Fisheries, Midwest Region
Conserving the Nature of America

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Fish Lines December 2009 Cover Image
  • "Fishing for Fun" Backpack Created by Friends Group
  • My Last Day in the Field, the End of One Year of Volunteering
  • Little Turkey River Restoration in the Iowa Driftless Area

Fish Lines November 2009 Cover Image
  • Saving the Pallid Sturgeon from Extinction
  • Sterile Male Releases to Control Sea Lampreys
  • Restoring Native Species to the Oneida Reservation
  • Coldwater Creek, Iowa, Restoration and Enhancement Project

Fish Lines October 2009 Cover Image
  • Making Lasting Connections
  • Saved by the River
  • Families Relocated from Isle Royal National Park
  • Delegates from Wisconsin Travel to China

Fish Lines September 2009 Cover Image
  • Planting a Butterfly Garden at Wilson Elementary
  • Menominee Tribe Celebrates Lake Sturgeon Restoration
  • Oronto Creek Fish Habitat and Watershed Protection Project
  • Endangered Mussels get Pumped-up in the Upper Mississippi River

Fish Lines August 2009 Cover Image
  • Sea Lamprey Pheromones are investigated as a Mangement Tool
  • Mussel Blitz at Shiawassee NWR
  • Every Child should have a Chance to Experience Nature
  • Tales From the Night Riders: Pallid Sturgeon Captured with Night Push Trawl

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • A Day in the Life of Larval Sea Lamprey Assessment
  • Coasters Marked for Lake Superior Restoration
  • Big Flood Benefits Little Fish

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • Heads Up! Asian Carp Abundance Grows in Illinois Waterway
  • Spring Viremia of Carp Disease Surveillance
  • PIT Tags Track Coaster Brook Trout Movement
  • Invasive Ruffe Range Expands in Green Bay

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • Kid’s Fishing Day at Johnson’s Pond
  • Controversial Habitat Restoration Site produces Pallid Sturgeon
  • Well Traveled Lake Trout cross many Boundaries in Search of a New Home
  • Miles and Miles of Shoreline surveyed for Coaster Brook Trout

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • "Let's Go Outside" Projects Planned for Genoa, NFH
  • Tons of Trucks Equals Tons of Fun
  • Sea Lamprey Program Applies New Strategy to Lake Erie Tributaries

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • From River to Raceway: One Pallid's Journey
  • Lake Sturgeon Display at the Minnesota Zoo
  • Fishery Biologist -- A Career to Consider
  • Sea Lamprey Management Program Suppresses Lake-dwelling Parasites

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • Celebrate Success, The Ruffe Control Program
  • From Microscopes to Manuscripts
  • Three Little Fish, Three Big Reports
  • Sense of Wonder Discovery Wetland
  • SOP for the Sea Lamprey Control Program

Cover of March 2008 Edition of Fishlines
  • Let's Go Outside
  • Genoa NFH Produces Disease-Free Food Source
  • Wildcat Creek Culvert Replacement Completed - Another System Restored

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