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Flash Player 10/Articulate Presenter Compatibility Issue Support Page

How to Fix the Problem (When Possible)

Some of you may have noticed a problem viewing Articulate Presenter training in a web browser that uses the Flash Player 10 plug-in. This issue is a known problem and Articulate has released an application that will fix the problematic files in most of these training modules. The most recent version of this application was released on November 7, 2008. WDTB has used this application to correct training on our web site. This application is available for download at the following web site:


WDTB recommends that forecast offices download, install, and run this updater on any office PCs where:

  1. You have already installed Flash Player 10 and
  2. you have installed WDTB training modules for forecasters to view locally due to any bandwidth issues in your office.

For offices that have a copy of the Articulate Presenter software, this application can also be used to fix your local copy and avoid this issue with any presentations that you publish in the future.

There is some WDTB training that cannot currently be corrected by using this application (e.g., older presentations published using Articulate Presenter 3.x, presentations installed locally on Linux machines). A list of WDTB training known to fall into these categories is available. If you have not already installed Flash Player 10, we recommend that you do not install it at this time. We are working on solutions to address all of the training that currently does not work in Flash Player 10 and will provide more information on our progress at this URL.

Some Background on the Problem

On October 17, 2008, Adobe released the Flash Player 10 plug-in to support web browsers playing SWF files creating using the new Adobe Creative Suite 4. Unfortunately, this new plug-in has caused previously published Articulate modules and interactions from working properly. The exact details of the problem are available on Articulate's web site at the following URL:


What this problem looks like varies depending on the version of the player software. For most presentations, the error will look something like the image below:

Example image of Flash Player 10 error in Articulate Presenter modules

For some older modules, the error will look something like the following:

Example image of Flash Player 10 error in Articulate Presenter modules


List of WDTB Training Currently Impacted by the Flash Player 10/Articulate Issue:

There is now only two presentations on WDTB's web site that are impacted by this issue. These lessons are:

  • AWOC Core Track IC 4: Lesson 1 & 4

WDTB training designed for your local WES workstation that are potentially impacted by this issue include:

  • AWIPS OB8.1 Delta Training
  • AWIPS OB8.2 Delta Training
  • FFMP-Advanced Training
  • RDA/RPG Build 10 Delta Training, Part 3
  • DLOC Topic 1 WES Exercises

Lastly, some recent courses that were shipped on CD/DVD that would also be impacted by this problem are:

  • FY09 DLOC CD Training
  • FY09 Winter AWOC DVD Training

Using the Articulate updater application to fix the files on your local Windows PC hard drive should correct the problem (if you have updated to Flash Player 10).


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Warning Decision Training Branch
120 David L. Boren Blvd.
Norman, OK 73072
Page Author: WDTB Webmaster
Page last modified: November 6, 2012 16:19

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