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Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviation List

AAO — Agency Administrative Order

ABC — Activity Based Cost

ACTA — Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

AIPA — American Inventors Protection Act

AIS — Automated Information System

APEC — Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation

APO — Army Post Office

ASEAN — Association of South East Asian Nations

BPAI — Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences

C&A — Certification and Accreditation

CAFTA — Central American Free Trade Agreement

CAO — Chief Administrative Officer

CFR — Code of Federal Regulations

CFS — Consolidated Financial System

CIPO — Canadian Intellectual Property Office

COOP — Continuity of Operations Plan

COTS — Commercial-off-the-shelf (software)

CPIC — Capital Planning and Investment Control

CS — Commercial Service

CSAM — Cyber Security Assessment and Management

CSRS — Civil Service Retirement System

CSSC — Competitive Sourcing Steering Committee

DEA — Delegated Examining Authority

DIPP — Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion

DKPTO — Danish Patent and Trademark Office

DOC — Department of Commerce

DOJ — Department of Justice

DOL — Department of Labor

DOO — Departmental Organization Order

EAMS — Enterprise Asset Management System

EEO — Equal Employment Opportunity

EEOC — Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EFS — Electronic Filing System

EIG — Excellence in Government

ENS — Emergency Notification System

EPA — Environmental Protection Agency

EPO — European Patent Office

ERA — Enterprise Remote Access

eRF — eRed Folder

ESU — Examination Support Unit

EVM — Earned Value Management

FAIP — First Action Interview Program

FAIR — Federal Activities Inventory Reform

FASAB — Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board

FAST — First Action System for Trademarks

FCIP — Federal Career Intern Program

FECA — Federal Employees’ Compensation Act

FEGLI — Federal Employees Group Life Insurance

FEHB — Federal Employees Health Benefit Program

FEIR — Foreign Examiner in Residence

FERS — Federal Employees Retirement System

FFMIA — Federal Financial Management Improvement Act

FICA — Federal Insurance Contributions Act

FHCS — Federal Human Capital Survey

FIRST — For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology

FISMA — Federal Information Security Management Act

FMFIA — Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act

FMS — Financial Management Services

FPNG — Fee Processing Next Generation

FTA — Free Trade Agreement

FTC — Federal Trade Commission

FY — Fiscal Year

G8 — Group of Eight Countries

GAAP — Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

GAO — Government Accountability Office

GDP — Gross Domestic Product

GIPA — Global Intellectual Property Academy

GOSL — Government of Sri Lanka

GOTS — Government-off-the-shelf

GPRA — Government Performance and Results Act

GSA — U.S. General Services Administration

H1N1 — Influenza A Virus

HCSP — Human Capital Strategic Plan

HR — Human Resources

IACB — Indian Arts Crafts Board (Interior)

ID — Identifications

IDP — Individual Development Plan

IEIR — International Examiners In Residence

IG — Inspector General

IIPI — International Intellectual Property Institute

IMPI — Mexican Institute of Industrial Property

INPI — Chile’s IP Office

INTA — International Trademark Association

IP — Intellectual Property

IPAU — IP Australia

IPEC — Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator

IPIA — Improper Payments Information Act

IPR — Intellectual Property Rights

ISO — International Organization for Standardization

IT — Information Technology

ITA — Internal Trade Administration

ITU — Intent-To-Use/Division Unit

JPO — Japanese Patent Office

KIPO — Korean Intellectual Property Office

MBDA — Minority Business Development Agency

MOU — Memoranda of Understanding

MTS — Metric Tracking System

N/A — Not Available

NAMM— International Music Products Association

NASA — National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NIST — National Institute of Standards and Technology

NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NTEU — National Treasury Employees Union

NTIA — National Telecommunications and Information Administration

OBRA — Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

OCAO — Office of the Chief Administration Officer

OCFO — Office of Chief Financial Officer

OCIO — Office of Chief Information Officer

OCR — Office of Civil Rights

OCS — Office of Corporate Services

OGA — Office of Governmental Affairs

OGC — Office of General Counsel

OHIM — Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

OHR — Office of Human Resources

OIG — Office of the Inspector General

OIPPE — Office of Intellectual Property Policy and Enforcement

OMB — Office of Management and Budget

OPM — Office of Personnel Management

OPT — Office of Patent Training

PALM — Patent Application Location and Monitoring

PAOs — Property Accountability Officers

PAP — Performance Appraisal Plan

PART — Program Assessment Rating Tool

PC — Property Custodians

PCT — Patent Cooperation Treaty

PDF — Portable Document Format

PELP — Patent Examiner Laptop Program

PFW — Patent File Wrapper

PIF — Pacific Island Forum

PMA — President’s Management Agenda

POPA — Patent Office Professionals Association

PPAC — Patent Public Advisory Committee

PPH — Patent Prosecution Highway

PTA — Patent Prosecution Academy

PTOS — Patent and Trademark Office Society

Pub.L. — Public Law

QAS — Quality Assurance Statement

RAM — Revenue Accounting and Management System

RCE — Requests for Continued Examinations

Rospatent — Russian Federal Service for IP, Patents and Trademark

S&T — Science and Technology

SCCR — Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

SES — Senior Executive Service

SFFAC — Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Concepts

SFFAS — Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards

SHARE — Strategic Handling of Applications for Rapid Examination

SIPO — State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China

SITP — Strategic Information Technology Plan (USPTO)

SM — Service Mark

SMEs — Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

SOP — Standard Operating Procedure

SPE — Supervisory Patent Examiner

SPECO — Supervisory Patent Examiners and Classifiers Organization

STEM — Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

STOP! — Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy!

TAC — Trademark Assistance Center

TARR — Trademarks Application and Retrieval (TARR) System

TEAS — Trademark Electronic Application System

TC — Technology Center

TI — Transfer Inquiry

TIFA — Trade and Investment Framework Agreements

TLT — Trademark Law Treaty (WIPO)

TMEP —Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure

TPP — Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

TRAM — Trademark Reporting and Application Monitoring

TRIPS — Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

TTAB — Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

UK — United Kingdom

UK-IPO — United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office

UNECE — United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

UPRD — Utility, Plant, Reissue, Design

UPOV — (International) Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

U.S. — United States

U.S.C. — United States Code

USG — United States Government

USPTO — United States Patent and Trademark Office

USTR — United States Trade Representative

VOIP — Voice Over Internet Protocol

WHO — World Health Organization

WIPO — World Intellectual Property Organization

WTO — World Trade Organization

United States Patent and Trademark Office
Last Modified: 01/14/2011 10:59:26