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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Photo of Andre Kurmann

Andre Kurmann


Monetary Studies Section

Monetary Affairs

  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Virginia, 2002
  • M.A., Economics, University of Virginia, 2000
  • B.A., Economics, HEC Lausanne, 1998
  • Current Research Topics

  • Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • Labor and Capital Market Frictions
    • Economist

      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    • 2011 - present
    • Visiting Associate Professor

      The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

    • 2008 - 2011
    • Associate Professor

      Université du Québec à Montréal

    • 2006 - 2011
    • Assistant Professor

      Université du Québec à Montréal

    • 2006 - 2011
  • Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and André Kurmann (2010). "The Business Cycle Implications of Reciprocity in Labor Relations," Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 837-850.
  • Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and André Kurmann (2007). "The Macroeconomic Consequences of Reciprocity in Labor Relations," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 109, no. 4, pp. 857-881.
  • Kurmann, André (2007). "VAR-Based Estimation of Euler Equations with an Application to New Keynesian Pricing," Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 767-796.
  • Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and André Kurmann (2006). "Efficiency Wages Revisited: The Internal Reference Perspective," Economics Letters, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 278-284.
  • Kurmann, André (2005). "Quantifying the Uncertainty about the Fit of a New Keynesian Pricing Model," Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 1119-1134.
  • Danthine, Jean-Pierre, and André Kurmann (2004). "Fair Wages in a New Keynesian Model of the Business Cycle," Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 107-142.
  • King, Robert G., and André Kurmann (2002). "Expectations and the Team Structure of Interest Rates: Evidence and Implications," Economic Quarterly, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 49.
  • seminar

    November 2011

    University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

    News Shocks and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Challenge for DSGE Models

  • seminar

    November 2011

    Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas

    The Great Increase in Relative Wage Volatility in the United States

  • conference

    July 2011

    Society of Economic Dynamics annual conference, Ghent, Belgium

    News Shocks and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Challenge for DSGE Models

  • conference

    June 2011

    IAB Nuremberg labor market conference, Nuremberg, Germany

    The Great Increase in Relative Wage Volatility in the United States

  • seminar

    June 2011

    Ente Einaudi Institute, Rome, Italy

    News Shocks and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Challenge for DSGE Models

  • seminar

    February 2011

    Wharton Finance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    News Shocks and the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Challenge for DSGE Models

  • seminar

    February 2011

    Study Center Gerzensee, Gerzensee, Switzerland

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • seminar

    January 2011

    Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C.

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • conference

    November 2010

    CREI-CEPR labor market conference, Barcelona, Spain

    The Great Increase in Relative Wage Volatility in the United States

  • conference

    July 2010

    Society of Economic Dynamics annual conference, Montreal, Canada

    The Great Increase in Relative Wage Volatility in the United States

  • seminar

    February 2010

    Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • seminar

    February 2010

    Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • conference

    July 2009

    Society of Economic Dynamics annual conference, Istanbul, Turkey

    Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Capital Allocation Frictions

  • seminar

    May 2009

    Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco, California

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • seminar

    May 2009

    European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany

    The Business Cycle Implications of Reciprocity in Labor Relations

  • seminar

    May 2009

    CIRPEE macro workshop, Toulouse, France

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

  • seminar

    April 2009

    Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    News Shocks and the Slope of the Term Structure of Interest Rates


  • 2007

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

    Standard Research Grant

  • 2006

    University of Virginia

    Snavely Prize for Best Dissertation in Economics 2002-2005

  • 2006

    Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion, Université du Québec à Montréal

    Young Researcher Award

  • 2004

    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

    Standard Research Grant

  • 2004

    Fonds de Recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC)

    Research Grant

  • 2001

    Swiss National Science Foundation

    Young Researcher Award

Conference Organization

  • January 2009 San Francisco

    Annual Social Science Associations (ASSA)

    Session organizer

  • June 2006 Montréal

    CIRPEE conference 'Frontier of Macroeconomics'


  • November 2004 Montréal

    Canadian Macro Study Group (CMSG) Annual Conference


  • April 2004 Montréal

    CIRPEE conference 'Open Macro Models and Policy Analysis'


  • October 2003 Montréal

    CIRPEE conference 'Labor Market Frictions and Macro Dynamics'



  • Associate Editor, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, January 2010 - present
  • Editorial Advisor, Canadian Journal of Economics, July 2008 - present


  • American Economic Review
  • Review of Economic Studies
  • Journal of Economic Theory
  • Journal of Monetary Economics
  • International Economic Review
  • Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
  • Review of Economics and Statistics
  • Review of Economic Dynamics
  • Journal of the European Economic Association
  • Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
  • Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
  • Econometric Theory
  • Journal of Applied Econometrics
  • Journal of Development Economics
  • Scandinavian Journal of Economics
  • Canadian Journal of Economics
  • Economics Letters
  • B.E. Press Journals
  • Labor Economics
  • Oxford Journal of Economics
  • Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
  • Journal of Macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • Economic Modeling
  • Manchester School
  • Journal of Future Markets
  • Actualité Économique
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Professional Affiliation

  • American Economic Association
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Last update: March 30, 2012