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Community Outreach

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Washington is committed to effectively serving our community and engages in outreach in order to prevent crime, respond to community needs, and promote good citizenship.  Through our outreach efforts, the office connects with local community groups and organizations to discuss ways our work affects them, and provide an avenue for members of the community to express issues of concern and report federal crimes or civil rights violations.

A number of outreach efforts are underway.  In concert with the work of our Hate Crimes Task Force, the office is engaged in efforts to reach out to, and more fully engage, members of our Arab, Muslim, and Sikh communities whose members often find themselves targets of hate crimes.  In addition, we actively work to address the public safety concerns of our 23 Native American tribes within the Western District of Washington.  And we conduct extensive community outreach through law enforcement initiatives such as

    Project Safe Childhood, which combats sexual exploitation crimes against children;

    Project Safe Neighborhood, which focuses both on arresting and prosecuting serial criminals who illegally use or possess firearms, and assisting communities in addressing issues that, left unchecked, may lead to gun violence; and

    The Washington Anti-Trafficking Advisory Committee, which is dedicated to identifying and rescuing trafficking victims, providing social services and immigration relief to victims, and fully investigating and prosecuting traffickers.

Should you have a question about, or wish to participate in, any one of our outreach efforts please call us at 206-553-7970.  Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Bates directs our outreach efforts and other members of the staff lead specific initiatives, including:

    Bruce Miyake, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Hate Crimes Task Force

    Jerrod Patterson, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Project Safe Childhood Coordinator

    Jill Otake, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Project Safe Neighborhood Coordinator

    Susie Roe, Assistant U.S. Attorney -  Tribal Outreach Coordinator

    Ye-Ting Woo, Assistant U.S. Attorney - Washington Anti-Trafficking Advisory Committee

The U.S. Attorney and Assistant U.S. Attorneys, along with other office staff, regularly speak at community meetings, local events and schools  throughout Washington regarding the work of the officeUSAO as well as specific law enforcement or crime prevention issues of interest.  To request a guest speaker contact Public Affairs Officer Emily Langlie at  or 206-553-4110.



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Community Outreach

Engaging in outreach in order to prevent crime, respond to community needs, and promote good citizenship.

Victim Witness Assistance

Making sure that victims of federal crimes are treated with compassion, fairness and respect

Project Safe Neighborhoods

Our nation-wide commitment to reducing gun crime in America

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