• Cedar Hill

    Frederick Douglass

    National Historic Site District of Columbia

For Teachers

Civil War Washington Teacher Fellowship

Use oratory, engage controversies, explore a city from multiple view points! The Civil War Washington Teacher Fellowship uses Washington, D.C.during the Civil War to study how to bring history and a place meaningfully alive. The program focuses on teaching strategies and techniques, lesson plan development, and background content.

To learn more click on Professional Development.


TAH/Teacher Group Visits

The Frederick Douglass NHS loves to host teachers and is able to work with the different focuses and priorities of groups. Please contact the site to arrange a visit.


Frederick Douglass Lesson Plans

These lesson plans are part of the National Park Service's "Teaching With Museum Collections" project. Feel free to download the plans and use them in your classroom today.

Frederick Douglass' Hat

Forward March: Continuing Frederick Douglass' Footsteps

When working with these plans you will want to use our online museum.


Frederick Douglass Posters

A collection of posters from past programs about Frederick Douglass for your use.

Frederick Douglass on education

Douglass on reading after slavery

Douglass' favorite authors

Authors in Frederick Douglass' library

Douglass at work in his library

Distance Learning

Great news, Frederick Douglass is now offering virtual programs via video conferencing. As of now we have virtual tours of the site and an introduction to Mr. Douglass's life ready to go. We are still developing additional programs, so if there is a particular topic you would like a program to focus on, let us know and we can potential tailor a program to your classroom's needs.

Technical Requirements

We have two ways to connect:

1. We can connect to anyone with high speed internet. A microphone and webcam enhance the experience, but are not required. We use a web-based program that allows real-time video and audio as well as file sharing.

2. We can connect through a video conferencing system. This requires you to have a video conferencing system (such as Polycom or Tamberg) on your end.

Email us for more information.
Download the distance learning brochure.


Annual Oratorical Contest


Every year students from 1st to 12th grade can participate in the Frederick Douglass Oratorical Contest. Students memorize a portion of one of Douglass' speeches, work on their oratorical skills and then present their speech during the Contest. The contest is held during the first half of December. For more information click on the links below.

2011 Application

Oration Tips

Memorization Tips

Speech Bibliography

Curriculum Standards

Preparation for and participation in the Frederick Douglass Oratorical Contest encourages learning and growth of skills in vocabulary and language arts, public speaking, and history. It also meets many state curriculum standards. These documents highlight the Social Studies curriculum standards for Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and New York.



District of Columbia

New York

Did You Know?

54th Mass

Two of Frederick Douglass' sons fought in the 54th Massachusetts (made famous in the movie "Glory").  Both Charles and Frederick Douglass Jr. survived the Civil War, and lived to see their father hang a picture of the 54th storming Fort Wagner in his front hallway at his Cedar Hill home in Washington, DC.