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Full Name E-mail Phone Title Team Primary Role(s) and Responsibilities Backup Person
23 Search Results for "Office of Safety Research and Development"
Amjadi, Roya 202-493-3383 Transportation Specialist Safety Management Team
  • Manage Evaluation of Low-Cost Safety Improvements Transportation Pooled-Fund Study
  • Manage safety countermeasure evaluation research
  • Support traffic engineering and safety research
  • Manage and conduct highway safety analysis
Backup 1
Tan, Carol H
Backup 2
Thor, Craig
Arispe, Eduardo 202-493-3291 Research Mechanical Engineer Roadway Team
  • Manage: Federal Outdoor Impact Laboratory
  • Maintain certification of the crash test lab and the test data
  • Advance the use of dynamic finite element analysis software to design crashworthy roadside safety structures and predict vehicle crash outcomes
  • Coordinate efforts related to motorcycle crashes into barriers
  • Coordinate investigations of suspension and steering component failures in angular crashes
  • Develop testing protocols for dynamic impact testing for various research needs
Backup 1
Opiela, Kenneth S (Ken)
Backup 2
Andersen, Carl K
Chen, Shyuan-Ren (Clayton) 202-493-3054 Highway Research Engineer Safety Management Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate geometric design and safety research
  • Manage development of safety analysis tools, including the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM)
  • Manage technical assistance for the Highway Safety Manual
  • Coordinate rural and local roads research and development
Tan, Carol H
Cobb, Lincoln 202-493-3313 Technology Facilitator Program Management
  • Develop strategies to facilitate technology transfer and market safety products
  • Manage content for safety research and development Web site
  • Manage and coordinate activities for the Digital Highway Measurement Laboratory
  • Support the development and use of advanced road data collection technology
  • Serve as the Safety Implementation Coordinator for the Strategic Highway Research Program 2
Krammes, Ray A
Curtis, Georgia A 202-493-3180 Program Analyst Program Management
  • Provide management support and monitoring
Krammes, Ray A
Davis, Gregory W (Greg) 202-493-3367 Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety Research Program Manager Roadway Team
  • Perform research on intelligent transportation systems to improve highway safety
  • Coordinate cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems research
  • Manage research to develop vehicle-to-infrastructure communications applications to improve highway safety
Andersen, Carl K
Do, Ann 202-493-3319 Highway Research Engineer Human Factors Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate the Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research Program
  • Provide pedestrian and bicycle safety technical guidance
Yang, David
Eigen, Ana Maria 202-493-3260 Research Highway Safety Specialist Safety Management Team
  • Analyze roadside safety data
  •  Coordinate vehicle safety research
  •  Evaluate occupant risks in crashes
  •  Advance the use of simulation modeling in research and development
  •  Coordinate investigations of rollover causation and reduction
Backup 1
Amjadi, Roya
Backup 2
Tan, Carol H
Evans, Monique R 202-493-3074 Director Program Management
  • Advocate for a nationally coordinated safety research and development program
  • Develop the Federal Highway Administration safety research and development program
  • Provide leadership for the advanced research program
  • Coordinate safety activities for the Strategic Highway Research Program 2
  • Engage in Research, Development, and Technology Leadership Council efforts to improve the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
  • Facilitate safety research and development of product and service deployments
  • Provide leadership for the connected vehicle-integration for safety research and deployment roadmap
Krammes, Ray A
Fessmann, Volker 202-493-3322 Highway Research Engineer Roadway Team
  • Manage intelligent transportation systems safety research
  • Support traffic engineering and human factors research
Andersen, Carl K
Knoblauch, Richard 202-493-3369 Research Highway Safety Specialist Roadway Team
  • Manage speed management research program area
  • Perform traffic engineering and human factors research
  • Manage research on visibility
  • Coordinate pavement marking retroreflectivity research
Andersen, Carl K
Lee, Kunik 202-493-3491 Chief Safety Scientist Program Management
  • Coordinate exploratory advanced research activities within the Office of Safety Research and Development
  • Manage advanced research activities that identify and adapt innovative methods and new technologies, solve complex problems, or make groundbreaking discoveries to improve highway safety
Krammes, Ray A
Philips, Brian 202-493-3468 Research Psychologist Human Factors Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate safety and operations human factors research
  • Manage driving simulation and eye-tracking research
  • Manage human factors research on intersection safety
  • Manage research on driver distraction and roadway information
Yang, David
Shurbutt, Jim 202-493-3420 Research Psychologist Human Factors Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate safety and operations human factors research
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate human factors research using naturalistic driving methods
  • Manage human factors research to enhance visibility
  • Manage human factors component of Traffic Management Center Pooled-Fund Study
Yang, David
Snead, Cassandra 202-493-3260 Administrative Assistant (Contractor) Program Management
  • Provide administrative support
  • Manage office activities
Sylvester, Kevin 202-493-3366 Team Leader, Roadway Team Roadway Team
  • Manage: Arens Photometric and Visibility Laboratory
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate roadway visibility and lighting research
  • Coordinate intelligent transportation systems connected vehicle research on vehicle-to-infrastructure communications for safety
Backup 1
Knoblauch, Richard
Backup 2
Davis, Gregory W (Greg)
Tan, Carol H 202-493-3315 Team Leader, Safety Management Team Safety Management Team
  • Manage Highway Safety Information System
  • Manage highway safety data and analysis research
  • Manage safety management systems research
  • Coordinate development of Model Minimum Inventory of Roadway Elements
  • Co-manage Motorcycle Crash Causation Study
Backup 1
Amjadi, Roya
Backup 2
Thor, Craig
Thor, Craig 202-493-3338 Research Civil Engineer (Highway) Safety Management Team
  • Co-manage Motorcycle Crash Causation Study
  • Manage development of geographic information systems safety applications
  • Manage and conduct highway safety analysis
  • Manage safety management research
  • Manage countermeasure evaluations
Tan, Carol H
VACANT     Research Highway Safety Specialist Roadway Team
  • Manage the advanced crash analysis program
  • Monitor changing roadside safety trends and contributing factors
  • Develop and execute roadside safety research and development plan and disseminate results
  • Manage development and maintenance of finite element models of vehicles and roadside elements for crash simulation
  • Support efforts related to updating national crashworthiness standards
  • Manage evaluations of roadside hardware effectiveness
  • Manage research to analyze and design physical infrastructure protection
Backup 1
Arispe, Eduardo
Backup 2
Andersen, Carl K
VACANT     Technical Director, Safety Research and Development Program Management
  • Provide technical direction, management, and coordination for the safety research and development program
  • Identify national highway safety research and development needs
  • Coordinate advanced research, applied research, and technology facilitation activities to improve highway safety
  • Coordinate research and development activities for the Highway Safety Manual
Backup 1
Evans, Monique R
Backup 2
Cobb, Lincoln
VACANT     Engineering Research Psychologist Human Factors Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate older driver research
  • Manage human factors research supporting speed management
  • Manage human factors research supporting pedestrian and bicycle safety
  • Manage human factors research supporting enhanced visibility
  • Manage the Traffic Control Devices Pooled-Fund Study
Yang, David
Yang, David 202-493-3284 Team Leader, Human Factors Team Human Factors Team
  • Develop, manage, and coordinate the human factors research program (safety and operations)
  • Provide human factors technical guidance
  • Provide guidance and support to address driver distraction and connected vehicles human factors issues
  • Manage: Highway Driving Simulator
  • Manage human factors research on connected vehicle technology
Backup 1
Philips, Brian
Backup 2
Do, Ann
Zhang, Wei 202-493-3317 Highway Research Engineer Roadway Team
  • Manage intersection safety research program
  • Manage safety and operational evaluation of alternative intersection and interchange designs
  • Manage research on advanced detection control systems for signalized intersections
  • Manage safety evaluation of access management
Andersen, Carl K


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