U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
A - Z Index:
      A Journal for Health Professionals working with American Indians and Alaska Natives

1993 Index

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Aberdeen Area Experience, A Tribal Coroner System SEP
Action Plan for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders MAY
Advocating for Native American Elders MAY
Alcohol Use and Occupant Restraint Usage in Motor Vehicle Injuries on an Indian Reservation APR
Alcohol Recovery: There is a Place Within MAR
American Indian School Children Height and Weight Survey AUG
Applications for a Rapid Glycosylated Hemoglobin Analysis System in an IHS Clinic NOV
Autopsy: A Tribal Coroner System SEP


Bacteremia in FEB
rile Navajo Infants (letter to the Editor) SEP
Bacteremia in FEB
rile Navajo Infants with Otitis Media and Pneumonia MAR
Battered and Pregnant OCT
Battering During Pregnancy OCT
Birth and Death Certificates, Differential Classification of American Indian Race on JAN
Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: One Service Unit's Response to the Challenge JUL


Case for Continuous Quality Improvement in the IHS Contract Health Service Program JAN
Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening: One Service Unit's Response to the Challenge JUL
Contraception: Patient's Rights and Sterilization FEB
Contraception: Norplant (Comments From the Senior Clinician for OB/GYN) FEB
Contraception: Subdermal Contraceptive Implants in the IHS: The Crow Service Unit Experience FEB
Contraception: Norplant: The Newest Reversible Contraceptive FEB
Contraception: Norplant Implants (Letter to the Editor) JUN
Contraception: Depo-Provera OCT
Contract Health Service Program, Case for Continuous Quality Improvement in the IHS Program JAN
Contract Health Services, Quality of Care Issues for DEC
Coroner: A Tribal Coroner System SEP
CQI: A Case for Continuous Quality Improvement in the IHS Contract Health Service Program JAN
Critical Care Nurse Residency Program FEB
Crow Service Unit Experience, Subdermal Contraceptive Implants in the IHS FEB


Depo-Provera OCT
Diabetes, Navajo Indians with Type 2 MAR
Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease Among Native Americans: Pitfalls of the Vascular Examination in Patients with MAR
Diabetes Camp for Adults JAN
Diabetes, Exercise Prescription Guidelines for Patients with JUL
Diabetes: Short-term Effects of Participation in a Community- Based Exercise Program: A Study in the Pueblo of Zuni JUL
Diabetes: Improving Diabetes Care Through Locally Developed Consensus Guidelines NOV
Diabetes: Applications for a Rapid Glycosylated Hemoglobin Analysis System in an IHS Clinic NOV
Diabetes: Improving Diabetes Care Through Locally Developed Consensus Guidelines NOV
Diabetes: Reducing Amputations in American Indians: A Simple Strategy FEB
Diabetes: Implications of the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial NOV
Differential Classification of American Indian Race on Birth and Death Certificates, U S Reservation States, 1983-1985 JAN
Domestic Violence: Battering During Pregnancy OCT
Domestic Violence: Battered and Pregnant OCT
Domestic Violence, Emergency Dept Response to OCT


Elders, Advocating for Native American MAY
Elders, Action Plan for American Indian and Alaska Native MAY
Establishing the Occurrence of FAS/FAE in a Rural Community APR
Exercise Prescription Guidelines for Patients with Diabetes JUL
Exercise: Short-term Effects of Participation in a Community-Based Exercise Program: A Study in the Pueblo of Zuni JUL


Faculty Development Programs for IHS Clinician Educators SEP
FAS/FAE in a Rural Community, Establishing the Occurrence of APR
Federal Tort Claims Act, Independent Contractors and the JUN
Fetal Demise, The Medical Evaluation in Cases of APR
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in a Rural Community, Establishing the Occurrence of APR
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome DEC


Glycosylated Hemoglobin Analysis System in an IHS Clinic, Applications for a Rapid NOV
Guidelines for Entry of Patient Contacts into the PCC APR


Head Start Health Promotion/Disease Prevention Award FEB
Health Care Family: A Patient and People Oriented Approach to Care JAN
Height and Weight Survey, American Indian School Children AUG


IHS Tobacco Project JUN
IHS and the University of Washington School of Medicine Sign Agreement FEB
IHS: Is It Service Population or User Population? SEP
Implications of the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial NOV
Increasing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: One Service Unit's Response to the Challenge JUL
Independent Contractors and the Federal Tort Claims Act JUN
Is It Service Population or User Population? SEP


Lead Poisoning in Children, Screening for DEC
1994 Letter to the Editor: Norplant Implants JUN
Letter to the Editor: Diabetes Camp for Adults MAR
Letter to the Editor: Preprinting the PCC Form FEB
Letter to the Editor: Bacteremia in FEB
rile Navajo Infants SEP


Master's Degree Program Comes to the Reservation AUG
Medical Evaluation in Cases of Fetal Demise, The APR
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) OCT
Motor Vehicle Injuries on an Indian Reservation, Alcohol Use and Occupant Restraint Usage in APR


Navajo Infants, Bacteremia in FEB
rile (letter to the Editor) SEP
Navajo Infants, Bacteremia in FEB
rile MAR
Navajo Indians with Type 2 Diabetes MAR
Norplant Implants (Letter to the Editor) JUN
Norplant: Subdermal Contraceptive Implants in the IHS: The Crow Service Unit Experience FEB
Norplant: Comments From the Senior Clinician for OB/GYN FEB
Norplant: The Newest Reversible Contraceptive FEB
Nutrition: American Indian School Children Height and Weight Survey AUG
Nutrition: Use of a Simple Computer Program to Assess theProblem of Overweight in Native American School Children AUG


Obesity: American Indian School Children Height and Weight Survey AUG
Obesity: Use of a Simple Computer Program to Assess the Problem of Overweight in Native American School Children AUG


Patient Education Materials Geared to Native Americans AUG
Patient's Rights and Sterilization FEB
Patterns of Prenatal Care Among Sioux and Navajo Women OCT
PCC, Guidelines for Entry of Patient Contacts into the APR
Peripheral Vascular Disease Among Native Americans: Pitfalls of the Vascular Examination in Patients with Diabetes MAR
Portland Area Approach to the Year 2000 Objectives for STDs MAY
Prenatal Care Among Sioux and Navajo Women Patterns of OCT
Prenatal: The Medical Evaluation in Cases of Fetal Demise APR
Prenatal: Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy MAY
Prevention: Increasing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: One Service Unit's Response to the Challenge JUL
Prevention: Screening for Lead Poisoning in Children DEC
Prevention: Using QM Methodologies to Improve Childhood Immunization Rates NOV
Prevention: Women's Wellness Consumer Forum JUL
Prevention: IHS Tobacco Project JUN
Prevention: Year 2000 Objectives for STDs: The Portland Area Approach MAY


QM Methodologies to Improve Childhood Immunization Rates, Using NOV
QM: A Case for Continuous Quality Improvement in the IHS Contract Health Service Program JAN
Quality of Care Issues for Contract Health Services DEC


Recovery: There is a Place Within MAR
Reducing Amputations Caused by Diabetes in American Indians: A Simple Strategy FEB
Risk Management: Independent Contractors and the Federal Tort Claims Act JUN
Risk Management: Quality of Care Issues for Contract Health Services DEC


Screening for Lead Poisoning in Children DEC
Service Population?, Is It User Population or SEP
Short-term Effects of Participation in a Community-Based Exercise Program: A Study in the Pueblo of Zuni JUL
Statistics: Is It Service Population or User Population? SEP
STDs, Year 2000 Objectives for (The Portland Area Approach) MAY
Sterilization and Patient's Rights FEB


There is a Place Within MAR
Tobacco Project, IHS JUN
Tribal Coroner System: The Aberdeen Area Experience SEP


Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy MAY
Use of a Simple Computer Program to Assess the Problem of Overweight in Native American School Children AUG
Using QM Methodologies to Improve Childhood Immunization Rates NOV


Weight: Use of a Simple Computer Program to Assess the Problem of Overweight in Native American School Children AUG
Women's Wellness Consumer Forum JUL


Year 2000 Objectives for STDs: The Portland Area Approach MAY


Zuni, Short-term Effects of Participation in a Community-Based Exercise Program: A Study in the Pueblo of JUL

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