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Papers & Poster Sessions

Enabling Data Interoperability Through Metadata
Date: May 24-26, 2004
Description: Highlights from NSF supported projects and other applications in digital government.
Presented at: National Conference on Digital Government Research 2004
Author: Sharon Shin,
Co-Author: Eric Landis, Natural Resources Information Management, Stillwater, MN.
[PowerPoint 29.88MB] Warning big file!

Enabling Interoperability Through Metadata
Date: May 23 2004
Description: This poster session focuses on metadata as the principal agent making data accessible and interoperable in FGDC and GOS activities, with special emphasis on community-focused metadata enabling.
Presented at: National Science Foundation,May 23-27, 2004, Seattle, WA
Author: Sharon Shin,
Co-Author: Eric Landis, Natural Resources Information Management, Stillwater, MN.
[PDF 570KB]

Technical Baseline for Accessing a Virtual Global SDI
Date: January 28, 2004
Description: This paper describes current technical methodologies being implemented in the Information Technology (IT) and geospatial disciplines that are supportive of traditional community building and are essential to the construction of a globally consistent architecture in which geospatial information and services can flourish.
Presented at: GSDI-7, January 29 - February 6, Bangalore, India
Author: Douglas Nebert
[ PDF 61KB ]

Federal Agencies Highlight Geospatial Programs for GIS Day
Date: November 2003
Description: 'GIS in the Federal Government' documents the exhibits developed by the federal geographic information system (GIS) community for GIS Day 2003. The exhibit graphics show the breadth of GIS activity across federal agencies.
[PDF 19.9MB]Large Download Size!

Last Updated: Jan 17, 2006 04:19 PM
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