Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Sergeant Monique Sorrell

I get to cook almost everyday which is the one thing I love more than anything in this world.

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Sergeant Monique Sorrell

I get to cook almost everyday which is the one thing I love more than anything in this world.

I'm Sergeant Monique Sorrell, a 92 Gulf which is a Food Service Specialist in the United States Army. I joined the Army with just one job in mind, to be a 92 Gulf a Food Service Specialist. I get to cook almost everyday which is the one thing I love more than anything in this world. Cooking in the Army is important because no matter where you go you have to make sure that your Soldiers are feed. The quality of food that you provide your Soldiers is what's going to boost the morale and keep them happy doing their jobs. There are so many avenue that you can go into from cooking. Not only can you be a cook in the Army but you can also get your certifications to become an executive chef, a sous-chef, a master chef or a pastry chef. So don't think that ‘oh once I get into the Army, I'm stuck to cooking and that's all I'm going to do, it's going to be boring.' It's fun, I love my job and if you have any passion for food then this is what you want to do. What give me the greatest pleasure is knowing that at the end of the meal, you're smiling because of something that I created for you.
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