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Export Import Bank of the United States
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Ex-Im Bank Officers

Jeffrey Abramson
Vice President, Trade Finance And Insurance

Alice Albright
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Ravi Arulanantham
Senior Vice President, Strategy

Pamela Bowers
Vice President, Business Credit

David Carter
Vice President, Credit Underwriting

Phil Cogan
Vice President, Communications / Public Affairs

James C. Cruse
Senior Vice President, Policy and Planning

Michael Cushing
Senior Vice President, Resource Management

Michele Dixey
Vice President, Transportation Portfolio Management

Raymond J. Ellis
Vice President, Strategic Initiatives

Jessica Farmer
Vice President, Asset Management Division

Angela Mariana Freyre
Senior Vice President and General Counsel

C. Michael Forgione
Vice President, Office of Industry Sector Development

Wayne Gardella
Vice President, Small Business Finance Division

William Hellert
Vice President, Congressional Affairs

Nathalie Herman
Treasurer (acting)

Walter Hill, Jr.
Vice President, Credit Review and Compliance

Walter Kosciow
Vice President, Short-Term Trade Finance

Michele A. Kuester
Vice President, Business Processes

Vice President, Operations and Data Quality

James A. Mahoney, Jr.
Vice President, Engineering and Environment

William Marsteller
Chief Economist and Vice President, Country Risk And Economic Analysis Division (CREA)

John A. McAdams
Senior Vice President, Export Finance

Piper P. Moffatt
Vice President, International Relations

Robert Morin
Vice President, Transportation

Richard R. Park
Vice President, Project & Corporate Portfolio Management

Daniel Reilly
Senior Vice President, Communications

David Sena
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Scott Schloegel
Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs

John Schuster
Vice President, Structured Finance Division

Joe Sorbera
Vice President - Controller

Charles D. Tansey
Senior Vice President, Small Business

Stephanie Thum
Vice President, Customer Experience

Kenneth M. Tinsley
Senior Vice President, Credit and Risk Management

Kevin Varney
Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff

Helene Walsh
Vice President, Policy Analysis

Fernanda Young
Chief Information Officer

Last Updated: 17 August, 2012

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