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Crag® Herbicide (Total Dust) Chemical Sampling Information
Crag® Herbicide (Total Dust)

General Description
    Synonyms: Sesone; Sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl sulphate; 2-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)ethyl sodium sulfate; Disul-sodium; Sodium 2,4-Dichlorophenyl Cellosolve Sulfate; Ethanol, 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) - , hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt

    OSHA IMIS Code Number: 0737

    Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number: 136-78-7

    NIOSH, Registry of Toxic Effects (RTECS) Identification Number: KK4900000

    Department of Transportation Regulation Number (49 CFR 172.101) and Guide:

    NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, Crag® Herbicide: chemical description, physical properties, potentially hazardous incompatibilities, and more
Exposure Limits
    OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for General Industry: 29 CFR 1910.1000 Z-1 Table -- 15 mg/m3 TWA

    OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for Maritime: 29 CFR 1915.1000 Table Z-Shipyards -- 15 mg/m3 TWA

    American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV): 10 mg/m3 TWA; Appendix A4 - Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen (TLV listed under Sesone)

    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Limit (REL): 10 mg/m3 TWA
Health Factors
    NIOSH Immediately Dangerous To Life or Health Concentration (IDLH): 500 mg/m3

    Potential symptoms: Irritation of eyes, skin, respiratory tract; cough, sore throat; liver, kidney damage; in animals: CNS effects, convulsions; INGES. ACUTE: Burning sensation.

    Health Effects: Cumulative liver damage (HE3); LD50 (oral, rat) 480-730 mg/kg

    Affected organs: Eyes, skin, CNS, liver, kidneys.

    Note: Crag herbicide is metabolized in the body to 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a member of the chlorophenoxy herbicide group.

    Date Last Revised: 09/19/2005

    Literature Basis:
    • NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards: Crag® Herbicide.
    • International Chemical Safety Cards (WHO/IPCS/ILO): Disul-sodium.
    • Bradberry, S.M., Proudfoot, A.T. and Vale, J.A.: Poisoning due to chlorophenoxy herbicides. Toxicol. Rev. 23(2): 65-73, 2004.
    • Pohanish, R.P. (editor): 2,4-DES-Sodium. In, Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, Fourth Ed., Vol. 1. Norwich, NY: Noyes Publications, William Andrew Publishing, 2002, pp. 756-758.
Monitoring Methods used by OSHA
    Laboratory Sampling/Analytical Method:

    • sampling media: Mixed Cellulose Ester Filter (MCEF) 0.8 microns
      maximum volume: 90 Liters   maximum flow rate: 1.5 L/min
      current analytical method: Colorimetric
      method reference: NIOSH Analytical Method (NIOSH S-356)
      method classification: Fully Validated
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 Safety and Health
  Chemical Sampling Information:
  Crag® Herbicide (Total Dust)
  General Description
  Exposure Limits
  Health Factors

Page last updated: 04/06/2006

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