Title: Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) (nsf10574) Date: 7/25/2011 Replaces: NSF 08-505 Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) [1]Program Solicitation NSF 10-574 Replaces Document(s): NSF 08-505 NSF Logo National Science Foundation Directorate for Geosciences Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division of Earth Sciences Division of Ocean Sciences Office of Polar Programs Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): October 18, 2010 October 18, 2011 October 18, 2012 IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND REVISION NOTES A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), [2]NSF 11-1, was issued on October 1, 2010 and is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 18, 2011. Please be advised that the guidelines contained in [3]NSF 11-1 apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity. Cost Sharing: The PAPPG has been revised to implement the National Science Board's recommendations regarding cost sharing. Inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited. In order to assess the scope of the project, all organizational resources necessary for the project must be described in the Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources section of the proposal. The description should be narrative in nature and must not include any quantifiable financial information. Mandatory cost sharing will only be required when explicitly authorized by the NSF Director. See the PAPP Guide Part I: Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) [4]Chapter II.C.2.g(xi) for further information about the implementation of these recommendations. Data Management Plan: The PAPPG contains a clarification of NSF's long standing data policy. All proposals must describe plans for data management and sharing of the products of research, or assert the absence of the need for such plans. FastLane will not permit submission of a proposal that is missing a Data Management Plan. The Data Management Plan will be reviewed as part of the intellectual merit or broader impacts of the proposal, or both, as appropriate. Links to data management requirements and plans relevant to specific Directorates, Offices, Divisions, Programs, or other NSF units are available on the NSF website at: [5]http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/dmp.jsp. See [6]Chapter II.C.2.j of the GPG for further information about the implementation of this requirement. Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan: As a reminder, each proposal that requests funding to support postdoctoral researchers must include, as a supplementary document, a description of the mentoring activities that will be provided for such individuals. Please be advised that if required, FastLane will not permit submission of a proposal that is missing a Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan. See [7]Chapter II.C.2.j of the GPG for further information about the implementation of this requirement. SUMMARY OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS General Information Program Title: Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) Synopsis of Program: The goal of research funded under the interdisciplinary P2C2 solicitation is to utilize key geological, chemical, and biological records of climate system variability to provide insights into the mechanisms and rate of change that characterized Earth's past climate variability, the sensitivity of Earth's climate system to changes in forcing, and the response of key components of the Earth system to these changes. Important scientific objectives of P2C2 are to: 1) provide comprehensive paleoclimate data sets that can serve as model test data sets analogous to instrumental observations; and 2) enable transformative syntheses of paleoclimate data and modeling outcomes to understand the response of the longer-term and higher magnitude variability of the climate system that is observed in the geological record. Cognizant Program Officer(s): Please note that the following information is current at the time of publishing. See program website for any updates to the points of contact. * David J. Verardo, Program Director, Division of Atmospheric and GeoSpace Sciences, 775 S, telephone: (703) 292-8527, fax: (703) 292-9022, email: [8]dverardo@nsf.gov * Paul E. Filmer, Program Director, Division of Earth Sciences, 785 S, telephone: (703) 292-7858, fax: (703) 292-9025, email: [9]pfilmer@nsf.gov * Candace O. Major, Program Director, Division of Ocean Sciences, telephone: (703) 292-8580, email: [10]cmajor@nsf.gov * William J. Wiseman, Program Manager, Office of Polar Programs, telephone: (703) 292-4750, email: [11]wwiseman@nsf.gov Applicable Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s): * 47.050 --- Geosciences * 47.078 --- Office of Polar Programs Award Information Anticipated Type of Award: Standard Grant or Continuing Grant Estimated Number of Awards: 35 - Approximately 35 new awards per year will be made with a typical award duration of three years. Anticipated Funding Amount: $9,750,000 - $9.75 million per year pending availability of funds Eligibility Information Organization Limit: None Specified PI Limit: None Specified Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: None Specified Limit on Number of Proposals per PI: None Specified Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions A. Proposal Preparation Instructions * Letters of Intent: Not Applicable * Preliminary Proposal Submission: Not Applicable * Full Proposals: + Full Proposals submitted via FastLane: NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide, Part I: Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) Guidelines apply. The complete text of the GPG is available electronically on the NSF website at: [12]http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg. + Full Proposals submitted via Grants.gov: NSF Grants.gov Application Guide: A Guide for the Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via Grants.gov Guidelines apply (Note: The NSF Grants.gov Application Guide is available on the Grants.gov website and on the NSF website at: [13]http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gran tsgovguide) B. Budgetary Information * Cost Sharing Requirements: Inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited. * Indirect Cost (F&A) Limitations: Not Applicable * Other Budgetary Limitations: Not Applicable C. Due Dates * Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): October 18, 2010 October 18, 2011 October 18, 2012 Proposal Review Information Criteria Merit Review Criteria: National Science Board approved criteria. Additional merit review considerations apply. Please see the full text of this solicitation for further information. Award Administration Information Award Conditions: Standard NSF award conditions apply. Reporting Requirements: Standard NSF reporting requirements apply. TABLE OF CONTENTS [14]Summary of Program Requirements I. [15]Introduction II. [16]Program Description III. [17]Award Information IV. [18]Eligibility Information V. [19]Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions A. [20]Proposal Preparation Instructions B. [21]Budgetary Information C. [22]Due Dates D. [23]FastLane/Grants.gov Requirements VI. [24]NSF Proposal Processing and Review Procedures A. [25]NSF Merit Review Criteria B. [26]Review and Selection Process VII. [27]Award Administration Information A. [28]Notification of the Award B. [29]Award Conditions C. [30]Reporting Requirements VIII. [31]Agency Contacts IX. [32]Other Information I. INTRODUCTION The Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) competition is a coordinated paleoclimate science initiative that is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Divisions of Atmospheric and GeoSpace Sciences (AGS), Earth Sciences (EAR), and Ocean Sciences (OCE) in the Geosciences (GEO) Directorate, and the NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP). The annual P2C2 competition supports the scientific objectives of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) by fostering interdisciplinary research and synthesis of climate data. The importance of P2C2 research, as an element of the USGCRP, stems from its unique capability, on timescales longer than the instrumental record, to: 1) document the past temporal and spatial variability of Earth's climate system; 2) evaluate the rates of change associated with this variability; 3) determine the sensitivity of the Earth's climate system to variations in climate-forcing factors; and 4) provide a test environment for simulation predictions from numerical models. Proposals to the P2C2 competition must clearly state how the proposed projects will contribute to achieving these goals and how the research is relevant to the P2C2 areas of Research Interest. Research projects that link polar and non-polar regions are strongly encouraged. II. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Rapidly increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases will alter the climate system in ways that have not been seen on Earth in many millions of years. While much can be learned about the climate system using existing historical observations and current climate models, the record is far too short to study and observe its full response on multi-decadal to millennial time scales. For that, data from the geological record are required. The goal of research funded under the P2C2 solicitation is to utilize key geological, chemical, and biological records of climate system variability to provide insights into the mechanisms and rate of change that characterized Earth's past climate variability, the sensitivity of Earth's climate system to changes in forcing, and the response of key components of the Earth system to these changes. The paleoclimate research questions contained in P2C2 are designed to reduce uncertainties in future climate trajectory predictions by focusing on three specific and complementary lines of inquiry related to the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). Important scientific objectives of P2C2 are to: 1) provide comprehensive paleoclimate data sets that can serve as model test data sets analogous to instrumental observations; and 2) enable syntheses of paleoclimate data and modeling outcomes to understand the response of the longer-term and higher magnitude variability of the climate system that is observed in the geological record. These are new challenges to the paleoclimate community because these goals require the development of climate targets with sufficiently large signal to noise ratios, and well-constrained boundary and initial conditions of ocean-atmosphere-terrestrial-cryosphere interaction, to accurately determine internal and external forcing. The role of initial conditions addresses the increasing recognition that not all climate states will yield the same response of the Earth's system components, and that history (that essentially accumulates the initial conditions to any and all starting points) may be significant. The goals also require paleoclimate reconstructions with chronologies sufficiently constrained to be able to quantify short-term changes in climate with well-resolved spatial distributions. Areas of Research Interest 1. What were the regional responses of coupled climate systems like ENSO, the monsoons, NAM, and the MOC during past climate changes? The regional expression of climate change, and in particular hydrological variability, extreme events, and possible abrupt transitions, are likely to have the greatest impact on human populations and pose the most serious societal challenges in the future. Dynamical modes of climate variability, such as El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), and the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), have large-scale influences and strong regional impacts around the globe. Previous paleoclimatic reconstructions have highlighted that regional climate varied significantly in the past, with large regional differences in the hydrological cycle being particularly noteworthy. Changes in the response of these modes of variability are likely to be among the primary mechanisms by which global-scale radiative forcing is converted into regional-scale climate impacts. Contributions are particularly sought to improve understanding in the large-scale hydrological variability of tropical and extra-tropical regions and to developing spatial-temporal networks needed to understand variability in ENSO, monsoons, Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) position, and regional hydrologic variability (e.g., droughts and floods) in North America and the tropics. Priority will be given to proposals that synthesize existing data and justify the collection of new data to address relevant questions such as: a) How have regional climates, including temperature, precipitation-evaporation, climate modes (e.g., ENSO, NAM, monsoons) and extreme climate events (e.g., droughts, floods, tropical storms), varied and interacted on seasonal to longer timescales? b) What forced this observed variability in the geological record, and how realistically can the full-range of regional climate variability be simulated with current climate models? 2. How does the geological record inform us about past climate sensitivity and the impact of past abrupt changes in climate under a variety of different boundary conditions, past climate states, or during periods of large and rapid changes in forcing? Data and models support the idea that Earth's climate system does not always respond linearly to external forcing and, even in the apparent absence of forcing, is capable of abrupt transitions between climate states. Assessing the likelihood of future abrupt climate change requires improved paleoclimate data sets and rigorous paleoclimate modeling studies in order to identify the causes and mechanisms of past abrupt climate change. Key scientific needs include understanding the relationship between abrupt climate change and (1) ocean circulation, particularly related to deep water formation; (2) sea-ice transport and processes, particularly where they interact with deep water formation; (3) land-ice behavior; (4) modes of atmospheric variability and how they are altered by changes in mean climate conditions; (5) the hydrological cycle, including storage, runoff and permafrost changes; and 6) feedback processes that control the interactions between the global carbon, biotic, and hydrologic systems and their impact on other aspects of the climate system across a broad spectrum of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels evident in the geologic record. Priority will be given to proposals that synthesize existing data and justify the collection of new data to address relevant questions such as: a) How do feedbacks in the Earth system (i.e., water vapor, land and sea ice, land surfaces, vegetation, dust, greenhouse gases) act to amplify a primary radiative forcing? b) What are the non-linearities in the climate system and can they limit the ability to use past climates as analogs for future climate changes? c) What caused abrupt changes in water availability in the past? d) How have the oceans responded chemically and biologically to higher or lower pH (e.g., ocean acidification due to varying carbon dioxide levels including those significantly different than pre-industrial levels)? 3. How sensitive was ice (i.e., sheets, caps, mountain glaciers) and sea level to rapid changes in climate especially during past warm climates? Future sea level rise has enormous consequences for society, but just how much of Greenland and Antarctica will melt and how quickly is poorly understood. There exists some possibility for rapid disintegration of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and a consequent rapid rise in global sea-level. Evaluation of the likelihood and warning signs of such an event will require significant improvements in our understanding of the potential rate of dynamic change in the cryosphere as evidenced by the geologic record. The ability to predict future melting is hampered by an insufficient theoretical understanding of ice sheet behavior (i.e., subglacial and englacial hydrology, ice shelf buttressing, sliding dynamics, and cracking). In addition, the observational record of ice sheet behavior is both sparse and short relative to the timescales at which ice sheets will adjust to climate change. A focused paleoclimate component is necessary to spur insight and test theories to improve the scientific understanding of the potential for abrupt changes in ice sheet dynamics. Priority will be given to proposals that synthesize existing data and justify the collection of new data to address relevant questions such as: a) What was the state of the cryosphere and sea level during the warm periods of the last 5 million years encompassing the Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene? b) What was the rate of change in sea ice distribution and land ice in the past and what were the dominant controls on the rates of change? c) What were the climatic impacts of ice dynamics, such as melting, during periods of past climatic variability? III. AWARD INFORMATION It is anticipated that approximately 35 new awards per year will be made with a typical award duration of three years. Approximately $10 million is expected to be available in FY 2011, FY2012, and FY 2013 for new awards, pending availability of funds. IV. ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION The categories of proposers eligible to submit proposals to the National Science Foundation are identified in the [33]Grant Proposal Guide, Chapter I, Section E. Organization Limit: None Specified PI Limit: None Specified Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: None Specified Limit on Number of Proposals per PI: None Specified V. PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS A. Proposal Preparation Instructions Full Proposal Preparation Instructions: Proposers may opt to submit proposals in response to this Program Solicitation via Grants.gov or via the NSF FastLane system. * Full proposals submitted via FastLane: Proposals submitted in response to this program solicitation should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the general guidelines contained in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG). The complete text of the GPG is available electronically on the NSF website at: [34]http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg. Paper copies of the GPG may be obtained from the NSF Publications Clearinghouse, telephone (703) 292-7827 or by e-mail from [35]nsfpubs@nsf.gov. Proposers are reminded to identify this program solicitation number in the program solicitation block on the NSF Cover Sheet For Proposal to the National Science Foundation. Compliance with this requirement is critical to determining the relevant proposal processing guidelines. Failure to submit this information may delay processing. * Full proposals submitted via Grants.gov: Proposals submitted in response to this program solicitation via Grants.gov should be prepared and submitted in accordance with the NSF Grants.gov Application Guide: A Guide for the Preparation and Submission of NSF Applications via Grants.gov. The complete text of the NSF Grants.gov Application Guide is available on the Grants.gov website and on the NSF website at: ([36]http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=grantsgo vguide). To obtain copies of the Application Guide and Application Forms Package, click on the Apply tab on the Grants.gov site, then click on the Apply Step 1: Download a Grant Application Package and Application Instructions link and enter the funding opportunity number, (the program solicitation number without the NSF prefix) and press the Download Package button. Paper copies of the Grants.gov Application Guide also may be obtained from the NSF Publications Clearinghouse, telephone (703) 292-7827 or by e-mail from [37]nsfpubs@nsf.gov. In determining which method to utilize in the electronic preparation and submission of the proposal, please note the following: Collaborative Proposals. All collaborative proposals submitted as separate submissions from multiple organizations must be submitted via the NSF FastLane system. Chapter II, Section D.4 of the Grant Proposal Guide provides additional information on collaborative proposals. Guidelines for Proposers Wishing to Conduct Research in Antarctica Proposers wishing to conduct fieldwork in Antarctica must adhere to the guidelines for submissions to the Antarctic Research solicitation (NSF 10-543). Information for proposers can also be found on the U.S. Antarctic Program website at: [38]http://www.usap.gov/usapgov/proposalInformation/index.cfm?m=3 B. Budgetary Information Cost Sharing: Inclusion of voluntary committed cost sharing is prohibited C. Due Dates * Full Proposal Deadline(s) (due by 5 p.m. proposer's local time): October 18, 2010 October 18, 2011 October 18, 2012 D. FastLane/Grants.gov Requirements * For Proposals Submitted Via FastLane: Detailed technical instructions regarding the technical aspects of preparation and submission via FastLane are available at: [39]https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a1/newstan.htm. For FastLane user support, call the FastLane Help Desk at 1-800-673-6188 or e-mail [40]fastlane@nsf.gov. The FastLane Help Desk answers general technical questions related to the use of the FastLane system. Specific questions related to this program solicitation should be referred to the NSF program staff contact(s) listed in Section VIII of this funding opportunity. Submission of Electronically Signed Cover Sheets. The Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) must electronically sign the proposal Cover Sheet to submit the required proposal certifications (see Chapter II, Section C of the Grant Proposal Guide for a listing of the certifications). The AOR must provide the required electronic certifications within five working days following the electronic submission of the proposal. Further instructions regarding this process are available on the FastLane Website at: [41]https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/fastlane.jsp. * For Proposals Submitted Via Grants.gov: Before using Grants.gov for the first time, each organization must register to create an institutional profile. Once registered, the applicant's organization can then apply for any federal grant on the Grants.gov website. Comprehensive information about using Grants.gov is available on the Grants.gov Applicant Resources webpage: [42]http://www07.grants.gov/applicants/app_help_reso.jsp. In addition, the NSF Grants.gov Application Guide provides additional technical guidance regarding preparation of proposals via Grants.gov. For Grants.gov user support, contact the Grants.gov Contact Center at 1-800-518-4726 or by email: [43]support@grants.gov. The Grants.gov Contact Center answers general technical questions related to the use of Grants.gov. Specific questions related to this program solicitation should be referred to the NSF program staff contact(s) listed in Section VIII of this solicitation. Submitting the Proposal: Once all documents have been completed, the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) must submit the application to Grants.gov and verify the desired funding opportunity and agency to which the application is submitted. The AOR must then sign and submit the application to Grants.gov. The completed application will be transferred to the NSF FastLane system for further processing. VI. NSF PROPOSAL PROCESSING AND REVIEW PROCEDURES Proposals received by NSF are assigned to the appropriate NSF program where they will be reviewed if they meet NSF proposal preparation requirements. All proposals are carefully reviewed by a scientist, engineer, or educator serving as an NSF Program Officer, and usually by three to ten other persons outside NSF who are experts in the particular fields represented by the proposal. These reviewers are selected by Program Officers charged with the oversight of the review process. Proposers are invited to suggest names of persons they believe are especially well qualified to review the proposal and/or persons they would prefer not review the proposal. These suggestions may serve as one source in the reviewer selection process at the Program Officer's discretion. Submission of such names, however, is optional. Care is taken to ensure that reviewers have no conflicts of interest with the proposal. A. NSF Merit Review Criteria All NSF proposals are evaluated through use of the two National Science Board (NSB)-approved merit review criteria: intellectual merit and the broader impacts of the proposed effort. In some instances, however, NSF will employ additional criteria as required to highlight the specific objectives of certain programs and activities. The two NSB-approved merit review criteria are listed below. The criteria include considerations that help define them. These considerations are suggestions and not all will apply to any given proposal. While proposers must address both merit review criteria, reviewers will be asked to address only those considerations that are relevant to the proposal being considered and for which the reviewer is qualified to make judgements. What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields? How well qualified is the proposer (individual or team) to conduct the project? (If appropriate, the reviewer will comment on the quality of the prior work.) To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts? How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity? Is there sufficient access to resources? What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning? How well does the proposed activity broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc.)? To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, and partnerships? Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological understanding? What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to society? Examples illustrating activities likely to demonstrate broader impacts are available electronically on the NSF website at: [44]http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/broaderimpacts.pdf. Mentoring activities provided to postdoctoral researchers supported on the project, as described in a one-page supplementary document, will be evaluated under the Broader Impacts criterion. NSF staff also will give careful consideration to the following in making funding decisions: Integration of Research and Education One of the principal strategies in support of NSF's goals is to foster integration of research and education through the programs, projects, and activities it supports at academic and research institutions. These institutions provide abundant opportunities where individuals may concurrently assume responsibilities as researchers, educators, and students and where all can engage in joint efforts that infuse education with the excitement of discovery and enrich research through the diversity of learning perspectives. Integrating Diversity into NSF Programs, Projects, and Activities Broadening opportunities and enabling the participation of all citizens -- women and men, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities -- is essential to the health and vitality of science and engineering. NSF is committed to this principle of diversity and deems it central to the programs, projects, and activities it considers and supports. Additional Review Criteria: Proposals to the P2C2 competition must clearly state how the proposed projects will contribute to achieving these goals and how the research is relevant to the P2C2 areas of Research Interest. B. Review and Selection Process Proposals submitted in response to this program solicitation will be reviewed by Ad hoc Review and/or Panel Review. Reviewers will be asked to formulate a recommendation to either support or decline each proposal. The Program Officer assigned to manage the proposal's review will consider the advice of reviewers and will formulate a recommendation. After scientific, technical and programmatic review and consideration of appropriate factors, the NSF Program Officer recommends to the cognizant Division Director whether the proposal should be declined or recommended for award. NSF is striving to be able to tell applicants whether their proposals have been declined or recommended for funding within six months. The time interval begins on the deadline or target date, or receipt date, whichever is later. The interval ends when the Division Director accepts the Program Officer's recommendation. A summary rating and accompanying narrative will be completed and submitted by each reviewer. In all cases, reviews are treated as confidential documents. Verbatim copies of reviews, excluding the names of the reviewers, are sent to the Principal Investigator/Project Director by the Program Officer. In addition, the proposer will receive an explanation of the decision to award or decline funding. In all cases, after programmatic approval has been obtained, the proposals recommended for funding will be forwarded to the Division of Grants and Agreements for review of business, financial, and policy implications and the processing and issuance of a grant or other agreement. Proposers are cautioned that only a Grants and Agreements Officer may make commitments, obligations or awards on behalf of NSF or authorize the expenditure of funds. No commitment on the part of NSF should be inferred from technical or budgetary discussions with a NSF Program Officer. A Principal Investigator or organization that makes financial or personnel commitments in the absence of a grant or cooperative agreement signed by the NSF Grants and Agreements Officer does so at their own risk. VII. AWARD ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION A. Notification of the Award Notification of the award is made to the submitting organization by a Grants Officer in the Division of Grants and Agreements. Organizations whose proposals are declined will be advised as promptly as possible by the cognizant NSF Program administering the program. Verbatim copies of reviews, not including the identity of the reviewer, will be provided automatically to the Principal Investigator. (See Section VI.B. for additional information on the review process.) B. Award Conditions An NSF award consists of: (1) the award letter, which includes any special provisions applicable to the award and any numbered amendments thereto; (2) the budget, which indicates the amounts, by categories of expense, on which NSF has based its support (or otherwise communicates any specific approvals or disapprovals of proposed expenditures); (3) the proposal referenced in the award letter; (4) the applicable award conditions, such as Grant General Conditions (GC-1); * or Research Terms and Conditions * and (5) any announcement or other NSF issuance that may be incorporated by reference in the award letter. Cooperative agreements also are administered in accordance with NSF Cooperative Agreement Financial and Administrative Terms and Conditions (CA-FATC) and the applicable Programmatic Terms and Conditions. NSF awards are electronically signed by an NSF Grants and Agreements Officer and transmitted electronically to the organization via e-mail. *These documents may be accessed electronically on NSF's Website at [45]http://www.nsf.gov/awards/managing/award_conditions.jsp?org=NSF. Paper copies may be obtained from the NSF Publications Clearinghouse, telephone (703) 292-7827 or by e-mail from [46]nsfpubs@nsf.gov. More comprehensive information on NSF Award Conditions and other important information on the administration of NSF awards is contained in the NSF Award & Administration Guide (AAG) Chapter II, available electronically on the NSF Website at [47]http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=aag. C. Reporting Requirements For all multi-year grants (including both standard and continuing grants), the Principal Investigator must submit an annual project report to the cognizant Program Officer at least 90 days before the end of the current budget period. (Some programs or awards require more frequent project reports). Within 90 days after expiration of a grant, the PI also is required to submit a final project report, and a project outcomes report for the general public. Failure to provide the required annual or final project reports, or the project outcomes report will delay NSF review and processing of any future funding increments as well as any pending proposals for that PI. PIs should examine the formats of the required reports in advance to assure availability of required data. PIs are required to use NSF's electronic project-reporting system, available through FastLane, for preparation and submission of annual and final project reports. Such reports provide information on activities and findings, project participants (individual and organizational), publications, and other specific products and contributions. PIs will not be required to re-enter information previously provided, either with a proposal or in earlier updates using the electronic system. Submission of the report via FastLane constitutes certification by the PI that the contents of the report are accurate and complete. The project outcomes report must be prepared and submitted using Research.gov. This report serves as a brief summary, prepared specifically for the public, of the nature and outcomes of the project. This report will be posted on the NSF website exactly as it is submitted by the PI. VIII. AGENCY CONTACTS Please note that the program contact information is current at the time of publishing. See program website for any updates to the points of contact. General inquiries regarding this program should be made to: * David J. Verardo, Program Director, Division of Atmospheric and GeoSpace Sciences, 775 S, telephone: (703) 292-8527, fax: (703) 292-9022, email: [48]dverardo@nsf.gov * Paul E. Filmer, Program Director, Division of Earth Sciences, 785 S, telephone: (703) 292-7858, fax: (703) 292-9025, email: [49]pfilmer@nsf.gov * Candace O. Major, Program Director, Division of Ocean Sciences, telephone: (703) 292-8580, email: [50]cmajor@nsf.gov * William J. Wiseman, Program Manager, Office of Polar Programs, telephone: (703) 292-4750, email: [51]wwiseman@nsf.gov For questions related to the use of FastLane, contact: * FastLane Help Desk, telephone: 1-800-673-6188; e-mail: [52]fastlane@nsf.gov. For questions relating to Grants.gov contact: * Grants.gov Contact Center: If the Authorized Organizational Representatives (AOR) has not received a confirmation message from Grants.gov within 48 hours of submission of application, please contact via telephone: 1-800-518-4726; e-mail: [53]support@grants.gov. IX. OTHER INFORMATION The NSF Website provides the most comprehensive source of information on NSF Directorates (including contact information), programs and funding opportunities. Use of this Website by potential proposers is strongly encouraged. In addition, National Science Foundation Update is a free e-mail subscription service designed to keep potential proposers and other interested parties apprised of new NSF funding opportunities and publications, important changes in proposal and award policies and procedures, and upcoming NSF Regional Grants Conferences. Subscribers are informed through e-mail when new publications are issued that match their identified interests. Users can subscribe to this service by clicking the "Get NSF Updates by Email" link on the [54]NSF web site. Grants.gov provides an additional electronic capability to search for Federal government-wide grant opportunities. NSF funding opportunities may be accessed via this new mechanism. Further information on Grants.gov may be obtained at [55]http://www.grants.gov. ABOUT THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent Federal agency created by the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). The Act states the purpose of the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare by supporting research and education in all fields of science and engineering." NSF funds research and education in most fields of science and engineering. It does this through grants and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other research organizations throughout the US. The Foundation accounts for about one-fourth of Federal support to academic institutions for basic research. NSF receives approximately 40,000 proposals each year for research, education and training projects, of which approximately 11,000 are funded. In addition, the Foundation receives several thousand applications for graduate and postdoctoral fellowships. The agency operates no laboratories itself but does support National Research Centers, user facilities, certain oceanographic vessels and Antarctic research stations. The Foundation also supports cooperative research between universities and industry, US participation in international scientific and engineering efforts, and educational activities at every academic level. Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities provide funding for special assistance or equipment to enable persons with disabilities to work on NSF-supported projects. See Grant Proposal Guide Chapter II, Section D.2 for instructions regarding preparation of these types of proposals. The National Science Foundation has Telephonic Device for the Deaf (TDD) and Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) capabilities that enable individuals with hearing impairments to communicate with the Foundation about NSF programs, employment or general information. TDD may be accessed at (703) 292-5090 and (800) 281-8749, FIRS at (800) 877-8339. The National Science Foundation Information Center may be reached at (703) 292-5111. The National Science Foundation promotes and advances scientific progress in the United States by competitively awarding grants and cooperative agreements for research and education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. To get the latest information about program deadlines, to download copies of NSF publications, and to access abstracts of awards, visit the NSF Website at [101]http://www.nsf.gov * Location: 4201 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22230 * For General Information (703) 292-5111 (NSF Information Center): * TDD (for the (703) 292-5090 hearing-impaired): * To Order Publications or Forms: Send an e-mail to: nsfpubs@nsf.gov or telephone: (703) 292-7827 * To Locate NSF Employees: (703) 292-5111 PRIVACY ACT AND PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENTS The information requested on proposal forms and project reports is solicited under the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. The information on proposal forms will be used in connection with the selection of qualified proposals; and project reports submitted by awardees will be used for program evaluation and reporting within the Executive Branch and to Congress. The information requested may be disclosed to qualified reviewers and staff assistants as part of the proposal review process; to proposer institutions/grantees to provide or obtain data regarding the proposal review process, award decisions, or the administration of awards; to government contractors, experts, volunteers and researchers and educators as necessary to complete assigned work; to other government agencies or other entities needing information regarding applicants or nominees as part of a joint application review process, or in order to coordinate programs or policy; and to another Federal agency, court, or party in a court or Federal administrative proceeding if the government is a party. Information about Principal Investigators may be added to the Reviewer file and used to select potential candidates to serve as peer reviewers or advisory committee members. See Systems of Records, [58]NSF-50, "Principal Investigator/Proposal File and Associated Records," 69 Federal Register 26410 (May 12, 2004), and [59]NSF-51, "Reviewer/Proposal File and Associated Records," 69 Federal Register 26410 (May 12, 2004). Submission of the information is voluntary. Failure to provide full and complete information, however, may reduce the possibility of receiving an award. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-0058. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 120 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding the burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton Reports Clearance Officer Division of Administrative Services National Science Foundation Arlington, VA 22230 [60]Policies and Important Links | [61]Privacy | [62]FOIA | [63]Help | [64]Contact NSF | [65]Contact Web Master | [66]SiteMap National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA Tel: (703) 292-5111, FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749 Last Updated: 11/07/06 [67]Text Only [x.gif] References 1. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#toc 2. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf11001 3. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf11001 4. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf11001/gpg_2.jsp#IIC2gxi 5. http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/dmp.jsp 6. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf11001/gpg_2.jsp#IIC2j 7. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf11001/gpg_2.jsp#IIC2j 8. mailto:dverardo@nsf.gov 9. mailto:pfilmer@nsf.gov 10. mailto:cmajor@nsf.gov 11. mailto:wwiseman@nsf.gov 12. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg 13. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=grantsgovguide 14. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#summary 15. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#pgm_intr_txt 16. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#pgm_desc_txt 17. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#awd_info 18. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#elig 19. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#prep 20. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#prep 21. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#budg_cst_shr_txt 22. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#dates 23. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#fastlane 24. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#review 25. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#reviewcrit 26. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#reviewprot 27. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#awardadmin 28. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#awardnotify 29. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#grantcond 30. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#reportreq 31. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#cont 32. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10574/nsf10574.htm#othpgm 33. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg 34. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg 35. mailto:nsfpubs@nsf.gov 36. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=grantsgovguide 37. mailto:nsfpubs@nsf.gov 38. http://www.usap.gov/usapgov/proposalInformation/index.cfm?m=3 39. https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a1/newstan.htm 40. mailto:fastlane@nsf.gov 41. https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/fastlane.jsp 42. http://www07.grants.gov/applicants/app_help_reso.jsp 43. mailto:support@grants.gov 44. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/broaderimpacts.pdf 45. http://www.nsf.gov/awards/managing/award_conditions.jsp?org=NSF 46. mailto:nsfpubs@nsf.gov 47. http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=aag 48. mailto:dverardo@nsf.gov 49. mailto:pfilmer@nsf.gov 50. mailto:cmajor@nsf.gov 51. mailto:wwiseman@nsf.gov 52. mailto:fastlane@nsf.gov 53. mailto:support@grants.gov 54. http://www.nsf.gov/ 55. http://www.grants.gov/ 56. http://www.nsf.gov/ 57. mailto:nsfpubs@nsf.gov 58. http://www.nsf.gov/policies/SOR_PA_NSF-50_Principal_Investigator _Proposal_File.pdf 59. http://www.nsf.gov/policies/SOR_PA_NSF-51_Reviewer_Proposal_File.pdf 60. http://www.nsf.gov/policies 61. http://www.nsf.gov/policies/privacy.jsp 62. http://www.nsf.gov/policies/foia.jsp 63. http://www.nsf.gov/help/ 64. http://www.nsf.gov/help/contact.jsp 65. mailto:webmaster@nsf.gov 66. http://www.nsf.gov/help/sitemap.jsp 67. http://transcoder.usablenet.com/tt/referrer