Fisheries, Midwest Region
Conserving the Nature of America

Leadership in Science and Technology

Science and technology form the foundation of successful fish and aquatic resource conservation and are used to structure and implement monitoring and evaluation programs that are critical to determine the success of management actions. The Service is committed to following established principles of sound science.

The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Program will develop, apply, and disseminate state-of-the-art science and technology to conserve and manage aquatic resources by:

• Utilizing appropriate scientific and technologic tools in formulating and executing fishery management plans and policies.
• Developing and sharing applied scientific and technologic tools with partners.

The Midwest Region, Fisheries Program, has acted as a leader in science and technology in many areas.

• The Paddlefish National Stocking Database
• Propagation of native mussels
• The Great Lakes Fish Stocking Database
• The use of integrated pest management to control invasive sea lamprey population
• The experimental mapping of groundwater upwellings and contaminant sources by high resolution aerial thermography.