Read all posts tagged Energy and Environment

  • A New Step Forward to Protect American Wind Energy Jobs

    The Senate Finance Committee passes a one-year extension of the Production Tax Credit for the domestic wind industry.

  • Better Building Federal Award Underway

    The nomination period for the 2013 Better Building Federal Award (BBFA) is now open. This contest builds on the Federal Government’s goal to reduce energy intensity – or energy consumed per square foot – by 30 percent by 2015 through encouraging, recognizing, and rewarding Federal agencies that achieve the greatest annual savings in energy intensity.

  • Growing Our Economy Through the Great Outdoors

    The President of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association discusses how the Obama Administration's work to protect our outdoor spaces is important for small businesses and our economy.

  • A Long-Term Game Plan for Solar Energy Development on our Public Lands

    As part of this administrations commitment to renewable energy, the Bureau of Land Management is releasing its final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States (Solar PEIS).

  • Advancing National Security Through Energy Security

    Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus discusses the recent Great Green Fleet demonstration in which a carrier strike group used advanced biofuels during the largest maritime exercise in the world.

  • Inventing a Sustainable Future for Latin America

    Luis Aguirre-Torres is the founder and CEO of GreenMomentum and Cleantech Challenge México, two organizations created with the purpose of promoting, developing and implementing clean technology, as well as green Jobs, in Latin America. During the past three years, he has overseen the execution of several region-wide programs that seek to promote the development, licensing and transferal of clean technology.

  • U.S. Public Lands Continue to Create Jobs and Boost Local Economies Through Tourism, Restoration Efforts, and Energy Initiatives

    In sectors ranging from tourism to outdoor recreation and energy development, our nation’s public lands and waters are creating jobs and supporting local economies across the country.

  • Promoting Sustainable Health Care

    The President of Health Care Without Harm discusses the Healthier Hospitals Initiative's campaign to promote sustainability in hospitals and health care facilities across the country

  • Making Plans for GreenGov 2012: Leading by Example

    On September 24-26, 2012, the Council on Environmental Quality and the Association of Climate Change Officers will bring together sustainability leaders and newcomers from federal, state, and local governments, academia, non-profits, and the private sector for the third annual GreenGov Symposium

  • Brainstorming Apps for a Clean Energy Future

    Building off the recent launch of the Energy Data Initiative, fifty technologists, entrepreneurs, and investors joined staff from the White House, Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency to participate in an “Energy Data Jam” last week in New York City. One of the goals of the half-day workshop was to brainstorm how freely available datasets—i.e., open data—might be used by clean-energy entrepreneurs for new products, services, or apps.