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  • The U.S. Air Force launched the robotic X-B space plane in early  on a space mission that remains a secret -- even after the craft touched ground  days later at Vandenberg Air Force Base. In early , the ship took off again on its latest mission.

    Inside the Air Force's secret space plane

    The U.S. Air Force launched the robotic X-37B space plane in early 2010 on a space mission that remains a secret -- even after the craft touched ground 225 days later at Vandenberg Air Force Base. In early 2011, the ship took off again on its latest mission.

  • Mankind has always been fascinated by the unknown, especially unidentified flying objects. Are they alien aircraft, acts of nature, or simply hoaxes? Here are some images to help you decide.

    Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

    Mankind has always been fascinated by the unknown, especially unidentified flying objects. Are they alien aircraft, acts of nature, or simply hoaxes? Here are some images to help you decide.