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Natural Gas Navigator
Summary Prices Exploration & Reserves Production Imports & Exports/Pipelines storage Consumption Publications & Analysis
Topics for Natural Gas Consumption
Consumption by End Use
U.S. and State consumption by lease and plant, pipeline, and delivered to consumers by sector (monthly, annual).
Number of Consumers
Number of sales and transported consumers for residential, commercial, and industrial sectors by State (monthly, annual).
State Shares of U.S. Deliveries
By sector and total consumption (annual).
Delivered for the Account of Others
Commercial, industrial and electric utility deliveries; percentage of total deliveries by State (annual).
Heat Content of Natural Gas Consumed
Btu per cubic foot of natural gas delivered to consumers by State (annual) and other components of consumption for U.S. (annual).
Natural Gas Weekly Update
Analysis of current price, supply, and storage data; and a weather snapshot.
Natural Gas Monthly
U.S. production, supply, consumption, disposition, storage, imports, exports, and prices.
Natural Gas Basics
Analysis of Natural Gas Consumption
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International Natural Gas Consumption
Company Level Data from Form EIA-176
Detailed State level natural and supplemental gas supply and disposition data reported by synthetic gas producers, processors, distributors, storage operators, and pipeline operators.
Includes natural gas and petroleum forecasts of consumption, production, prices, and sales.
Environmental Publications
Petroleum Consumption/Sales