Data Collection and Analysis Guidance

NEW Guidance Memorandum on Fundamental Roadway and Traffic Data Elements to Improve the Highway Safety Improvement Program

NEW Background Report: Guidance for Roadway Safety Data to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program, FHWA-SA-11-39
The purpose of this report is to provide background information on why and how the guidance was developed, estimates of the costs of data collection, safety analysis tools and methods, and performance measures that should be implemented to achieve quality safety data.

NEW Market Analysis of Collecting Fundamental Roadway Data Elements to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program, FHWA-SA-11-40
The objective of this effort was to conduct a market analysis of the potential cost to States in developing a statewide location referencing system and collecting the FDE/HSIP in all public roadways. This effort also investigated potential methodologies that could be applied to estimate the benefits in terms of safety of collecting this additional roadway information. This report provides the results of this effort and provides suggestions for future research.

Program Contact

Robert Pollack


Esther Strawder


What’s New

NEW Guidance Memorandum on Fundamental Roadway and Traffic Data Elements to Improve the Highway Safety Improvement Program

NEW Background Report: Guidance for Roadway Safety Data to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program

NEW Market Analysis of Collecting Fundamental Roadway Data Elements to Support the Highway Safety Improvement Program

MIRE Report, Ver. 1.0

A Guide to Developing Crash Modification Factors

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM)

Data and Analysis Tools


Crash Reduction Factors