Campaign : Water Vapor IOP

2000.09.18 - 2000.10.08

Lead Scientist : Henry Revercomb

Data Availability


For data sets, see below.


Scientific hypothesis: 1. Microwave radiometer (MWR) observations of the 22 GHz water vapor line can accurately constrain the total column amount of water vapor (assuming a calibration accuracy of 0.5 degC or better, which translates into 0.35 mm PWV).

2. Continuous profiling by Raman lidar provides a stable reference for handling sampling problems and observes a fixed column directly above the site only requiring a single height- independent calibration factor.

3. Agreement between the salt-bath calibrated in-situ probes, chilled mirror hygrometers, DIAL, and MWR can be achieved. All of these techniques are considered capable of measuring water vapor with a high absolute accuracy. More details are given in the Science Plan.

Approach to test hypothesis: Operate the CART, ETL CSR, and JPL J-unit MWRs in continuous TIP-cal mode so that their calibration can constantly be monitored. Periodically, use a LN2 blackbody target on the MWRs to verify their calibration. Utilize the scanning capability of the NASA/GSFC Raman lidar to investigate the horizontal homogeneity of the sky during several periods when the MWRs are collecting TIP-cal data.

Operate the MPI DIAL, comparing it to the MWR-calibrated CART Raman lidar and tower-calibrated NASA/GSFC Raman lidar.

Launch dual-sondes (with the new RS-90s) to continue the characterization of the radiosondes performed during the first two WVIOPs.

GPS measurements at the CF and/or Lamont to provide a data set which can be compared and evaluated against the other measures of PWV.

Chilled mirrors at the surface and 60-m tower levels to demonstrate repeatability of the agreement between the chilled mirrors and the Vaisala in-situ probes at those levels shown in the 1997 WVIOP. More details are given in the Science Plan.

Other Contacts

Lead Scientist Coordinator: Dave Tobin Doug Sisterson, SGP CART Site Program Manager Marv Wesely, ARM SGP Instrument Team Leader Dave Turner, Data and Science Integration Team (DSIT) Contact

Campaign Data Sets

Campaign Participant Data Set Archived Data
Boesenberg, Jens DIAL Lidar Order Data
Cimini, Domenico MWR Order Data
Gallagher, Frank Dataplane Order Data
Gutman, Seth GPS Order Data
Keihm, Stephen JPL MWR Order Data
Lesht, Barry BBSS Order Data
Morris, Victor CART MWR Order Data
Revercomb, Henry AERIBAGO Order Data
Schmid, Beat Sunphotometer Order Data
Turner, David CART RL Order Data
Westwater, Ed ETL MWR Order Data
Whiteman, David GSFC RL Order Data