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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Barbara J. Robles

Senior Research Liaison

Community Development Section

Consumer and Community Affairs

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Maryland, 1990
  • B.A., Humanities, University of Texas - Austin, 1978
  • Current Research Topics

  • Monetary Policy & Community Economic Development
  • Internet Research & Regional Economic Development
    • Economist

      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    • 2009 - present
    • Associate Professor

      School of Public Programs, Arizona State University

    • 2005 - 2009
    • Assistant Professor

      LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas-Austin

    • 1998 - 2005
    • Revenue Estimator

      Joint Committee on Taxation, U.S. Congress

    • 1995 - 1997
    • Assistant Professor

      Department of Economics, University of Coloardo-Boulder

    • 1990 - 1995
  • Robles, Barbara J. (Forthcoming). "Mobile Home Owners in the Southwest: Financial Behaviors and Economic Mobility Aspirations during Tough Times," Real Estate Review.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2011). "Historical and Policy Dimensions of Inequity in Income and Wealth," in Johnson, N. J., J. H. Svara eds., Justice for all: Promoting Social Equity in Public Administration. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2010). "A Tax Education and Asset Building Campaign for Low-Income and Limited-English Worker Populations: Lessons from Four States, TY2004-TY 2007," In 2009 IRS Research Conference Bulletin. Washington DC: Internal Revenue Service, pp. 227-252.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2009). Strengthening social security for farm workers: The fragile retirement prospects for Hispanic Farm worker families. Washington, DC: National Academy of Social Insurance.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2009). U.S. latino families, heads of household, and the elderly: Emerging trends in financial services and asset-building behaviors. Madison, WI: Filene Research Institute.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2009). "Exploring the Wealth Returns to Latino Higher Educational Attainment: Estimates of Work-Life Earnings Profiles," Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, vol. 8, pp. 5-22.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2008). "Latina Entrepreneurship in the Borderlands: Family Well-being and Poverty Reduction Policies," in Marquez, Raquel R., Harriett D. Romo eds., Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Latino Perspectives. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, pp. 255-288.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2007). Financial services and product usage by latinos in the U.S. Madison, WI: Filene Research Institute.
  • Robles, Barbara J., and Hector Cordero-Guzman (2007). "Latino Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship in the United States: An Overview of the Literature and Data Sources," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 613, pp. 18-31.
  • Lui, M., Barbara J. Robles, B. Leondar-Wright, R. M. Brewer, and R. Adamson (2006). The color of wealth: The story behind the racial wealth divide. New York: New Press.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2006). "Wealth Creation in Latino Communities: Latino Families, Community Assets, and Cultural Capital," in Gordon Nembhard, Jessica, Ngina Chiteji eds., Wealth Accumulation and Communities of Color in the United States: Current Issues. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 241-266.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2002). "Latina Microenterprise and the U.S.-Mexico Border Economy," Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 307-327.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (2002). "Revisiting the Demand for Money Model: Money and Loans in Selected Manufacturing Industries," Applied Economics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 197-205.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (1997). "An Economic Profile of Women in the United States," in Higginbotham, Elizabeth, Mary Romero eds., Women and Work: Exploring Race, Ethnicity, and Class. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, pp. 5-27.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (1995). "Finance Capital in Dynamic Factor-Demand Models," Applied Economics, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 431-440.
  • Robles, Barbara J. (1990). "Financial Variables in Production: A Discrete Dynamic Approach," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Maryland.
  • Betancourt, Roger, and Barbara Robles (1989). "Credit, Money and Production: Empirical Evidence," Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 712.
  • conference

    November 4, 2011

    The Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, Annual Meetings

    Short-Run and Long-Run Asset-Security Strategies in Tough Times: Resiliency Behaviors in Latino Low-Wealth Communities


  • Journal of Family and Economic Issues
  • Journal of Consumer Education
  • Journal of Rural Development
  • Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research
  • American Economic Review
  • Book Reviewer: Stanford University, Columbia University, University of Arizona
  • Proposal Reviewer: National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council

Professional Affiliation

  • American Economic Association
  • American Statistical Association
  • National Association of Business Economists
  • American Association of Public Opinion Researchers
  • American Society of Hispanic Economists
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Last update: March 30, 2012