Hensarling on Fox News Promoting Cut, Cap & Balance

July 20, 2011

“Everybody else has talked. The House has acted.”

On Cut, Cap and Balance vs. the President’s failure to offer a plan:

“[T]he president's pretty good at telling us what he's against, but he has yet to put a plan on the table to tell us what he's for. This is not a speech, this is not a press release, this is an actual House-passed bill that does what the president claims he wanted to do—raise the debt ceiling before August 2nd—and a credible plan to deal with the debt crisis. 
“Let's have the American people take a look at it and see if maybe a few people in Harry Reid's Senate won't change their minds. We certainly haven’t seen any plan out of the United States Senate. There's only one plan now, and it's a House-passed bill to cut, to cap, to balance, to solve the crisis.”

On solving the spending-driven debt crisis:

“[W]hat the American people have said—number one, we need immediate cuts. There's $110 billion of real, immediate cuts after President Obama passed a trillion dollar stimulus plan through this town that did no good, a $1.4 trillion takeover of our government health care, three trillion-dollar deficits in a row, this is a modest cut today. Second of all, cap the growth of government. Going forward over a ten-year period, government will still grow, but it will eventually reach its historic norm of 20% of our economy. Last, but not least, balance the budget. I mean, every single family has to do it, every single small business—heck, 49 of 50 states have a balanced budget requirement of some sort. Why should we expect our federal government shouldn't have one?  Maybe that's the reason we have $14 trillion of debt. We want an opportunity to sell this plan to the American people.”

On the need to act to help job creators:

“[W]hat we need to do to help create jobs today….  [J]ob creators are fearful that this debt is going to cause higher taxes, which is going to bankrupt their businesses. [We need] to make sure that our children continue to have a higher standard of living and greater opportunity.  [We] have a spending-driven deficit and we’ve got to attack it from the spending side, and that’s what Cut, Cap, and Balance does.  And, if a plurality of Americans believe you have to increase the debt ceiling, there’s only one bill that’s done it, [it’s in] the House of Representatives.  Everybody else has talked. The House has acted.”

For more information and staff resources, please visit www.gop.gov/BalancetheBudget


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