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4th Annual Spatial Ontology Community of Practice Workshop: Geo-Spatial Ontologies and Semantics - current and future practices

  • Workshop
When Dec 02, 2011
from 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM
Where USGS Headquarters Building, Reston, Virginia
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The Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) will host a workshop on spatial semantics and ontologies at the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192 on Friday December 2, 2011 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. This workshop is organized by SOCoP with support from the USGS, Ontolog, and others.    

The purpose of the workshop is to continue the discussion from the previous SOCoP workshops in advancing spatial ontologies and semantic tools in the geospatial data domain. The main theme of this 4th iteration of the workshop is the current and future state of practices to develop and use geospatial semantics and ontologies in meeting organizational mission and program needs.    

In addressing this theme, as at previous year’s workshop, we anticipate having a morning of talks and an afternoon of small group roundtable discussions. Planned presentations include: GeoSPARQL,OGC Semantic Mediation activities and the Geosemantics Domain Working Group; Open Ontology Repository and Geospatial Ontologies; USGS Ontology Design Patterns; and the National Science Foundation INTEROP Project which severalSOCoP members are working on in collaboration with others.  Afternoon roundtable discussions will follow morning presentations.       

There is no charge for the workshop and as it is developed, more information about SOCoP and the workshop will available on the SOCoP wiki:  A final program, meeting location directions and other information should be available soon and will be updated on this site.

Even though there will be no charge for the Workshop, we will ask attendees to register with SOCoP to facilitate logistics and entry into the USGS Building.    

Workshop Registration Information:   

As with last year we expect that remote registrants will be able to access the workshop via WebEx. Details on this will be available later on the SOCoP and registration sites.

Note: there will be no mobile or wireless access in the meeting rooms, but internet access and wireless is available outside of the meeting rooms.    

Any questions regarding this 4th Annual SOCoP Workshop can be addressed to Dr. Gary Berg-Cross via email:    

More information about SOCoP and previous Workshops Proceedings are available at the SOCoP wiki site listed above, thanks to the support of Ontolog.   


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Last Updated: Nov 14, 2011 11:30 AM
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