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Rep Rich Nugent - Spring Hill, FL

Rep Rich Nugent
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  2. Eleven years ago today, the United States of America was under attack. Before that day was over, thousands had lost their lives. Were it not for the selfless acts of heroism by our first responders, who rushed toward the danger as others rushed away from it, the toll would have been far worse. So on this day, as on all days, please take a moment to keep those first responders in your thoughts and prayers. Please also remember the brave men and women of our Armed Forces and the families who stand behind them. These individuals VOLUNTEER to put themselves in harm's way so that the rest of us may live in freedom and safety. We truly owe you everything we have.

    Thank you for your service.
  3. I just wanted to take a minute to congratulate my District Director Shirley Anderson on winning the Air Force Association's Staffer of the Year Award. Shirley, you deserve it. Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of America's military f...See More
  4. For over thirty years, the World Economic Forum has released its annual Global Competitiveness Survey. For the fourth straight year, America fell further down the list - from 5th to 7th.

    We were 2nd in 2009.

    It goes without saying that the key to restoring American jobs is making America MORE competitive in the world, not less.
  5. Here is the day's lineup: I'll be doing a live interview with WOCA momentarily - talking about veterans issues in Florida. Later this afternoon, I'll be part of a panel discussion about removing barriers to job creation. Will keep you posted.
  6. Joined USAF and Rep. Kathy Castor yesterday and went out to Scott AFB. We're going to make sure that MacDill continues to play a key role in US Military Readiness going forward. This is a bipartisan issue and we're going to keep working together for Florida's military community and jobs.
    Photo: Joined USAF and Rep. Kathy Castor yesterday and went out to Scott AFB.  We're going to make sure that MacDill continues to play a key role in US Military Readiness going forward.  This is a bipartisan issue and we're going to keep working together for Florida's military community and jobs.

Earlier in September

Earlier in August

Earlier in 2012