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National Leadership Computing Facility
Features In This Issue - Volume 37 Number 2, 2004



An Editorial:
Regaining America's Leadership in High-Performance Computing

On May 12, 2004, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced a new initiative that promises to reshape the next generation of scientific discovery in America. More...


Leadership-Class Computing for Science
DOE's Center for Computational Sciences at ORNL leads a partnership that will provide America with the world's fastest scientific computing facility. More...


Scientific Discovery


Uncovering Secrets of Living Cells

The Computational Biology Institute at CCS will develop software tools to enable understanding of the molecular interactions of protein networks in bacteria and in mice. More...


Climate and Carbon Research
Glimpses of Global Warming

Advanced climate models and faster supercomputers must be developed to ensure that policymakers have better global and regional predictions of future climate and its effects. More...


Progress Through Computation

Ultrascale scientific computing, combined with the nation's best physicists and computer scientists in research partnerships, will be needed to solve difficult problems to hasten the design of a cost-effective fusion power plant. More...


Exploring and Modeling 21st Century Materials

Computational materials scientists at ORNL are using the high-performance computing infrastructure at CCS to explore superconductivity and magnetic nanostructures. More...


Simulating Supernovae

Answers to huge scientific questions may come from findings made in realistic simulations of exploding stars on the world's fastest supercomputers. More...


Tomorrow's Molecular and Nanoscale Devices

Large multidisciplinary collaborations that combine chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science will tackle future challenges in molecular electronics and nanotechnology. More...


Partnerships, Systems, Services, Support


Center for Computational Sciences:
A Leadership-Class Facility

ORNL has America's largest unclassified scientific computing facility, with the personnel, infrastructure, and services to support the development of an ultrascale scientific computing program. More...


Joining Hands to Address National Problems

The CCS has established collaborations and partnerships with researchers throughout the nation. Some collaborations involve university faculty and students. More...


Linking America's Laboratories

ORNL researchers have been tasked by DOE to develop the next generation of scientific networks to address the challenges of large science applications, such as moving large volumes of data at high speeds between science facilities and supercomputers. More...


Software Tools:
Scalable Systems Software for Terascale Computer Centers

The Scalable Systems Software project coordinated by ORNL is fundamentally changing the way future high-end systems software is developed to make it more cost effective, robust, and scalable to multiteraflop supercomputers. More...


Future Computing Technologies:
Pathfinders for Ultrascale Computing

The future technologies team at CCS plays an important role in the development of leadership-class computing. More...


New Ways to Understand the Data

The Visualization Laboratory and the Science Visualization Facility at CCS enable researchers to understand and convey the significance of a supercomputer's calculation results. More...


A Critical Connection

Industrial firms in the Southeast have an opportunity to use the computational resources of a Department of Energy national lab to solve their difficult scientific problems. More...


...and the Winners are...

Accomplishments of Distinction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. More...


Top of Features Index

View of Computer Science Complex: Research Office Building on left and Computer Science building on right.
View of Computer Science Complex: Research Office Building on left and Computer Science building on right.
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