Recent Blog Posts

What Do Apple Computers, Wegman’s and MEP Have in Common?

What Do Apple Computers, Wegman’s and MEP Have in Common?

Jeff Lucas September 27, 2012 0

How about best-in-class Net Promoter Scores.  Read on: Many, many organizations attempt to measure and manage their performance through some form of customer satisfaction survey and most of them do it rather poorly.  Some

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I See No Mountains

I See No Mountains

Tom Murray September 25, 2012 1

I was reading a front page article in the September 8, 2012 edition of the Baltimore Sun in which a chief economist with the National Association of Manufacturers was quoted as saying that “manufacturing

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The Newest American Idol

The Newest American Idol

Stacey Wagner September 20, 2012 0

How would you like to have scores of Americans knocking on your firm’s doors, hoping for a peek inside?  They’d ask to see what cool new technologies you are using, what new products you’re

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Here’s How E3 is “Working” in Alabama

Here’s How E3 is “Working” in Alabama

Ben Vickery September 18, 2012 1

Last month, I wrote about E3 – or Economy, Energy, and Environment – and how E3 is not just relevant to sustainability, but in fact touches upon other MEP Next Generation Strategies such as

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Timing is everything?

Timing is everything?

Carroll Thomas-Martin September 14, 2012 1

I read an article this morning about premature innovation and thought what in the world are they talking about, innovation by its very nature occurs or exists before the “customary, correct or assigned” time. 

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What have we learned after 9/11?

What have we learned after 9/11?

Aimee Dobrzeniecki September 12, 2012 1

Yesterday morning was very interesting and particularly reflective for me.  In Maryland, our weather was sunny and bright – a fairly clear day – eerily similar to the beginning of 9/11 in 2001.  So

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs……

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs……

Ken Voytek September 12, 2012 0

Or maybe not so many jobs.  The most recent job report suggests that employment in manufacturing fell last month. Of course, one month does not make a trend and these numbers are often subject

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Exporting: How Manufacturers Can Increase Sales and Narrow the Trade Gap

Exporting: How Manufacturers Can Increase Sales and Narrow the Trade Gap

Kari Reidy September 11, 2012 3

American manufacturers are looking for ways to identify new customers and increase sales. Manufacturers can tap into new markets and become more profitable by embracing exporting initiatives. The U.S. Department of Commerce’s reports

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