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Geospatial Metadata: What, Why and How

This intensive will build the business case for metadata creation, outline the requirements to make metadata part of the process, provide an overview of the FGDC metadata standard, and provide hands-on experience with metadata creation software.

  • Training
When Mar 12, 2008
from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Where Annapolis, Maryland
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828.254.4134
Attendees The workshop is limited to 20 and intended for the Maryland Department of Environment, Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the National States GIS Council. Other participants will be included as space permits. There is no registration fee but participants are responsible for their own transportation and meals.
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The Federal Geographic Data Committee is offering a Geospatial Metadata 'Intensive' Wednesday, March 12, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in association with the upcoming NSGIC Midyear Meeting. This training opportunity is offered for those that are not participating in the State Representatives Visit to Washington.

Geospatial Metadata: What, Why and How
This intensive will build the business case for metadata creation, outline the requirements to make metadata part of the process, provide an overview of the FGDC metadata standard, and provide hands-on experience with metadata creation software.

The workshop will be held off-site at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and transportation from the conference hotel will be provided.  Participation in the workshop is limited to 20. Participants must register in advance by contacting Lynda Wayne at

Last Updated: Feb 25, 2008 03:56 PM
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