U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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      A Journal for Health Professionals working with American Indians and Alaska Natives

1994 Index

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A Potential Solution for IHS Problems in OB/GYN Recruitment, Retention, and Service Delivery MAY
Alcohol: More Services Needed! Nutrition Services to Alcohol/Substance Abuse Clients and Programs NOV
Alcohol: Trauma Victims and Blood Alcohol Testing: Attitudes and Practice of IHS Physician DEC
Alcohol-Related Hospitalization in the Portland Area JAN
American Indians and Alaska Natives, Cardiovascular Disease Among APR
American Indians, Improving Diabetes Care for MAY
Apache Children (White Mountain), Height and Weight Changes Among MAR
At the Crossroads - Our Next Challenge in the IHS: Staged Diabetes Management NOV


Cardiovascular Disease Among American Indians and Alaska Natives APR
Chlamydial Infections FEB
Clearance of Papers Prepared For Publication JUL
Clinical Support Center Do For You?, What Can the IHS JUN
Communicable Diseases: HIV Prevention Counseling SEP
Communicable Diseases: The Vaccines for Children Program AUG
Community Action: Head Start Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Award JUL
Community Action: PHN AIDS Forum JUN
Community Action: Preventing FAS by Empowering Native American Chemical Dependency Counselors APR
Community Action: Restoring Balance Through Improving Health MAR
Comparing the Health Status of Populations with Different Age Distributions MAY
Continuing Education: What Can the IHS Clinical Support Center Do For You? JUN
Customer Service Standards, Setting AUG


Diabetes: At the Crossroads - Our Next Challenge in the IHS: Staged Diabetes Management NOV
Diabetes: Health Behaviors and Diabetes Risk Factors Among American Indians in an Urban Setting DEC
Diabetes Care for American Indians, Improving MAY
Diabetic Kidney Disease: Treatment and Early Prevention JUL
Disabilities, Model Job Training Demonstration Project for American Indians and Alaska Natives with SEP


Education, Continuing: What Can the IHS Clinical Support Center Do For You? JUN
Education Needs of Tribal Health Board Members As Reported by Tribal Leaders APR


Family Violence Prevention Team of the IHS Mental Health/ Social Services Programs Branch APR
FAS, Preventing FAS by Empowering Native American Chemical Dependency Counselors APR


Genital Warts (Human Papillomavirus Infection) FEB
Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infections FEB
Gonococcal Infections FEB


Hantavirus (Letter to the Editor) JUL
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome: Interim Guidelines for Healthcare Providers APR
Head Start Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Award JUL
Health Behaviors and Diabetes Risk Factors Among American Indians in an Urban Setting DEC
Health Board Members As Reported by Tribal Leaders, Education Needs of Tribal APR
Height and Weight Changes Among White Mountain Apache Children MAR
HIV Prevention Counseling SEP
Human Papillomavirus Infection FEB
Hypertension Among South Dakota Sioux Women, Risk Factors for Pregnancy-Induced MAR


IHS Scholarship Program OCT
Immunization: The Vaccines for Children Program AUG
Improving Diabetes Care for American Indians MAY
Indian Health: Leading Causes for IHS Ambulatory Care Visits OCT
Indian Health: Life Tables for the IHS Service Population OCT
Indian Health: We, the First Americans JUN
Informed Consent Revisited, Risk Management: SEP


Kidney Disease (Diabetic): Treatment and Early Prevention JUL


Lead Poisoning, Screening for (Letter to the Editor) MAR
Leading Causes for IHS Ambulatory Care Visits OCT
Letter to the Editor: Hantavirus JUL
Letter to the Editor: Screening for Lead Poisoning MAR
Life Tables for the IHS Service Population OCT


Managed Care: Use of Pipida Scan (Ejection Fraction) to Diagnose Gallbladder Dysfunction MAY
Management of the Patient with Urethritis FEB
Mental Health: Family Violence Prevention Team of the IHS Mental Health/Social Services Programs Branch APR
Model Job Training Demonstration Project for American Indians and Alaska Natives with Disabilities SEP
More Services Needed! Nutrition Services to Alcohol/Substance Abuse Clients and Programs NOV
Mucopurulent Cervicitis FEB


Native American Trauma at a University Medical Center JAN
Nutrition Services to Alcohol/Substance Abuse Clients and Programs, More Services Needed! NOV
O OB/GYN Recruitment, Retention, and Service Delivery, A Potential Solution for IHS Problems in MAY


Patient Education: Wheel of Learning OCT
PCC Register System Enhanced for Retrieval of Clinical Data JUL
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease FEB
Pipida Scan (Ejection Fraction) to Diagnose Gallbladder Dysfunction, Use of MAY
Portland Area IHS, Alcohol-Related Hospitalizations in the JAN
Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Among South Dakota Sioux Women, Risk Factors for MAR
Preventing FAS by Empowering Native American Chemical Dependency Counselors APR
Publication, Clearance of Papers Prepared For JUL
Putting Total Quality Management to Work (Book Review) MAR


Recruiting Physicians: A Look at Student and Resident Rotations JUN
Recruitment, Retention, and Service Delivery, A Potential Solution for IHS Problems in OB/GYN MAY
Renal Disease: Diabetic Kidney Disease - Treatment and Early Prevention JUL
Reporting Product-Related Fatalities OCT
Residency Affiliations, The Case for JUN
Residents (Utilization of Medical Students and): Results of a Survey of IHS Facilities JUN
Restoring Balance Through Improving Health MAR
Retrieval of Clinical Data, PCC Register System Enhanced for JUL
Risk Factors for Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Among South Dakota Sioux Women MAR
Risk Management: Informed Consent Revisited SEP


Sampling Guidelines and Procedures AUG
Scholarship Program, IHS OCT
Screening for Lead Poisoning (Letter to the Editor) MAR
Setting Customer Service Standards AUG
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines FEB
Staged Diabetes Management, At the Crossroads-Our Next Challenge in the IHS: NOV
Sioux Women (South Dakota), Risk Factors for Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Among MAR
Statistics: Comparing the Health Status of Populations with Different Age Distributions MAY
Statistics: Leading Causes for IHS Ambulatory Care Visits OCT
Statistics: Life Tables for the IHS Service Population OCT
Statistics: PCC Register System Enhanced for Retrieval of Clinical Data JUL
Statistics: Sampling Guidelines and Procedures AUG
Statistics: We, the First Americans JUN
Substance Use Among American Indian Women of Childbearing Age DEC
Substance Abuse: More Services Needed! Nutrition Services to Alcohol/Substance Clients and Programs NOV
Syphilis FEB


Total Quality Management to Work, Putting (Book Review) MAR
Trauma at a University Medical Center, Native American JAN
Trauma Victims and Blood Alcohol Testing: Attitudes and Practices of IHS Physicians DEC
Trichomoniasis FEB


Urethritis, Management of the Patient with FEB
Use of Pipida Scan (Ejection Fraction) to Diagnose Gallbladder Dysfunction MAY
Utilization of Medical Students and Residents: Results of a Survey of IHS Facilities JUN


Vaccines for Children Program AUG


We, the First Americans JUN
What Can the IHS Clinical Support Center Do For You? JUN
Wheel of Learning OCT

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