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Authoring Geospatial Metadata with ArcCatalog

This one-day, free course will cover hands-on use of ESRI’s ArcCatalog 9.3.1 software to document data sets, map files, and map services, as well as an overview of why writing metadata about data sets, etc. is important, and what standard(s) are applicable.

  • Training
When Sep 23, 2010
from 08:30 AM to 04:00 PM
Where Trenton, NJ
Contact Name
Contact Phone 609.633.8955
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Authoring Geospatial Metadata with ArcCatalog

This one-day, free course will cover hands-on use of ESRI’s ArcCatalog 9.3.1 software to document data sets, map files, and map services, as well as an overview of why writing metadata about data sets, etc. is important, and what standard(s) are applicable.


The goals of the course are: 1) to prepare Geographic Information System users to create Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata to document their geospatial records; 2) to assist GIS users to understand and use the information in geospatial metadata; and, 3) to encourage and facilitate geospatial data cataloging efforts on the New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) Explorer, in support of environmental assessment and regulation, and other geospatial data discovery and data sharing activities in New Jersey.


This course is aimed at state and local government employees who use GIS software, but is open to all who deal with digital data that has a spatial component, whether GIS data, or tabular data with a spatial reference such as an address, block and lot designation, census location, etc. Enough instruction will be given in the use of ArcCatalog so that first-time users can author metadata. Students should have the following background knowledge in order to follow the class: Elementary computer skills and terminology (copy, paste, mouse operations), exposure to GIS software (expert skills not required), and basic working knowledge of text editing (e.g. Microsoft Word). Those who have access to GIS software will get the most out of the course.

Preregistration is required.


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Last Updated: Sep 16, 2010 01:11 PM
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