00pm, The Graduate School, CUNY, 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY, 10016. Details.

For more information about Kristin and her advocacy: www.greenribbonadvocate.com or read her short bio here. Photo Credit: Clay Spann

Chapter Highlight
Maryland Coalition of Families for Children's Mental Health
The Maryland Coalition is one of our state organizations. They have been in existence since 1999 when the joint effort of eight family and advocacy organizations, each working on behalf of children with mental health needs and their families, came together. The organization has grown since then, providing services for children and their families, as well as transition-aged youth and military families. Check out their website for more great information.
We will be featuring a new chapter each month. Stay tuned!
Are You Ready for the National Federation Conference?
The 23rd Annual National Federation Conference is almost here! In less than two months, you'll be able to attend numerous great workshops, hear some amazing plenary and keynote speakers, and network with hundreds of families, youth, and professionals in the field.
Registration is still open. Take advantage of reduced rates .They will go up after September 28th!
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Nicole Marshall at nmarshall@ffcmh.org.
About the National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
The National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health is a national family-run organization linking more than 120 chapters and state organizations focused on the issues of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and their families. It was conceived in Arlington, Virginia in February, 1989 by a group of 18 people determined to make a difference in the way the system works.
Members of the National Federation come from all walks of life. Emotional, behavioral or mental health needs cut across all income, educational, geographical, racial, ethnic, and religious groups. They are found among single parents and two-parent families and in birth, adoptive, and foster families.
The National Federation works to develop and implement policies, legislation, funding mechanisms, and service systems that utilize the strengths of families. Its emphasis on advocacy offers families a voice in the formation of national policy, services and supports for children with mental health needs and their families.
Make a Donation and Power the Movement
The National Federation is the only nationally recognized family organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with serious mental, emotional and behavioral health challenges and their families. Through a grassroots and strengths based approach, the National Federation provides over 120 chapters and state organizations with resources and tools to do the ground work in various communities across the nation. In addition, the National Federation advocates at the national level for better outcomes for youth and children in the various youth and child serving systems. Through policy, leadership and evaluation training, the National Federation empowers families, children and youth with the knowledge and skills they need to be advocates in their own communities. The National Federation also has an increasing role in providing Technical Assistance to youth groups across the country.
We hope to continue providing families, children and youth with the resources, support and lives they deserve, so please consider making a tax deductible donation today. If you wish to make a donation by mail, please see our full donation page.

We are in the process of updating this map. You can also acess the full chapter list here.

View National Federation of Families Map in a larger map

 More info coming soon.

Upcoming Events

Listed below are upcoming events in the field. If you are a registered chapter, state organization and/or partner and would like to add your event, please email Corey Brown at cbrown@ffcmh.org.

The Graduate School, CUNY, 365 5th Avenue, New York, NY, 10016

The New York City Family Network presents their 2012 Annual Conference "Many Minds Move Mountains

Video of the Month

Check out what our neighbors up north are doing for Awareness Day -- Hosted By The F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kid's Mental Health & The Institute of Families for Child and Youth Mental Health.