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Geospatial Platform Roadmap Version 4 Released

The Geospatial Platform Roadmap Version 4 has been completed and is posted at:   

This final version of the Roadmap follows a stakeholder engagement process intended to share the vision for the Platform and gather feedback from the geospatial community regarding concepts discussed in the Roadmap. Feedback on the Roadmap to date has been positive, while at the same time identifying additional issues and questions that will be addressed during the implementation of the Platform. 

The geospatial community has provided thoughtful and helpful feedback on the Roadmap through a variety of mechanisms that include: 

  • Review and feedback from the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC)   
  • Presentations and discussions at geospatial conferences and related professional meetings 
  • Development of an IdeaScale Web-based forum for gathering input and feedback through the Geospatial Platform Web page: 

These outreach mechanisms resulted in valuable feedback that can be broadly categorized into questions and comments related to the following areas: 

  • Policy and management 
  • Governance 
  • Lessons to be learned from other model programs 
  • Clarification of concepts 

The Geospatial Platform team has listened carefully to the insights, ideas, and concerns expressed by geospatial stakeholders.  While final Roadmap document does not completely address all of the issues identified through the stakeholder engagement process, we look forward to continuing engagement as we continue to address these issues through the implementation process for the Platform. 

In the future, the concepts and approaches described in the Roadmap will be further clarified and refined by supplemental documents that may include implementation plans, business plans, technical documents, project plans, and best practice examples. 

FGDC thanks all who shared ideas and comments, as well as those who put in countless hours to develop, communicate, and support the Geospatial Platform. The input from the geospatial community has been invaluable in developing the Platform approach; and we look forward to continued dialogue and ongoing involvement of our stakeholders as the Geospatial Platform moves into its next phase of development. 


Last Updated: Apr 26, 2011 11:32 AM
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