Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region Banner
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Welcome to the Bureau of Reclamation's
Lower Colorado Region
Managing the lower Colorado River and water resource projects and programs in Arizona, southern California, and southern Nevada.

  • Greenway Trail below Davis Dam
  • Heavy Equipment Maintenance Shop award
  • Colorado River Basin Study
  • Arizona and Reclamation Centennial website
  • AZ Celebration of Freedom
Greenway Trail below Davis Dam Yuma Maintenance Crew Colorado River Basin Study Arizona Centennial Website AZ Celebration of Freedom
(Click on images above for more infomation. Place cursor over squares in top right to view images available or use controls.)

Who We Are...

The Bureau of Reclamation's Lower Colorado Region serves as the "water master" for the last 288 miles of the Colorado River within the United States on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior. We also maintain Hoover, Davis and Parker Dams, annually measure and account for the water's use, and maintain the river channel and protective levees. More...

Features & News...

Newsroom GraphicLatest Regional News
Read all about it! -- the most recent news about our activities and programs throughout the Southwest.

Arizona Green Business logo
new buttonColorado River Heritage Greenway Trail opens near Laughlin, Nevada, with a celebratory ribbon-cutting.

Arizona Green Business logo

Yuma's Heavy Equipment Shop is certified as a "Green Shop" through Arizona's Green Business Program.

AZ celebration of freedom logoReclamation joins in Arizona's Celebration of Freedom to highlight the agency's role in the nation's and state's rich historical heritage.

motivational comments from San Diego River Cleanup
San Diego River "Youth Day of Service" brings volunteers together to "lend a hand".

CRB Study GraphicA Webinar offering the public an update about the status of the Colorado River Basin Water Supply & Demand Study was held July 17. The study is analyzing water supply and demand imbalances in the basin, and is developing options to address these issues.

arizona centennial logoWebsite Celebrates 100 years of cooperation in Arizona illustrating, decade by decade, the water development benefits for the state's cities, farms, and tribal lands. Also see a video introduction from Reclamation Commissioner Connor.

  Map of Region Colorado River Water
    Reservoir Water Levels
    River Water Use
    River Water Contracts
    Law of the River
    River Management Strategies
    All River Operations Info...

General Info & Photos
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    Water Conservation
    More Activities...

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Lower Colorado Regional Office, PO Box 61470, Boulder City, NV 89006
phone:702-293-8000 or visit our Contact Us page

Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@usbr.gov
Updated: 8/20/12