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Most DfE publications are available online. Please see below for the complete list. Order documents by placing a check next to items on the list below and filling out the order form at the bottom of the page. Publications, in limited number, are available without charge. You may also place an order directly to the National Service Center for Environmental Publications.

You can access older DfE documents at the DfE section of the OPPT Web Documents Archive page.

General DfE Publications

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November, 1999, 170 pages
This document describes the DfE process for voluntary environmental improvement that was developed through the DfE Program's initial partnerships with the printing and dry cleaning industries and other stakeholders. The story and results of these two projects are offered to inspire others who are working to solve environmental problems and to provide a working model of successful stakeholder partnerships for voluntary environmental improvement. This publication is designed for those interested in learning about initiating or participating in DfE partnerships and for anyone who might benefit from the increased efficiency and reduced risk that a successful DfE project provides.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA): A Methodology and Resource Guide [Web Only]
December 1996, 509 pages
Describes the methods and resources used by the DfE Program to compare the risk, cost, and performance of alternative products, processes, and technologies.

April 1999, 8 pages

March 2001
A tri-fold brochure available from NSCEP that gives an overview of the Design for the Environment (DfE) Program, DfE approaches, and how to partner. This information is also available on this site at About DfE.

Design for the Environment Partnership Highlights (PDF) (4 pp, 1.04MB) [Web Only]
March 2006, 4 pages
PDF version of the Partnership Highlights page
This pamphlet highlights DfE's recent partnerships and their common goals of risk reduction.

Design for the Environment Program Fact Sheet (PDF) (24 KB) [Web Only]
August 2002 revision, 2 Pages
Provides a general overview of the DfE Program, its active projects, and contacts for more information.

July 1998, poster

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Automotive Refinishing Publications

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Small Auto Refinish Shop Project in Philadelphia [Web Only]
August 1998, 2 pages
PDF version of Small Auto Refinish Shop Project in Philadelphia (70 KB)
This fact sheet explains the Small Auto Refinish Shop Project, including the goals of the project, why it is important to auto refinishers, the improvements shops in Philadelphia are making, and information on partnering with DfE.


Automotive Refinishing Industry: Isocyanates Profile [Revised Draft] [Web Only]
May 1997 (revised January 5, 2005), 60 pages
The purpose of this report is to investigate isocyanates, especially concerning their use in the automotive refinishing industry. The report provides information on automotive refinishing, control technologies employed to reduce exposures, and the regulatory status of a group of isocyanate compounds. The report also points out opportunities for innovation in reducing exposures and risks and promoting pollution prevention.

Choosing the Right Gloves for Painting Cars [Web Only]
June 2000, 2 pages
PDF version of Choosing the Right Gloves for Painting Cars (92 KB)
This fact sheet provides practical information and advice to guide shops from conventional to best practices.

Factors That Motivate Owners of Auto Refinish Shops to Implement Changes (PDF) (20 KB) [Web Only]
April 1999, 6 pages
This report summarizes safe work practices implemented by auto refinish shops participating in DfE's Auto Refinish Pilot Project, as well as the factors that motivated shop owners to make these changes. This report is based on nine site visits to shops in the Philadelphia area and one in the Minneapolis area.

Best Shop Practices
Three sets of documents focus on the key components of beneficial change in small auto refinish shops. Compiled from real-life shop experiences, the documents serve as worker protection and pollution prevention goals for the small shop.

High-Volume, Low-Pressure Spray Guns
These fact sheets provide practical information and advice to guide shops from conventional to best practices.

Supplied Air Respirators

These fact sheets provides practical information and advice to guide shops from conventional to best practices.

Worker Health And Safety
These fact sheets provides practical information and advice to guide shops from conventional to best practices to preserve worker health.

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Computer Display Publications

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August 1998; 2 pages
PDF version of the Computer Display Project Fact Sheet (75 KB)
This fact sheet provides basic information about the Computer Display Project. It explains the EPA partnership with the industry, examines the nature and goals of the project, and provides an overview of work being conducted by the project team, including a Life-Cycle Assessment/Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment study.


March 2002, 40 pages
Summarizes the results of an evaluation of the environmental impacts of desktop computer displays using cathode ray tube and liquid crystal display technologies.

(EPA/744-R-01-004a and EPA/744-R-01-004b [appendices])
December 2001, 1017 pages
This study is designed to provide the electronics industry with information needed to improve the environmental attributes of desktop computer displays. The evaluation considers impacts related to material consumption, energy, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity. It is intended to provide valuable data not previously published, and an opportunity to use the model developed for this project in future improvement evaluations that consider life-cycle impacts. It will also provide the industry and consumers with valuable information to make environmentally informed decisions regarding display technologies, and enable them to consider the relative environmental merits of a technology along with its performance and cost.

December 1998, 67 pages
This report contains an overview of the cathode ray tube (CRT) and liquid crystal display (LCD) computer monitor markets, and explains the basic operation and manufacturing of CRTs and thin-film transistor LCDs.

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Flame Retardants in Printed Circuit Boards Publications

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Design for the Environment: Partnership to Evaluate Flame Retardants in Printed Circuit Boards (PDF) (7.4MB) [Web Only]
November 2008, 273 pages
This report contains a summary of the environmental and human health attributes of selected flame retardants used in printed circuit boards.

Lead-Free Solder Publications

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(134 KB)
August 2005, 2 pages
This fact sheet provides basic information about the Lead-Free Solder Partnership. It explains the nature and goals of the partnership, and provides an overview of the work being conducted by the project team, including a Life-Cycle Assessment of tin-lead and lead-free solders used in the electronics industry.


(PDF, 3.6MB, 51 Pages)
August 2005, 51 pages
This document summarizes the results of the life-cycle evaluation of the environmental impacts of selected lead-free solders as alternatives to tin-lead solder used in electronics. Life-cycle impacts related to material consumption, energy use, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

August 2005; 338 pages + Appendices
This life-cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated the potential environmental impacts of selected lead-free solders as alternatives to tin-lead solder. Life-cycle impacts related to material consumption, energy use, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

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Printed Wiring Board Publications

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February 2000, 2 pages
Provides an overview of DfE's Printed Wiring Board (PWB) Partnership and the search for viable pollution prevention alternatives in the PWB industry. Summarizes the technical, communication, and implementation work completed for the "making holes conductive" and surface finishes studies.


(2.55 MB)
June 2001, 43 pages
Summarizes the key findings of DfE's comparative evaluation of health risk and competitiveness issues for hot air solder leveling (HASL) and five alternative surface finishings.

(EPA/744-R-01-003A and B)
June 2001, 475 pages (Volume 1); 419 pages (Volume 2: Appendices)
The "Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Surface Finishes" is a technical document that presents information on the risks, costs, and performance, as well as resource requirements of six technologies for performing surface finishing during printed wiring board (PWB) manufacturing. Surface finishing technologies deposit a coating on the outside surfaces of PWBs, which provides a solderable surface for future assembly, while also protecting surfaces from contamination.

(178 KB)
March 2000, 49 pages
Describes lessons learned and suggestions for implementing and using alternative surface finishes in manufacturing printed wiring boards.

(600 KB)
September 1998, 44 pages
Summarizes an analysis of the comparative risk, performance, cost, and natural resource use for technologies that can perform the "making holes conductive" function during printed wiring board manufacturing. Includes the standard electroless copper process and six formaldehyde-free alternatives.

(923 KB)
August 1998, 135 pages
Analyzes the results of a 1997 survey of pollution prevention and controls technologies used by printing wiring board manufacturers, as well as information provided by technology vendors and obtained through a literature search. Contains analysis of production methods and materials; wastewater; pollution prevention and water conservation methods; bath maintenance; recycling and recovery methods; off-site recycling; and end-of-pipe treatment methods.

August 1998, 405 pages

August 1998, 410 pages
The Printed Wiring Board Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive is a technical document that presents comparative risk, competitiveness, and natural resource consumption information for seven technologies that can perform the "making holes conductive" (MHC) function during printed wiring board (PWB) manufacturing.

February 1997, 56 pages
Describes lessons learned and suggestions for using and implementing the MHC alternatives evaluated in the MHC Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment. Alternative technologies discussed include carbon, graphite, palladium, and conductive polymer methods.

September 1995, 84 pages
Describes industry demographics, types of products produced, size of the printed wiring board (PWB) market, and trends in international trade. Also describes the basic steps in PWB manufacturing and alternative technologies and processes currently in use for each of the major steps.

September 1995, 102 pages
Presents the results of a pollution prevention and control survey of printed wiring board (PWB) manufacturers and describes the state of PWB environmental technology and practices in 1995. Includes discussions of production methods and materials; wastewater; pollution prevention and water conservation methods; bath maintenance, recycling, and recovery methods; off-site recycling; and end-of-pipe treatment.

September 1995, 67 pages
Summarizes the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Superfund, Community Right-to-Know, and Toxic Substances Control Act requirements that affect the electronics industry.

March 1999, 4 pages

  [Image file]
January 1997, 6 pages

Making Holes Conductive Performance Testing Results
October 1996, 20 pages
This document describes the making holes conductive (MHC) project performance demonstration methodology and results. The purpose of the performance demonstration was to evaluate the performance of technologies that make PWB through-holes conductive. In order to complete this evaluation, PWB panels, designed to represent industry "middle-of-the-road" technology, were manufactured at one facility, run through individual MHC lines at 26 facilities, then electroplated at one facility. The panels were then electrically prescreened, followed by electrical stress testing and mechanical testing, in order to distinguish variability in the performance of the MHC interconnect. The results of the demonstration suggest that direct metallization technologies perform at least as well as electroless copper if operated according to specifications.


July 1995, 4 pages
Provides guidance on planning and implementing a pollution prevention program, and discusses several methods to reduce chemical use, conserve water, recover materials, and reduce copper buildup and sludge generation.

July 1995, 4 pages
Describes the economic and environmental advantages of regenerating spent etchant on site and provides an overview of the different types of etchant regeneration systems available on the market. Includes system descriptions, product features, availability, and cost savings information.

October 1995, 4 pages
Highlights the pollution prevention efforts of a medium-sized printed wiring board manufacturer. Explains the economic and environmental benefits of acid recovery, microetchant regeneration, and full panel solder strip recycling.

September 1996, 4 pages
Describes the successes enjoyed by a manufacturer of double-sided and multi-layer printed wiring boards after implementing plasma desmear technology. Outlines the economic and environmental savings resulting from the adoption of the plasma desmear process.

December 1996, 4 pages
Highlights the experience of a PWB manufacturing facility in implementing a continuous-flow system for reusing sulfuric acid-potassium persulfate micro-etchant.

May 1997, 4 pages
Describes the experience of Tri-Star Technologies, a printed wiring board manufacturer, in implementing pollution prevention measures. These new measures led to both energy and water use reductions, resulting in significant cost savings for the company.

December 1997, 4 pages
Describes the benefits of initiating an environmental management system (EMS), and describes the process by which a company can identify the environmental aspects of its operations and determine their significance, based on the experiences of HR Industries, Inc. (now McDonald Technologies), a PWB manufacturer.

December 1997, 4 pages
Describes the initial steps taken by a PWB manufacturer (HR Industries, Inc.) to develop an environmental management system (EMS), shows the similarity between the requirements for ISO 14001 and ISO 9000, and demonstrates how the ISO 9000 quality system may be used to begin building an ISO 14001 EMS.

May 1999, 4 pages
Provides information about Flexible Simulation Modeling of PWB Costs, an accounting software developed by the University of Tennessee and EPA's DfE Program to help PWB manufacturers explore how modifications in production processes will affect your costs.

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Safer Product Labeling Program Publications

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Design for the Environment: Formulator Partnership Initiative—EPA and Industry Working Together [Web Only]
August 2000
This brochure highlights the benefits of partnership and some key questions EPA considers when deciding whether to partner.


Considerations for Partnership [Web Only]
January 1999
DfE's Considerations paper discusses the program's approach to forming partnerships and ways to improve the environmental profile of cleaning products (and processes), as exemplified by the Industrial and Institutional Laundry Partnership.

Invitation to Partner and Worksheet to Evaluate Alternative Ingredients: A Note to Cleaning Chemical Formulators [Web Only]
August 2000
To obtain an initial environmental profile of a cleaner's ingredients, DfE encourages potential formulator partners to fill out the Ingredient Worksheet. DfE will use a completed worksheet—handled strictly as proprietary business information—to prepare a preliminary health and environmental assessment of a formulation's ingredients. This initial profile can serve as a baseline for considering safer alternatives and as a discussion piece for developing a partnership agreement.

DfE Formulator Initiative: Ingredient Worksheet (PDF) (1 pg, 165KB) [Web Only]
May 2008
A worksheet to help the company to begin developing an environmental and human health profile of the ingredients the company uses. With it, DfE prepares a preliminary assessment profile of the company's ingredients as a baseline for considering safer alternatives. DfE will consider all information provided as proprietary and will handle it in a strictly confidential manner.

Boilerplate Partnership Agreement: Formulators-Commercial Cleaning (PDF) (10 pp, 44K) [Web Only]
May 2008, 10 pages
This sample partnership agreement offers potential partners an understanding of the elements in a typical partnership and may be used as a model in drafting a new partnership agreement. The circumstances and needs of an individual partnership will shape a partnership agreement's specific content and wording.


Design for the Environment Formulator Program: A Discriminating and Protective Approach to Cleaning Product Review and Recognition (PDF)
January 2008 (9 pp, 138K) [Web Only]
Information on the DfE Formulator product recognition program. The logo for the program means that the DfE review team has screened each ingredient in the product for potential human health and environmental effects and that - based on currently available information, predictive models, and expert judgment - the product contains only those ingredients that pose the least concern among chemicals in their class.

Technical Fact Sheet on Key Characteristics of Cleaning Formulation Ingredients [Web Only]
August 2000, 3 pages
The Ingredient Fact Sheet summarizes some of the key environmental and human health characteristics - positive and negative - that DfE has identified in cleaning formulation ingredients and systems. This document provides an overview of the characteristics and the project itself.

Key Characteristics of Cleaning Formulation Ingredients [Web Only]
August 2000, 2 pages
PDF version of Key Characteristics of Cleaning Formulation Ingredients (11KB)
This fact sheet summarizes some of the key environmental and human health characteristics - positive and negative - that DfE has identified in cleaning formulation ingredients and systems.

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Furniture Flame Retardancy Publications

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Environmentally Preferable Approaches for Achieving Furniture Fire Safety Standards (PDF) (213 KB) [Web Only]
September 2004, pamphlet
This pamphlet provides an overview of the Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership, describing key players and project goals.

September 2005, 2 pages
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership's report on flame retardants in furniture foam as alternatives to pentaBDE.

(EPA/742-R-05-002A) (EPA/742-R-05-002B)
September 2005, 2 Volumes
This alternatives assessment provides environmental and human health attributes for flame retardants in furniture foam as alternatives to pentaBDE.

Please note! As of April 7, 2006, only Volume 1 is available from NSCEP.

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Industrial & Institutional Laundry Publications

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Industrial and Institutional Laundry Partnership Initiative—EPA and Industry Working Together [Web Only]
November 1999
This brochure highlights the benefits of partnership and some key points EPA considers when deciding whether to partner.


Considerations for Partnership [Web Only]
January 1999
DfE's Considerations paper discusses the program's approach to forming partnerships and ways to improve the environmental profile of laundry products and processes.

Invitation to Partner and Worksheet to Evaluate Alternative Ingredients: A Note to Industrial and Institutional Laundry Formulators [Web Only]
1999; Updated November 2002
To obtain an initial environmental profile of a detergent's ingredients, DfE encourages potential formulator partners to fill out the Ingredient Worksheet. DfE will use a completed worksheet—handled strictly as proprietary business information—to prepare a preliminary health and environmental assessment of a formulation's ingredients. This initial profile can serve as a baseline for considering safer alternatives and as a discussion piece for developing a partnership agreement.

Industrial and Institutional Laundry Ingredients Worksheet [Web Only]
August 12, 2002
A worksheet to help the company to begin developing an environmental and human health profile of the ingredients the company uses. With it, DfE prepares a preliminary assessment profile of the company's ingredients as a baseline for considering safer alternatives. DfE will consider all information provided as proprietary and will handle it in a strictly confidential manner.


Technical Fact Sheet on Key Characteristics of Laundry Detergent Ingredients [Web Only]
May 1999, 2 pages
The Ingredient Fact Sheet summarizes some of the key environmental and human health characteristics - positive and negative - that DfE has identified in laundry detergent ingredients and systems. This document provides an overview of the characteristics and the project itself.

Key Characteristics of Laundry Detergent Ingredients [Web Only]
May 1999, 3 pages
This fact sheet summarizes some of the key environmental and human health characteristics - positive and negative - that DfE has identified in laundry detergent ingredients and systems.

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Integrated Environmental Management Systems (IEMS) Publications

The DfE program makes a number of self-directed IEMS tools available to businesses, associations, and other organizations.

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October 2000
How to Use the IEMS Implementation Guide
This guide is intended for small and medium sized companies and associations, as well as large companies, federal agencies and facilities, and business educators. It offers a step-by-step approach to help organizations develop and implement an IEMS. Its simple, thorough directions are clear even to those unfamiliar with environmental management planning. The IEMS approach described in this document follows the guidelines of ISO 14001 — the official International standard for EMS — but enhances this standard by emphasizing chemical risk management, use of cleaner technologies, and pollution prevention. This guide is most effective when used in tandem with the IEMS Company Manual Template for Small Businesses and other tools listed below.
Para la versión de español, vea Guía de Implementación de SIAA
Noviembre 2003, 65 paginas

Worksheets from the IEMS Implementation Guide (PDF) (345 KB) [Web Only]
October 2000, 50 pages
Integrated Environmental Management Systems Worksheets [WordPerfect] (746 KB) [Web Only]
These blank worksheets, excerpted from the IEMS Implementation Guide, can be used with the Guide to initiate an IEMS and re-evaluate it each year. The worksheets are intended to help organizations evaluate the specific benefits and costs of an IEMS, identify the resources needed, identify key environmental issues to focus on, track pollution prevention and other environmental successes, and other details involved with developing, implementing, and maintaining a successful IEMS.

December 2000
How to use the Company Manual Template
This template offers an example of how the fictional Smith Corporation documented its IEMS. The template contains text, tables, and other features that companies can tailor to their own unique circumstances, along with procedures and associated formats for developing a customized IEMS.
Para la versión de español, vea SIAA Plantilla de Manual para Pequeñas Empresas
Noviembre 2003, 272 paginas

Environmental Management Systems: Incorporating DfE into Your Gap Analysis [DRAFT] (PDF) (30 KB) [Web Only]
April 1999, 5 pages
This document offers a series of sample questions and topics to help organizations conduct a self-evaluation in order to compare its current environmental management practices against a standard EMS (known as a "gap analysis").

Environmental Management Systems: Incorporating DfE into Your Environmental Policy [DRAFT] (PDF) (65 KB) [Web Only]
April 1999, 3 pages
This document focuses on including "design for the environment" principles in an organization's environmental policy, which becomes the guide for developing an EMS. It includes information on setting and achieving environmental goals and provides a sample environmental policy.

Environmental Management Systems: Process Mapping Approach (PDF) (74 KB) [Web Only]
April 1999, 15 pages
This document provides a comprehensive method for identifying the environmental issues (also known as aspects) of an organization's company's activities. This systematic and comprehensive approach, known as "process mapping," is a fundamental step for developing an EMS.

Environmental Management Systems: Prioritizing Environmental Issues [DRAFT] (PDF) (37 KB) [Web Only]
April 1999, 5 pages
This document provides a simple, effective method for determining which of an organization's environmental aspects are significant, based on DfE priorities and other criteria, and therefore warrant inclusion in an EMS.


An IEMS Checklist for Lead Organizations [Web Only]
A lead organization is an association, technical assistance provider, large company, or other organization that is in a position to facilitate the development of an Integrated Environmental Management System (IEMS) among its members, clients, or small suppliers. This fact sheet presents a step by step list of actions lead organizations should take to spearhead the development of IEMS for a particular industry sector or organizational niche. It also provides an example of how one lead organization, the Screenprinting and Graphic Imaging Association International (SGIA), worked with DfE and seven member companies to develop an industry-wide IEMS.
Para la versión de español, vea Un Lista de Verificación de un SIAA para Organizaciones Lideres

(1705 KB)
April 2001, 6 pages
This case study describes how Gillespie Decals, Inc. used an IEMS as part of a pilot project to demonstrate how a small company can manage its environmental concerns while remaining bottom-line oriented. Gillespie Decals experienced a variety of benefits as a result of its IEMS implementation including a lower risk of health and environmental concerns, reduced exposure to solvent chemicals, and improved training of employees — which translated into greater efficiency for the company.

July 1998, 4 pages
This bulletin illustrates the benefits of implementing an EMS based on DfE concepts. It uses real-world examples from Precix® Inc. (formerly called Acushnet Rubber Company) in Massachusetts.


21 minutes
This video documents the experiences of two printers that developed EMSs for their companies. The purpose of the video is to encourage businesses of all sizes to consider implementing an EMS within their companies. By focusing on small steps and easy successes at first, companies can garner the support and enthusiasm needed from employees to proceed to larger, more complex projects. The video cites many examples of easy ways to incorporate environmental and pollution prevention decisions into daily business practices, and shows that many environmental benefits may be economic as well.


December 1997, 4 pages
This case study describes the benefits of initiating an EMS and the process by which a company can identify the environmental aspects of its operations and determine their significance. These results are based on the experiences of H-R Industries, Inc. (now McDonald Technologies), a manufacturer of printed wiring boards.

December 1997, 4 pages
This case study describes the initial steps taken by a printed wiring board manufacturer, H-R Industries, Inc., to develop an EMS; shows the similarity between the requirements for ISO 14001 and ISO 9000; and demonstrates how the ISO 9000 quality system may be used to begin building an ISO 14001 EMS.

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Lithium-ion Batteries and Nanotechnology Partnership - Logo
Lithium-ion Batteries and Nanotechnology Partnership

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(207 KB) [Web Only]
(EPA 744-F09-001)
February 2010, 2 pages

This fact sheet provides basic information about the Lithium-ion Batteries and Nanotechnology Partnership. It explains the goals of the partnership, the need for the project, and provides an overview of the work being conducted by the project team, including the life-cycle assessment methodology.


(The draft report has been removed from this site while we incorporate changes to produce the final report) [Web Only]
(EPA 744-R-12-001)
April 2012, 123 pages

This report presents the results of the life-cycle evaluation of lithium-ion batteries used in plug-in electric and electric vehicles. The study also assessed single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) anode nanotechnology for use in next-generation Li-ion batteries. Life-cycle impacts related to energy use, green-house gas emissions, material consumption, air and water resources, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

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Nail Salons

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An updated version of the guide Protecting the Health of Nail Salon Workers (PDF) (21 pp., 1M, About PDF) [Web Only] is now availabe. The guide's non-technical language will help workers understand product ingredients and how to prevent overexposure to those that present potential health risks.

In Vietnamese: Bản tài liệu này hướng dẫn nhiều việc quan trọng cho nhân viên và chủ tiệm móng tay để họ có thể có một nơi làm việc an toàn hơn. Xin hãy kiếm người thông dịch nó ra tiếng Việt hoặc hội ý với những người đã đọc qua và thông hiểu ý nghĩa của nó.

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Federal Environmental Regulations Potentially Affecting the Commercial Printing Industry (PDF) (76 pp, 171KB)
April 1994, 76 pages
This helpful report summarizes the requirements of federal laws that apply to the commercial printing industry, such as the Clean Air Act; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (Superfund); the Community Right-to-Know Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

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Flexographic Printing Publications

The DfE Flexographic Printing Partnership developed a variety of materials to help flexographic printers design operations that are more environmentally sound, safer for workers, and more profitable.

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(505 KB)
April 2002, 2 pages
This 2-page brochure provides highlights of the Flexography Partnership's technical report, Flexographic Ink Options: A Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA). This study assessed the performance, environmental, human health, and cost aspects of solvent-based, water-based, and ultraviolet-cured inks as printed on wide-web film substrates.

April 2002, 58 pages
This booklet summarizes the key findings of the Flexography Partnership's technical report, Flexographic Ink Options: A Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment. It also has suggestions on how printers and ink companies can use the findings to reduce environmental and health impacts associated with inks.


(607 KB)
August 2002, 4 pages
This brochure identifies pollution prevention opportunities throughout the flexographic printing process. It also contains a pollution prevention checklist. How many suggestions have been implemented at your facility?

(625 KB)
April 2002, 6 pages
Developed in collaboration with the National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers, this flowchart can help ink companies design a process to develop inks with superior environmental, health, and safety profiles.

April 1998, 19 minutes
Video Brochure for Inside Flexo: A Cleaner Run for the Money
This video provides useful tips to flexographic printers for working more efficiently and saving money, while improving the environment. Veteran printers share their success stories in the following areas: (1) managing inks efficiently, (2) printing successfully with alternative inks, (3) making the best use of press return inks, (4) using new cleaning methods that improve efficiency, and (5) improving the bottom line through sound environmental practices.


(EPA/744-R-02-001 A & B)
February 2002, Vol. A—388 pages; Vol. B (Appendices)—452 pages
This report is a comparative evaluation of solvent-based, water-based, and ultra-violet cured ink technologies on wide-web film substrates. It assesses the performance, cost, energy, and environmental and human health impacts of 45 ink formulations.


March 1997, 4 pages
PDF version of Flexography Project Case Study #1: Reducing VOCs in Flexography (173 KB)
Highlights the experiences of a flexography printer who successfully reduced volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and hazardous waste volumes. The case study focuses on the use of water-based ink and cleaning systems, which reduced costs along with environmental and worker-safety concerns.
Para la versión de español, vea Caso de Estudio #1 del Proyecto de Flexografia: Reduccion de VOC en la Flexografia (PDF) (221 KB)

June 1997, 4 pages
PDF version of Flexography Project Case Study #2: Learning from Three Companies that Reduced VOC Emissions (173 KB)
Highlights how three flexographic printing facilities went about reducing their volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. It presents the factors that went into management decisions, the results of switching to water-based inks and of installing an oxidizer, and how ink suppliers, trade associations, and consultants can help printers make decisions and solve problems.
Para la versión de español, vea Caso de Estudio #2 del Proyecto de Flexografia: Aprendiendo de tres companiasque redujeron las emisiones de VOC (PDF) (211 KB)


(514 KB)
October 2002, 1 page
This is the Flexography Partnership's publication list.

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Gravure Publications

Order documents by placing a check next to items on the list below and filling out the order form at the bottom of the page. You may also place an order directly to the National Service Center for Environmental Publications.

You will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.


(438 KB)
February 2001, 6 pages
This bulletin provides an overview of the DfE Gravure Printing Partnership, risk reduction opportunities in the gravure industry, and data on a temperature control study.

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Lithographic Printing Publications

The DfE Lithographic Printing Partnership produced a variety of information to help lithographers design operations that are more environmentally sound, safer for workers, and more profitable.

Order documents by placing a check next to items on the list below and filling out the order form at the bottom of the page. You may also place an order directly to the National Service Center for Environmental Publications.

You will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Descriptions and ordering information for all products on this page products are available in the Lithography Project Publications List (PDF) (463 KB) [Web Only]
March 1997, 8 pages

July 1995, 2 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Fact Sheet: Blanket Wash Solutions for Small Printers (434 KB)
This introduction to the DfE Lithographic Printing Partnership provides a brief history of how and why the Project was started. It also discusses the three main Project areas: technical studies, implementation, and outreach.


September 1997, 30 pages
PDF version of DfE Lithography Project CTSA Summary Booklet-Solutions for Lithographic Printers: An Evaluation of Substitute Blanket Washes (563 KB)
This booklet condenses the information found in the CTSA to answer the printers' most immediate questions, such as: How do blanket washes affect worker health and safety? How did the different blanket washes perform? What are the environmental risks associated with each wash? What are the costs associated with each?
Auch AUF DEUTSCH verfuegbar (PDF) (375 KB).

September 1997, 447 pages
PDF version of Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Lithographic Blanket Washes (2,548 KB)
The CTSA is the complete technical report of the Lithography project. It contains detailed results of the performance demonstrations, cost analyses, lab tests, and risk characterizations of each of the substitute blanket washes.


October 1995, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Case Study #1: Managing Solvents and Wipes (384 KB)
This case study tells how one company successfully improved its environmental and economic performance by using alternative press cleaners and reducing the overall use of press cleaners in its facility.

September 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Case Study #2: Pollution Prevention at Custom Print (255 KB)
One printing facility's experience shows how a thorough step-by-step review of all processes in a print shop can uncover many ways to prevent pollution. Custom Print found opportunities in inventory control, in consolidation of chemicals, and even in changes to fixed costs such as air conditioning and ventilation.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de lithographía caso de estudio #2: La prevencion de contaminacion en la compania Custom Print (PDF) (891 KB).


August 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Bulletin #1: Substitute Blanket Washes—Making Them Work (273 KB)
Although printers experience many benefits from using substitute blanket washes, these washes may require different application methods than traditional blanket washes. This bulletin shares the valuable knowledge of the printers who used substitute washes during the Lithography Project. These tips and hints can help any printer get the most out of a substitute blanket wash.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de lithographía boletín #1: Haciendo funcionar los solventes substitutos en el lavado mantillas o placas de goma (PDF) (849 KB).

August 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Bulletin #2: Workplace Practices Make the Difference (354 KB)
DfE asked 206 lithographers to share their best methods for reducing the use of chemicals in their facilities. This bulletin describes the most popular of these pollution prevention practices. Implementing these practices can reduce worker exposure to harmful chemicals, minimize pollution, and improve productivity.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de lithographía boletín #2: La differencia radica en la practica empleada en el trabajo (PDF) (882 KB).

October 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Bulletin #3: Vegetable Ester Blanket Washes (299 KB)
Blanket washes made of vegetable esters were one category of wash tested in the Lithography Project. This bulletin discusses the potential performance, cost, and health and environmental benefits of using vegetable ester blanket washes.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de lithographía boletín #3:Esteres vegetales usados como solventes para el lavado de mantillas (PDF) (774 KB).

October 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Lithography Project Bulletin #4: A Worksheet to Help You Choose a Better Blanket Wash (319 KB)
This bulletin contains a worksheet that helps printers compare different blanket wash formulations. Each wash is scored in areas such as performance, purchase price, percentage of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and flammability.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de lithographía boletín #4: Un formulario de trabajo para ayudarle a escoger un mejor solvente para el lavado de mantillas (PDF) (1,100 KB).

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Screen Printing Publications

The DfE Screen Printing Partnership produced a variety of publications to help screen printers design operations that are more environmentally sound, safer for workers, and more profitable, including information on Integrated Environmental Management Systems (IEMS).

Order documents by placing a check next to items on the list below and filling out the order form at the bottom of the page. You may also place an order directly to the National Service Center for Environmental Publications.

You will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.


Screen Printing Project Fact Sheet: Designing Solutions for Screen Printers [Web Only]
September 1995, 2 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Fact Sheet: Designing Solutions for Screen Printers (440 KB)
This introduction to the DfE Screen Printing Partnership provides a brief overview of how and why the Project was started. It also provides an overview of the three main Project areas: technical studies, implementation, and outreach.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de impresión de serigrafía: Deseno de soluciones para la impresión de serigrafía (PDF).


September 1994, 680 pages
The CTSA is the Screen Printing Project's full technical report. It contains the detailed results of the performance demonstrations, cost analyses, lab tests, and risk characterizations of each of the screen reclamation systems that was tested. It also discusses the Project background and presents the methodology used for testing the systems in each of the above categories.

September 1996, 52 pages
PDF version of Designing Solutions for Screen Printers: An Evaluation of Screen Reclamation Systems (1314 KB)
Recognizing that not all printers have the time to read the larger, more detailed CTSA, this booklet highlights the basic information about each screen reclamation system. This includes chemical composition, performance in a print shop or testing facility, cost, occupational risk/exposure, regulatory concerns, ecological risks, general population health risks, and safety issues.

June 1994, 89 pages
PDF version of Summary of Focus Group Discussions with Screen Printers and Lithographers for the Design for the Environment Printing Project (326 KB)
EPA conducted eight focus groups with screen printers and lithographers to discuss the DfE Screen Printing and Lithography Projects. This report presents the focus group methodology and summarizes the meetings. Sources of environmental information that might be most useful to printers are also listed.


October 1995, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Case Study #1: Reducing the Use of Reclamation Chemicals in Screen Cleaning (409 KB)
This case study presents the experience of one company that carefully examined its entire reclamation process and discovered several ways to reduce waste and improve efficiency. See how the company improved its process by recycling reclamation products, modifying application techniques, and switching to less toxic screen cleaning products.
Para la versión de español, vea Caso de Estudio #1 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serifgrafia: Reduccion del Uso de Reactivos Quimicos de Recuperacion en Serigrafia (PDF) (410 KB).

September 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Case Study #2: Changing Equipment and Reducing Solvent Use in Screen Reclamation (78 KB)
Driven by concerns for worker health, this company wanted to reduce its use of solvents. By changing to a high-pressure water system, the company eliminated the need for an ink-removing chemical. A less-toxic emulsion remover and a waste filtration system completed the improvements, which made the shop safer for workers and the environment, as well as more cost-effective.
Para la versión de español, vea Caso de Estudio #2 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafia: Cambio de Equipo y Reduccion del Uso de Solvente en la Recuperacion de Tamices (PDF) (204 KB).

October 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Case Study #3: Innovations in Adhesives, Screen Cleaning, and Screen Reclamation (83 KB)
Taking actions to improve quality allowed this company to improve its environmental performance and save money. Steps the company took included incorporating more precision into adhesive application, ink removal, and emulsion removal Each of these actions is discussed.
Para la versión de español, vea Caso de Estudio #3 del Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafia: Innovaciones de Adhesivos, Limpieza de Tamices, y Recuperacion de Tamices (PDF) (231 KB).


July 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Bulletin #1: Technology Alternatives for Screen Reclamation (384 KB)
This bulletin describes three alternative screen reclamation technologies — high pressure screen washing, automatic screen washing, and spraying with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). All three technologies are discussed, along with their health and environmental risks, performance differences, and costs.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de impresión de serigrafía boletín 1: Alternativas technológicas en la recuperación de tamices (PDF) (379 KB).

July 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Bulletin #2: Smarter, Safer Screen Reclamation Alternative System Epsilon (509 KB)
This bulletin highlights one of the alternative screen reclamation systems tested in the Screen Printing Partnership. The Epsilon System includes an ink remover, emulsion remover, and haze remover. All three components are discussed, and the entire system is evaluated for its performance, health and environmental risks, and costs.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de impresión de serigrafía boletín 2: Alternativas químicas en la recuperación de tamices: systema alterno Epsilon (PDF) (555 KB).

July 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Bulletin #3: Work Practice Alternatives for Screen Reclamation (240 KB)
Any print shop can benefit from simple workplace practices that reduce its costs and improve its environmental performance. This bulletin discusses how to perform a step-by-step evaluation of a shop to find where such opportunities exist. The practices that are discussed include process improvements, inventory control, and waste management.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de impresión de serigrafía boletín 3: Prácticas de trabajo alternativas para la recuperación de tamices (PDF) (497 KB).

July 1996, 4 pages
PDF version of Screen Printing Project Bulletin #4: Smarter, Safer Screen Reclamation Alternative System Chi (341 KB)
This bulletin highlights another alternative screen reclamation system tested in the Screen Printing Project. The Chi System includes an ink remover, emulsion remover, and haze remover. All three components are discussed, and the entire system is evaluated for its performance, health and environmental risks, and costs.
Para la versión de español, vea Proyecto de impresión de serigrafía boletín 4: Prácticas de trabajo alternativas para la recuperación de tamices: sistema alterno Chi (PDF) (458 KB).


Video: Using Screen Printing Technologies for Business and Environmental Success Exit Disclaimer
Waste reduction activities at three screen printers are described in video case studies. Industry experts describe pollution prevention options, provide environmental management advice for typical screen printers, and provide insight into future developments. Topics covered include screen cleaning, wastewater reuse, water-based adhesives, computer-to-screen, UV inks, and shop towel management. This video is available from the Printers' National Environmental Assistance Center. The cost is $20 for nonprofit organizations and students and $40 for all others. Includes video tape and course notebook.

The following two products are available through the Screenprinting & Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA). You may order these materials with a credit card by faxing your request and credit card information or mail your request with a check or money order to:

Screenprinting & Graphic Imaging Association International
10015 Main Street
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: 703-385-1335
Fax: 703-273-2870

Video: Saving Money, Reducing Waste: A Short Course in Pollution Prevention for Screen Printers
Video Brochure for Saving Money, Reducing Waste: A Short Course in Pollution Prevention for Screen Printers [Web Only]
This short, entertaining video shows screen printers' simple, effective ways to improve efficiency, prevent pollution, minimize waste, and reduce cost in their shops. Topics include improved inventory control procedures, reduced chemical use, work practice changes, and employee training.
Cost: SGIA members/Government entities $25; all others $35

  [Image file]
EPA-744-F-96-023 * (4 pp) * May 1997
Overview of the more detailed "Designing Solutions for Screen Printers: An Evaluation of Screen Reclamation Systems publication (EPA-744-F-96-010), introducting the chemical composition, performance, regulatory, cost, and risk and exposure issues examined in that publication.

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Wire & Cable Project Logo
Wire & Cable Publications

Order documents by placing a check next to items on the list below and filling out the order form at the bottom of the page. You may also place an order directly to the National Service Center for Environmental Publications.

You will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Fact Sheet

August 2005; 2 pages
This fact sheet provides basic information about the Wire & Cable Partnership. It explains the nature and goals of the partnership, and provides an overview of the work being conducted by the project team, including a life-cycle assessment of materials used in insulation and jacketing for selected wire and cable products.

Technical Documents

June 2008; 47 pages
This document summarizes the results of the life-cycle evaluation of resin systems with alternative heat stabilizer formulations used in Category 6, riser-rated communication cable (CMR); Category 6, plenum-rated communication cable (CMP); and non-metallic-sheathed low-voltage cable (NM-B). Life-cycle impacts related to energy use, material consumption, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

June 2008; 311 pages
This report presents the results of the life-cycle evaluation of resin systems with alternative heat stabilizer formulations used in Category 6, riser-rated communication cable (CMR); Category 6, plenum-rated communication cable (CMP); and non-metallic-sheathed low-voltage cable (NM-B). Life-cycle impacts related to energy use, material consumption, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

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En Español

Impresión (Printing)

Proyecto de Flexografia

mayo 1997, 4 paginas

In English (See: Flexography Project Case Study #2: Learning from Three Companies that Reduced VOC Emissions)

marzo 1997, 4 paginas

In English (See: Flexography Project Case Study #1: Reducing VOCs in Flexography)

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Proyecto de Impresion de Serigrafia (Screen Printing)

septiembre 1996, 2 paginas

In English (See: DfE Screen Printing Project: Designing Solutions for Screen Printers)

septiembre 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Case Study #2: Changing Equipment and Reducing Solvent Use in Screen Reclamation)

septiembre 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Case Study #3: Innovations in Adhesives, Screen Cleaning, and Screen Reclamation)

julio 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Bulletin #1: Technology Alterntives for Screen Reclamation)

julio 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Bulletin #2: Smarter, Safer Screen Reclamation: Alternative System Epsilon)

julio 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Bulletin #3: Work Practice Alternative for Screen Reclamation)

julio 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Bulletin #4: Smarter, Safer Screen Reclamation: Alternative System Chi)

julio 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Screen Printing Project Case Study #1: Reducing the Use of Reclamation Chemicals in Screen Printing)

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Proyecto de Litografia

octubre 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Lithography Project Bulletin #3: Vegetable Ester Blanket Washes)

octubre 1996, 6 paginas

In English (See: Lithography Project Bulletin #4: A Worksheet to Help You Choose a Better Wash)

octubre 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Lithography Project Case Study #2: Pollution Prevention at Custom Print)

agosto 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Lithography Project Bulletin #1: Substitute Blanket Washes--Making Them Work)

agosto 1996, 4 paginas

In English (See: Lithography Project Bulletin #2: Workplace Practices Make the Difference)

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Proyecto de Retocamiento de Automóviles
(Auto Refinishing)

Mejores Practicas en el Cuarto de Mezclar Pintura (PDF) (181KB) [solamente disponible en el web]
junio 2000, revisado noviembre 2001, 2paginas

In English (See Best Practices for the Paint Mixing Room or PDF version of Best Practices for the Paint Mixing Room [187KB])

Mejores Practicas Para Retocadores de Automoviles Usando Pistolas de Rocio (PDF) (182KB) [solamente disponible en el web]
noviembre 1999, revisado en noviembre 2001, 1 pagina

In English (See Best Practices for Auto Refinishing When Spray Painting or PDF version of Best Practices for Auto Refinishing)

Pistolas de Rocio de HVLP: Tecnología de costo-efectivo y buena para el ambiente (PDF) (178KB) [solamente disponible en el web]
junio 2000, revisado noviembre 2001, 2 paginas

In English (See HVLP Spray Guns: Cost-Effective, Environment-Friendly Technology or PDF version of HVLP Spray Guns: Cost-Effective, Environment-Friendly Technology [16.8KB])

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Sistema Integrado de Administración Ambiental (Integrated Environmental Management Systems)

Guía de Implementación de SIAA [solamente disponible en el web]
Noviembre 2003, 65 paginas
Esta guía esta dirigída para pequeñas y medianas empresas y asociaciones, así como grandes empresas, agencias federales e instalaciones, e educadores de empresas. Ofrece una metodologia paso a paso para asistir a las organizaciones en el desarollo e implementación de SIAAs. Sus instrucciones sencillas y completas son claras aún para aquellos que no están familiarizados con la planeación de la administración ambiental. El enfoque del SIAA descrito en este documento sigue las guías de ISO 14001 - el estándar oficial internacional para los Sistemas de Administración Ambiental - pero respalda este estándar al hacer enfasis en la administración del riesgo de productos químicos, utilización de tecnologías más limpias y la prevención de la contaminación.
Esta guía es más efectiva cuando se utiliza en conjunto con la plantilla de manual para pequeñas empresas del SIAA.

In English (See IEMS Implementation Guide)

Un Lista de Verificación de un SIAA para Organizaciones Lideres [solamente disponible en el web]

In English (See An IEMS Checklist for Lead Organizations)

SIAA Plantilla de Manual para Pequeñas Empresas [solamente disponible en el web]
Noviembre 2003, 272 paginas
Esta plantilla del SIAA ofrece un ejemplo de como la compañía ficticia, Smith Corporation, documenta su SIAA. La plantilla contiene texto, tablas, y otras características que las compañías pueden adaptar a sus propias circunstacias, junto con otros procedimientos y formatos asociados para desarrollar un SIAA propio.
Aprenda más acerca de como utilizar esta plantilla de manual para pequeñas empresas
(How To Use the Company Manual Template [solamente en inglés]).

In English (See IEMS Company Manual Template for Small Businesses)

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