
-06/26/11  Press Availability Following the inaugural U.S.-China Asia-Pacific Consultations;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Honolulu, Hawaii
-06/24/11  Briefing on His Upcoming Trip to the Pacific Islands;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Washington, DC
-06/24/11  Remarks With South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan After Their Meeting;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-06/23/11  Remarks With Pacific Island Journalists;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Via Teleconference
-06/21/11  Remarks With Defense Secretary Gates; Japanese Foreign Minister Matsumoto; and Japanese Defense Minister Kitazawa;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-06/17/11  Remarks on North Korea's Requirements for International Compliance; Remarks at News Conference; Seoul, South Korea
-06/16/11  Compact of Free Association with the Republic of Palau: Assessing the 15-year Review;  Deputy Assistant Secretary Frankie Reed; Statement before Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Washington, DC
-06/13/11  Deputy Secretary Steinberg's Participation in the Trilateral Strategic Dialogue; Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-06/10/11  Press Walk-out at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Seoul, South Korea
-06/02/11  Block Burmese JADE Act and Recent Policy Developments;  Deputy Assistant Secretary Joseph Yun, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Washington, DC
-06/02/11  Implementation of the North Korean Human Rights Act; Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues Robert R. King; Statement Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Washington, DC


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