cover of FY 2001 GPRA Performance Report


Message from the Director   PDF  (110K)
Executive Summary   HTML | PDF (154K)
Performance Reporting Requirements
PDF  (179K)
I. About NSF   PDF  (184K)
II. Some NSF Achievements   PDF  (138K)

III. Summary of Performance Results
     PDF   (234K)

IV. NSF Outcome Goals   PDF  (343K)
V. Management Goals    PDF   (195K)
VI. Investment Process Goals
      PDF  (283K)
VII. Assessment and Evaluation Process
       PDF  (138K)
VIII. Verification and Validation (V&V)
        PDF  (156K)
IX. Transition from FY 2000 to FY 2001
     PDF   (136K)
X. Transition from FY 2001 to FY 2002
     PDF   (134K)
XI. Other Features   PDF  (133K)
XII. Management Challenges and Reforms
      PDF  (162K)
Appendices   PDF  (426K)

Entire Document Entire Document in PDF(975K).

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Last Modified: Apr 10, 2002


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