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You are here: Methods > Computational methods
Statistical analysis
Branch of mathematics concerned with techniques to collect and interpret data.
Kriging (1 items)
Regression analysis (1 items)
Time series analysis (3 items)

Results 1 - 20 of 20 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Biological resource status and trends: Statistical anaysis [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on statistical analysis methods
Biological resource status and trends: Statistical packages (software) [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on statistical packages (software)
Real-time water-quality monitoring and regression analysis to estimate nutrient and bacteria concentration in Kansas streams. [More info]
Report on the use of regression equations from measurements made by water quality monitors and analytical results of manually collected samples estimating nutrient, bacteria, and other constituent concentrations to study streams in Kansas.
Using geochemical and statistical tools to identify irrigated areas that might contain high selenium concentrations in surface water [More info]
Program using pattern recognition analysis and classification models to determine areas of irrigated land with concentrations of selenium.
PDF A westward extension of the tropical Pacific warm pool leads to March through June drying in Kenya and Ethiopia [More info]
Analysis of sea-surface temperature in the Indian Ocean shows that warming correlates with east African rainfall; the effect on atmospheric convection and precipitation over the Indian Ocean is greater than that associated with El NiƱo (ENSO).
ANALOG: a program for estimating paleoclimate parameters using the method of modern analogs [More info]
Scientific software used with faunal or floral census data to find the modern locations most similar to any given fossil assemblage. Source code is included.
PDF Calculating weighted estimates of peak streamflow statistics [More info]
A method of improving our estimates of statistics used to describe flood frequency, taking into account information obtained from the stream whose flood frequency is being investigated.
PDF Discontinuous nature of kriging digital terrain models [More info]
Research exploring the mathematical properties of kriging, a widely-used surface interpolation method. The continuity properties of kriging digital terrain models over a wide range of terrain types helps hydrologists assess the usefulness of kriging for D
Flood frequency [More info]
Links to Office of Surface Water memos, reference publications, training guides, and software for computing flood frequency.
PDF Hawaii StreamStats; a web application for defining drainage-basin characteristics and estimating peak-streamflow statistics [More info]
Interactive maps providing selected analyses on areas you choose
PDF Historical changes in annual peak flows in Maine and implications for flood-frequency analyses [More info]
Annual peak flows have increased at most rivers in Maine during the last century. What effect does this have on computed peak flows, such as the 100-year flows, that are used for designing bridges and other structures?
PDF Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in rural basins in the southeastern United States: South Carolina [More info]
Flood estimates are needed for the efficient design of bridges, highway embankments, levees, to protect lives and property in flood-prone areas, and to determine flood-insurance rates.
National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition -- Chapter 11 - Water Use [More info]
Provides standards and guidance for measuring, estimating, collecting, and analyzing water-use data. Includes brief descriptions of water-use activities, commonly used water-use terminology, and approaches and methods used in estimating water use.
PDF Regional climate change--Science in the Southeast [More info]
Research projects intended to create regional and national data that conform to conditions predicted by general circulation models, so that land and wildlife managers can understand the likely consequences of climatic changes in their areas of study.
San Francisco Bay bathymetry web site [More info]
Provides location-depth grids of bathymetry available for San Francisco Bay and tools for examining those grids. Data provided as GIS grids and animations.
Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [More info]
Overview of the Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative, annual report, field methods and protocols, statistical design and analysis, glossary, projects, and lists of frogs, toads and salamanders.
Streamflow statistics for US states [More info]
Streamflow statistics and basin characteristics for most streams in specific US states using the Streamstats program. Data for areas can be selected from interactive maps and by an automated process. Includes a tutorial.
Trumpeter swan [More info]
Studies of the trends of the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans using time series analysis.
PDF Use of Minerals and Materials in the United States From 1900 Through 2006 [More info]
Types and quantities of raw materials used by U.S. manufacturers and consumers, which have changed significantly as the economy has moved from one that is predominantly agricultural to one that is primarily industrial.
Water resources of Virginia - floods [More info]
Brief description of project for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prepare and modify Flood Insurance Rate Maps based on flood frequency analysis, ground surveys, and flood profiles in Virginia.
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