Steve Scalise

Louisiana's 1st District


Congressman Steve Scalise was first elected to Congress in a special election in May of 2008. Scalise was overwhelmingly re-elected in November of 2008 and again in November of 2010 to continue serving Louisiana’s First Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Scalise is known as a staunch conservative who advocates for the principles of fiscal discipline, lower taxes, an “America first” national energy policy, ethics reform, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. In the House, Scalise sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Through this post, Scalise sits on the front lines in the fight against the government takeover of health care, the “cap and trade” energy tax, and government regulation of the internet.

Scalise is one of the leaders in Congress in pushing for a strong national energy policy that increases the supply of American oil and natural gas to lower gas prices at the pump and reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil. He has also been a vocal leader in the fight for fiscal discipline to reign in wasteful spending in Washington and has made hurricane recovery and flood protection a top priority.

Scalise continues to fight for fiscal responsibility and government accountability. In early 2011, Scalise introduced an amendment to H.R. 1 that would defund many of President Obama’s radical czars. The amendment passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.

One of Scalise’s hallmark bills, the Grow American Supply (GAS) Act, would increase American supply of domestic energy resources and directly help Louisiana’s economy by providing an immediate share of OCS revenues to immediately fund coastal restoration and flood protection projects.

Scalise was preceded in Congress by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Scalise also served in the Louisiana Legislature for 12-1/2 years. In the State Senate, Scalise served as the Chairman of the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee.
Contact Information
DC Office 429 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-3015
Fax (202) 226-0386
Committee Assignments
Energy and Commerce