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2012 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Awards

Information about the 2012 NSDI CAP

The 2012 CAP announcement is available HERE. Information about the 2013 NSDI CAP will be available at the end of Summer 2012.

Project List - includes project status information

Project Maps - Interactive map(Coming soon)Map Viewer Example - tiny or PDF map CAP2012map_thumbnail.jpg

2012 Projects Factsheet (PDF format)

Go to Category: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  

Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
This category provides support to organizations with NSDI knowledge and experience to assist others in geospatial metadata implementation. Implementation projects may include the development of training materials in coordination with the NSDI Training Program and/or training delivery via workshops, presentation, or online applications with an outreach component which includes but not require a presentation at a local, regional, or national conference. Outreach specific projects include the development/enhancement of informative, collaborative or promotional Web sites, networks, documents, and/or applications. Special consideration will be given those projects that target managers and non-traditional geospatial communities and those that utilize social bookmarking, wiki’s, and other Web 2.0 innovations. This category awarded 3 cooperative agreements of up to $25,000 each, with the recipient matching 30-50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Jennifer Carlino,

Alaska - Category 1: Metadata Trainer & Outreach
State of Alaska, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities 
Nicholas Mastrodicasa

Miami-Dade County GIS Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance
Miami-Dade County 
Bibi Oung

Metadata Training and Support for Conservation Practitioners
Sonoma Ecology Center 
Alex Young

Category 2: ISO Geospatial Metadata Standards Implementation
Projects in this category are intended to explore and test the process and procedures involved in transitioning from the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) to the international geospatial metadata standard, ISO 19115 Geographic Information – Metadata and associated ISO standards. Projects should outline an implementation strategy that identifies the processes, participants, milestones and timeline for exploring the technical and organizational issues that must be addressed during transition. A project can focus on technical and/or organizational issues. This category awarded 3 cooperative agreements of up to $30,000 each, with the recipient matching 30-50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Jennifer Carlino,

Innovate ISO for EPA and Idaho
Innovate! Inc.  
Frank Roberts

Promoting ISO Metadata Standards Through Application to Puget Sound Nearshore Data
Washington State Department of Ecology 
Suzanne Shull

Category 3: Expanding Use of the GIS Inventory System
This category will encourage State and regional governments to populate the National States Geographic Information Council’s (NSGIC) GIS Inventory System (also known as Ramona and located at with metadata containing links to standards compliant data or data services for subsequent harvesting by the NSDI Clearinghouse Catalog, and to identify State and local GIS managers in support of the Federal Geospatial Platform activities. This category awarded 5 cooperative agreements of up to $15,000 each with the recipient matching 50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Doug Nebert,

Appalachian Ohio Geospatial Data Partnership – Collection and Update of Ohio GIS Metadata in Ramona
Buckeye Hills - Hocking Valley Regional Development District 
Brett Allphin

Expanding the GIS Inventory System in Iowa - EGIS Iowa
Iowa Geographic Information Council 
Jim Giglierano

Expanding Louisiana’s Use of the GIS Inventory System
Louisiana State University and A&M College 
Craig Johnson

Miami-Dade County GIS Inventory System Expansion 
Miami-Dade County
Ivelisse Torres-Alejo

Strengthening the Maryland Statewide GIS Inventory in Ramona
Towson University 
Ardys Russakis

Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation
Projects in this category will develop and implement statewide geospatial related business plans. The plans will advance the statewide spatial data infrastructure (SSDI) and advance the NSDI by facilitating the alignment of Federal agencies with statewide geospatial planning activities. Projects with a focus on cadastral, elevation, or orthoimagery data and building partnerships for these data with Federal agencies are preferred.  This category awarded 5 cooperative agreements of up to $40,000 each, with the recipient matching 50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Arista Maher,

Business Plans for Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure Framework Layers for Emergency Management Applications
Iowa Geographic Information Council 
Jim Giglierano

Implementation of Statewide Orthoimagery Business Plan for Maine
State of Maine, Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS) 
Michael Smith

Business Plan for Maryland Statewide Parcel Data Development & Maintenance
Maryland Department of Planning 
James Cannistra

Business Plan Creation For Statewide Parcel Data and Enhanced Elevation Data for Nevada
Geographic Information Society Nevada Chapter URISA 
Matthew Krok

Developing a Business Case for the North Carolina Master Address Database Maintenance in North Carolina
North Carolina Office of the State Chief Information Officer 
Joe Sewash

Category 5: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach
The goal of the category is to facilitate implementation of an FGDC-endorsed standard in user communities. Not included in this category is metadata (see categories 1 and 2 above) or the Standard for a U.S. National Grid, FGDC-STD-011-2001. Deliverables through this category might include implementation guides, training materials, and/or outreach materials. This category awarded 5 cooperative agreements of up to $25,000 each, with the recipient matching 30-50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Julie Binder Maitra,

Integrating the FGDC National Vegetation classification (NVC) Standard with the CNPS/CDFG Manual of California Vegetation, second edition
California Native Plant Society 
Julie M. Evens

Transitioning to the FGDC Draft Geologic Map Database Standard: A Washington State Geologic Survey Pilot Project
State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources 
Anne Olson

Implementation Model Development for FGDC-Standard Cadastral Data - Enabling Seamless Parcel Data Exchange
The Carbon Project 
Jeff Harrison

Building Capacity for Implementation of Distributed Online Metadata Catalogs in the Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
Tanya C. Haddad

Enhancing Wetland Classification for the FGDC Wetland Mapping Standard in Montana
The University of Montana
Karen Newlon

Category 6: FGDC Standards Development Assistance
This category provides funding to organizations to assist in the development of standards registered in the FGDC standards program of work (refer to The project outcome should result in the advancement of a standard project to a milestone in the FGDC standards process.

No awards were made in this category.

Category 7: Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed
This category will support State, local, and/or Tribal governments who have formal data exchange agreements with Federal agencies for the collection and local management of nationally significant geospatial data, per OMB Circular A-16, and seek to deploy secure geospatial cloud services that meet Federal requirements. The result of each award in this category will be an operational geospatial Cloud services whose deployment costs and performance characteristics are known and documented. This category awarded 3 cooperative agreements of up to $25,000 each, with the recipient matching 50% of the award with funding or in-kind services. Category Lead: Doug Nebert,

NSDI/Coeur d'Alene Tribe Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Testbed Project
Coeur d'Alene Tribe 
James Twoteeth

IndianaMap Cadastral Cloud Implementation
Indiana Office of Technology 
James Sparks

Assessing the Potential Benefits of Hosting Maryland’s Basemap in the Cloud
Towson University 
Mark Helmken

NSDI CAP Contact: Gita Urban-Mathieux (NSDI CAP Coordinator)


Last Updated: Jul 31, 2012 12:44 PM
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