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You are here: Product types > Reports
Documents giving instructions on using specified equipment or accomplishing specified tasks.

Results 1 - 17 of 17 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Laboratory manual for x-ray powder diffraction [New Window]
Report presents an abridged guide for laboratory technicians and students using X-ray powder diffraction methodology to study crystalline structure and to determine the mineralogy of finer grained sediments, especially clays.
PDF Lake monitoring field manual [New Window]
Handbook on monitoring methods for lake management, including program design, sampling methods and protocol, biota and chemical sampling methods, laboratory methods, preservation of data and samples, glossary, and bibliography. (PDF file, 92 pp.)
Methods of installing United States National Seismographic Network (USNSN) stations: a construction manual [New Window]
Instructions on how to build a protective outdoor seismic vault used as stations for broadband seismic sensors that respond to seismic energy, temperature, and atmospheric pressure for the United States National Seismic Network in PDF format.
National field manual for the collection of water-quality data [New Window]
Field manual (also available in PDF and paper formats) with instructions on techniques to collect and process water samples and to perform measurements of temperature, oxygen content, conductance, pH, turbidity, and fecal contaminants.
North Dakota furtakers: educational manual [New Window]
Trapping education manual for the beginning or inexperienced trapper intended to provide information on North Dakota's predators and furbearing animals and the basics on how to trap them using good trapping skills and sound fur management.
U.S. Geological Survey manual [New Window]
Electronic version of the USGS Manual containing the core chapters of USGS policies and procedures, a table of contents, an index, a checklist, handbooks and current Instructional Memoranda, which are interim policies.
Amphibians & reptiles of the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands [New Window]
Links to information on species of frogs, toads, and salamanders located in the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with information on appearance, habitats, calls, and status, plus photos, glossary, and provisional data.
Field guide to amphibian larvae and eggs of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa [New Window]
Field guide to identify amphibian species from the larvae and eggs. Available to download in Adobe PDF or UMESC format.
Field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California [New Window]
Field guide to identify the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California with glossary and map.
PDF Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and ground water [New Window]
A guide to measuring the flow of water across the ground water surface water interface, with an overview of available methods and details of specific methods to use.
Forest and rangeland birds of the United States: natural history and habitat use [New Window]
Catalog of bird species common to forest and rangeland habitats in the U.S. with natural histories including taxonomic information, range, and habitat descriptions to assist land managers in resource management. Text available as a *.zip file.
Free-living and parasitic copepods (including Branchiurans) of the Laurentian Great Lakes [New Window]
Manual of taxonomic keys, location, and descriptive details of free-living and parasitic copepods in the Great Lakes. Viewing requires screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or above.
Hydroacoustic methods [New Window]
Technical information on acoustic methods of measuring water currents and applications of hydroacoustic techniques to problems in surface water hydrology.
PDF Illustrated field guide for assessing external and internal anomalies in fish [New Window]
Links to PDF version of the field guide.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program: protocols for the analysis of algal samples collected [New Window]
Summary of protocols describing procedures for laboratory analysis of algae samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA). Includes full document to be downloaded in PDF format.
PDF Operational guidelines for geological fieldwork in areas endemic for Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) [New Window]
Report giving operational guidelines that will lower the risk of coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) for individuals who work outdoors in areas where the disease is endemic.
Waterfowl identification in the Central Flyway [New Window]
Identification manual with colored photos of species of puddle ducks, diving ducks, geese, mergansers, swans, cranes, herons, egrets, pelicans and cormorants. Also includes information on ordering print copy and downloading as *.zip file.

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