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NJ Geospatial Metadata Training

A one-day class that includes a metadata writing overview plus hands-on use of ESRI's ArcCatalog software, followed the next afternoon by a workshop where students can create metadata records from their own data sets or map files.

  • Training
When Sep 21, 2006 08:30 AM to
Sep 22, 2006 04:30 PM
Where Trenton, NJ
Contact Name
Contact Phone 609.633.8910
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Geospatial Metadata for State and Local Government Employees

September 2006


Authoring Geospatial Metadata with ArcCatalog

This one-day, free course will cover hands-on use of ESRI’s ArcCatalog software to document data sets, map files, and map services, as well as an overview of why writing metadata about data sets, etc. is important, and what standard(s) are applicable.


The goals of the course are: 1) to prepare Geographic Information System users to create Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata to document their geospatial records; 2) to assist GIS users to understand and use the information in geospatial metadata; and, 3) to encourage and facilitate geospatial data cataloging efforts on the New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) Explorer, in support of the NJMapp/EPINET program, environmental assessment and regulation, and other geospatial data discovery and data sharing activities in New Jersey.


This course is aimed at state and local government employees who use GIS software, but is open to all who deal with digital data that has a spatial component, whether GIS data, or tabular data with a spatial reference such as an address, block and lot designation, census location, etc. Enough instruction will be given in the use of ArcCatalog so that first-time users can author metadata. Students should have the following background knowledge in order to follow the class: Elementary computer skills and terminology (copy, paste, mouse operations), exposure to GIS software (expert skills not required), and basic working knowledge of text editing (e.g. Microsoft Word). Those who have access to GIS software will get the most out of the course.

Preregistration is required.


The Metadata Doctor is IN

The day following the course, a half-day free workshop will be held for metadata authors. Instructors will be present to assist you with writing your own metadata record(s). Bring a data set (or sample thereof), map file, or other item that needs metadata, and get in-person, immediate help with your questions. You also will be able to get approved as a publisher on The New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) Explorer and submit your completed metadata. Stay for part of or all of the workshop. Open to participants in the Thursday class and to anyone who has previously attended any formal metadata training class.

Preregistration is required.



Thursday, September 21, 2006   8:30am – 4pm Authoring Geospatial Metadata with ArcCatalog


Friday afternoon September 22, 2006   1:30pm  – 4:30pm The Metadata Doctor is IN.



Instructors:      John Bocchino, NJ Department of Environmental Protection, BGIS

                         Edith Konopka, NJ Office of Information Technology, OGIS


Location:            NJ OIT 300 Riverview (by Trenton Thunder stadium)


Cost: No charge. Seats limited to 12 people.

Application deadline: September 8, 2006


We ask those who attend the course commit to submitting a standard-compliant metadata record for inclusion in the NJGIN Explorer metadata repository within 6 weeks of the class. A certificate of course completion will be provided to those who fulfill this requirement.


To apply for the course and/or workshop, send a memo containing…




Do you wish to attend the course (Thursday), the workshop (Friday afternoon), or both?

What data set, map file, or map service do you intend to document?


Send the memo to…

Kate McGuire, OIT-Office of GIS, PO Box 212 Trenton, NJ 08625-0212

Phone: 609.633.8910

Fax: 609.633.0200




Application memos will be acknowledged promptly; acceptances will be sent out, via email, the week of September 11, 2006.

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Last Updated: Aug 15, 2006 10:15 AM
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