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    Title: Train-The-Trainer Plans
    Type: Text Slide

    • Include trainer and trainee plan
    • Describe the content of both types of training
    • Provide a reporting plan for conducting and documenting second-tier training
    • Be realistic regarding projections
    [Includes OSHA logo]

    Speaker Notes:

    OSHA will only recognize train-the-trainer plans that are detailed and fully explained.

    If you plan to use a train-the-trainer approach, you must provide specifics on its components. This includes describing the number of trainers and trainees and the characteristics of both of these groups.

    For both the trainer and trainee sessions you need to provide information on the training length, training content, the class materials, and where each training session will take place.

    You also need to explain how the train-the-trainer trainees will document and report back to your organization about the second-tier training they have conducted and the students they have taught.

    Be realistic when projecting planned training numbers, especially for second-tier training.