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Interior Department Seeks Nominations for National Geospatial Advisory Committee

The Department of Interior announced on June 4 that it is seeking nominations for appointment to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC).  

Nominations for appointment to the NGAC should be submitted electronically to  by July 19, 2012. Nominations may come from employers, associations, professional organizations, or other geospatial organizations and should include: 

  • A nomination letter summarizing the nominee's qualifications and interest in NGAC membership and describing the nominee's ability to represent a sector or stakeholder group.
  • A biographical sketch, resume, or vita. 
  • One letter of reference and the names and contact information of two additional references. 
  • Contact information for the nominee (name, title, organization, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number).

Please do not submit additional references or letters of recommendation, as they will not be considered by the review panel. Final decisions on appointments to the committee will be made by the Secretary of the Interior.  

The NGAC provides advice and recommendations on Federal geospatial policy and management issues and provides a forum to convey views representative of partners in the geospatial community.  The NGAC was established by the Department of the Interior on behalf of the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) under the authority of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA).  

The NGAC includes up to 30 members, selected to generally achieve a balanced representation of the viewpoints of the various types of entities involved in national geospatial activities, including all levels of government, nonprofits, academia and the private sector.  NGAC members are appointed for staggered terms, and approximately 10 positions on the committee will be appointed during this round of appointments. Individuals who are currently federally registered lobbyists are ineligible to serve on all FACA and non-FACA boards, committees or councils.

The NGAC Charter includes additional information about the NGAC’s roles and responsibilities.




  •  For additional information or questions, please contact John Mahoney (jmahoney [at], 206-220-2621)


Last Updated: Jun 06, 2012 10:10 AM
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