Guide to Federal Records

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Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: F

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F    G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

F-51 aircraft 255.4.2
F-100 aircraft 255.4.2
F-100A aircraft 255.4.2
F Group (German Army) 242.7.2
FAA SEE Federal Aviation Administration
Fabric Auto Equipment, Code Authority for
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
Fabricated Products Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
"Face the Nation" (motion pictures of broadcasts) 12.2.1
Facilities and Construction Bureau (National Production Authority) 277.2.3
Facilities and Construction Materials Division
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Facilities and Operations, Office of
   (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.4
Facilities and Services, Committee on
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.13.6
Facilities Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.4.3;
   (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13;
   (War Production Board) 179.2.7
Facilities Division (Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board) 225.3
Facilities Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.11
Facilities Review Committee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.2
Facilities Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2
Facilities Security Branch (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.4
Facilities Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Facility Security Division
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.1, 253.7.3, 253.7.5
Facts and Figures, Office of 208.2.1
Fahey, John H. 195.2.1
Fahy, Charles 220.7.8, 232.4
Fainsod, Merle 188.8.10
Fair Employment Board (Civil Service Commission) 146.3.6
fair employment councils 228.4.3
Fair Employment Practice, Committee on 48.2
Fair Employment Practice, Records of the Committee on (RG 228)
    administrative history 228.1
    administrative offices 228.3
    general records 228.2
    operating units 228.4
    regional offices 228.5
    sound recordings 228.6
Fair Haven, MI 26.2.2
fair housing SEE discrimination in housing
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) 155.1, 155.2, 155.2.1-155.2.3,
    155.3, 220.18.6; (1949 amendments) 155.4;
   (1977 amendments) 220.18.6
Fair Play, CO, land office 49.9.6
Fair Price Advisory Board 60.11.2
Fair Price Committee 60.11.2
Fair Trade Practices Division
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
"Fairbanks" Advanced Command Post 331.29.2
Fairbanks, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    housing projects 31.2.1
    map 48.13
    rent control 252.4.7, 252.4.8
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Fairbanks, AK, Agency (Indian Affairs) 75.19.24
Fairbanks, AK, agricultural experiment substation 164.3.1
Fairbanks, AK, Division (District Court) 21.3.6
Fairbanks, AK, land office 49.9.2
Fairbanks, AK, Native Service (Indian Affairs) 75.21.4
Fairbanks, AK, survey base line 49.13.1
Fairbanks, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.4, 21.3.5
Fairchild, Muir S. 342.7
Fairfield, A.P. 248.2
Fairfield, CT
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Fairfield, IA, land office 49.9.11
Fairfield, OH, Air Intermediate Depot 18.9.3
Fairmont, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
Fairmont, WV, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Fairness Doctrine 46.9
Fairport Harbor, OH 77.10.6
Fairport National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
fairs and expositions SEE ALSO trade fairs; specific expositions
    Agriculture Department exhibits 33.5, 97.2, 166.4
        photographs 16.7.1, 54.7
    certificates 26.2.2
    exposition, anniversary, memorial commissions 148
    federal buildings (architectural plans) 121.6
    Fish Commission 22.3.3, 22.3.4
    German exhibits (photographs) 242.28
    German festivals (photographs) 131.3.2
    Indian arts and crafts 435.2.2
    Indian fairs 75.19.81, 75.19.106
        photographs 75.7.1, 75.29
    Interior Department exhibits 48.4.10, 48.16
    international trade 489.3, 489.8
    Justice Department correspondence 60.3.3
    Navy Department 80.2.5
    postal exhibitions 28.10
    State Department records 43.12, 43.13
    Treasury exhibits 56.15.4
    USIA exhibits 306.5.4
    War Department exhibits 107.13
        army displays (photographs) 111.10, 165.21
    WPA 69.4.3
Fajardo, PR, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.3
Falkland Islands
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Falkner, Roland P. 29.3.1
Fall, Albert B. 60.17.5, 80.5.1, 89.2
Fall River, MA
    customs collection (Dighton) 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Fallon Day School 75.19.25
Fallon, NV, District (state court) 21.30.2
Fallon Subagency 75.19.25
fallout shelters 397.2, 397.2.5, 397.2.7
    filmstrips 397.2.8
Falls City, NE, District (Territorial Court) 21.29.1
Falls, D.W.C. 391.8
Falmouth Harbor, MA 77.10.47
Falmouth, ME
    customs collection (Portland) 36.3.1
    coal miners (sound recordings) 220.18.15
    farm families (photographs) 16.7.1, 96.4.9, 96.9, 258.3
    health services use 510.2
    TVA dislocation 142.8
        photographs 142.18
Families, White House Conference on 220.29
"Families Without Fear" (filmstrip) 47.3.2
Family and Human Services, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
family assistance
    Indian agencies 75.19.4
Family Assistance Studies, Division of 47.5.3
family cemeteries 77.10.61
family history
    National Archives museum shop posters 64.8
Family Housing Division (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.9
Family Housing Group (Air Force Headquarters) 341.3.1
family income
    census surveys 29.5.3
    Economic Opportunity, Office of 381.3.4
    Labor Statistics, Bureau of 257.4
family planning SEE birth control
family registers
    Indian agency records 75.7.5, 75.16.9, 75.19.3, 75.19.11,
      75.19.20, 75.19.21, 75.19.30, 75.19.32, 75.19.49,
      75.19.51, 75.19.53, 75.19.71, 75.19.73, 75.19.94,
      75.19.98, 75.19.113, 75.19.114, 75.19.126, 75.19.128
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.10
Family Security Committee (Community War Services) 215.2.8
Famine Emergency Committee 250.3.6
Famine Emergency Relief Program 16.10.3
"Famous Homes of Famous Americans" (radio program) 196.4
Fanning Island 326.5.1
Far East SEE Asia
Far East and Other Territories Branch
   (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.2
Far East Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.9
Far East Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.5
Far East Command
    General Headquarters 331.34, 331.37, 331.42
    news releases 319.4.2
    postwar records 338.8, 349.3
    U.N. forces in Japan 333.6.1
    war crimes case files 153.13.1
Far East Division (OSS) 226.6.5
Far East Enemy Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.8.3
Far East, Headquarters U.S. Army Forces in the 332.4
Far East Intelligence School 165.4.5
Far East, International Committee on the 353.5.5
Far East Program Division
   (Mutual Security Administration) 469.3.1
Far East Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
Far East, Subcommittee on the
   (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) 353.6
Far East, U.S. Army Forces 319.13.2, 338.8
Far East, U.S. Army Forces in the 338.5.5
Far East--U.S. Military Aid Programs 330.4.7
Far Eastern Advisory Commission 43.11.23
Far Eastern Affairs, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.6
Far Eastern Affairs, Office of (State Department) 59.3.6
Far Eastern Command 335.4
Far Eastern Commission 43.11.23, 331.39.2, 331.42
Far Eastern Division (International Commerce Bureau) 489.6.1
Far Eastern Financial Notes 151.6
Far Eastern Section (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.2
Far Eastern Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.8
Far Eastern Subcommission (U.N. War Crimes Commission) 238.2
Farben SEE I.G. Farben
Fargo, ND, District (Territorial Court) 21.36.1
Fargo, ND, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2,
    188.16.3, 188.16.6, 188.16.7
Fargo, ND, Division (Circuit Court) 21.36.3
Fargo, ND, Division (District Court) 21.36.2
Fargo, ND, internal revenue collection district 58.5.34
Fargo, ND, land office 49.9.20
Fariboult, MN, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.5
Faris, Edgar C., Jr. 222.2.2
Faris, Robert L. 23.3.1, 23.3.8
Farley, James A. 274.2
farm buildings
    construction (motion pictures) 31.4, 96.2.9
    cotton structures (plans) 96.1
    photographs 16.7.1
    refrigeration (plans) 54.3.16
Farm Credit Act (1953) 314.2
Farm Credit Administration
    Cooperative Research and Service Division 314.2
    cotton cooperative loans 96.2.3
    property disposal 269.10
    Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation 96.3
Farm Credit Administration, Records of the (RG 103)
    administrative history 103.1
    cartographic records 103.8
    Cotton Stabilization Corporation 103.5
    district offices 103.7
    Federal Farm Board 103.3
    Federal Farm Loan Board 103.2
    Grain Stabilization Corporation 103.4
    motion pictures 103.9
    records 103.6
    sound recordings 103.10
farm credit banks 103.6.9
Farm Credit System Assistance Board 220.19
Farm Crops, Subcommittee to Investigate the Use of (Senate) 46.3
Farm Crops, Subcommittee to Investigate the Utilization of
     (Senate) 46.3
Farm Debt Adjustment Program 96.2.7
Farm Debts Adjustment Commission (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) 96.4.4
Farm Drainage Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.6
farm drainage maps
    Agricultural Engineering Bureau 8.3.2
    Soil Conservation Service 114.10.5
Farm Equipment and Tractor Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Farm Equipment Control, Office of 8.6
farm families (photographs) 16.7.1, 96.4.9, 96.9, 258.3
Farm Housing Survey 176.4.1
farm implements SEE agricultural machinery and farm implements
Farm Irrigation Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.7
Farm Labor Program 33.4.3
Farm Labor Service 183.2
farm life
    motion picture 16.7.2
    studies of time use, women 176.4.1
Farm Machinery, Division of (Agricultural Engineering Bureau) 54.3.12
farm management
    Agricultural Economics Bureau records 83.6.2
        articles, reports, speeches 83.4.3
        regional representative 83.7.3
Farm Management and Costs, Division of
   (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.3, 83.6.2
Farm Management and Farm Economics, Office of
   (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.3, 83.8
farm organizations SEE agricultural societies and farm organizations
farm ownership and tenure
    Farmers Home Administration case files 96.4.1-96.4.11
    maps 16.7.1
    mortgage, land transfer 83.4.2
Farm Ownership Division (Farm Security Administration) 96.2.7
Farm Placement Service (Employment Service) 183.3, 211.19.4
farm population (maps) 145.8
Farm Population and Rural Welfare, Division of
   (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.4, 83.6.3, 83.10
Farm Production Economics Division 354.3
Farm Security Administration
    cooperative loans 96.2.3
    defense program 96.2.1
    Farmers Home Administration predecessor 96.1, 96.2
    greentowns 196.5.9
    housing projects 207.4.5
    rural rehabilitation 96.2.2
    subsistence homesteads 96.2.4
    War Food Administration correspondence 224.2
farm taxation
    delinquency 83.4.2
    in lieu payments 96.2.6
    maps 16.7.1
farm tenancy
    Agricultural Economics records 83.4.5
        maps 83.8
    tenant purchases (maps) 96.2.1
Farmer, James 235.3.2
    Extension Service correspondence 33.2.1
    Louisiana sugar planters 29.2.2
    photographs 96.9
        wheat farming 258.3
    strikes 16.7.3
    Trail smelter fumes damage 54.3.8
    World War II defense effort (radio programs) 16.7.3
Farmers Cooperative Associations 142.6.3
Farmers Home Administration Act (1946) 96.1, 96.2.3, 96.4
Farmers Home Administration, Records of the (RG 96)
    administrative history 96.1
    cartographic records 96.6
    central office 96.2
    county offices 96.5
    motion pictures 96.7
    Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation 96.3
    regional offices 96.4
    sound recordings 96.8
    still pictures 96.9
Farmers National Grain Corporation 103.4.1
Farmersville, CA 381.3.3
Farmington, NM
    irrigation project 115.4.2
Farmington, NM, Airways Facilities Sector Field Office
   (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.7
Farmington Reservoir, CA 77.10.50
    abandoned farms (photographs) 145.2
    architectural plans 96.4.9
    demonstration farms 33.2.1
        photographs 306.11
    electrification (photographs) 221.6
    experimental farms 54.3.2, 54.3.3, 54.3.23
        photographs 16.7.1
    farm home survey 176.2, 176.4.1
    Geological Survey photographs 57.12
    Indian farms (photographs) 75.10.2
        abandoned plantations, freedmen's farms 56.5
        Alaska 114.4.1
        automobile use 142.10.4
        conservation projects 114.2.1, 114.10.2, 310.3
        electricity, telephone use 142.10.4, 221.3.8
        Hawaiian plantations 126.2
        historic distribution 83.8
        operating efficiency 8.4
        reclamation projects 114.2
            Nevada 49.9.18
Farmville, VA
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
Farquhar, F.U. 77.10.53
U.S.S. Farragut 19.3.4
    photographs 181.18
    Italian hierarchy 331.21.2
    propaganda broadcasts (sound recordings) 242.27
Fasser, Paul T. 174.3.4
Fassett, Harry Clifford 22.3.3
Fast Reactor Test Facility 326.4.2
fats and oils
    industry census scrapbooks 29.6.4
    photographs 145.4
Fats and Oils Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Fats, and Oils Rationing Branch, Dairy Products
    (Price Administration) 188.9.5
Fats and Oils Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Fayette, MO 393.4, 393.7
Fayetteville, AR
     Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12
Fayetteville, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.3
Fayetteville, AR, field office
   (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.6
Fayetteville, NC
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.12, 393.14
Fayetteville, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.1
Fayetteville, NC, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.10.3
Fayetteville, NC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.33
Fayetteville, WV 393.4, 393.12
FBI SEE Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI Appraisal Task Force (National Archives) 64.12
FCC SEE Federal Communications Commission
Feather River Experimental Forest 95.10.5
Features Division (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.7.2
Features Division (OWI) 208.5.2
Fechet, James R. 18.8
Fechner, Robert 35.2, 75.14.12
Federal Advisory Committee Act (1972) 60.17.10, 220.14.11, 307.8.2
federal advisory committees 64.4
Federal Advisory Council 82.5
Federal Agencies Branch (War Department Special Staff) 165.12.2
Federal Agent for the Exchange of Prisoners 249.2.4
Federal Aid, Branch of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.8.8
Federal-Aid Highway Act (1976) 220.17.13
Federal Aid Highway Program, Subcommittee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.19
Federal-Aid Road Act (1916) 30.3
federal aid to education 220.15.30
Federal Appointment Process, President's Commission on 220.20
Federal Apprenticeship Act (1937) 369.2
Federal Art Project 69.5.1, 69.5.2
Federal Assistance Awards Data System 29.6.3, 381.5.4
Federal Assistance Review Task Force 220.15.27
Federal Aviation Act (1958) 197.1, 398.2
Federal Aviation Administration, Records of the (RG 237)
    administrative history 237.1
    Aeronautics Branch and Bureau of Air Commerce 237.2
    cartographic records 237.7
    Civil Aeronautics Administration 237.3
    field activities 237.6
    headquarters records 237.4
    motion pictures 237.8
    regional offices 237.5
    sound recordings 237.9
    still pictures 237.10
Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center 237.6.2
Federal Aviation Commission 197.4
Federal Barge Lines 91.2
Federal Black Bass Act (1930) 22.3
Federal Board for Vocational Education 12.2.1, 12.2.4, 12.4.1, 15.5, 16.12
Federal Board of Hospitalization 51.6, 418.2.2
Federal Board of Surveys and Maps 16.3.1, 51.5
federal buildings SEE ALSO public buildings; specific buildings
    Alaska 75.11.2
    fire prevention survey 162.5
    landscaping (photographs) 54.3.15
    Public Buildings Service 121
        architectural plans 121.6
        artworks 121.2.4, 121.3, 121.8
        photographs 121.8
    space, condition reports 28.6.5
    Washington, DC
        architectural plans 48.13
        National Capital Planning Commission maps 328.3
        National Park Service 79.17
        Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering Bureau 54.7
        Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.3.4
        Signal Corps 111.10
Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Foreign Commerce Bureau reports 489.2.2
    Indian civil fingerprint cards 75.19.45
    Justice Department records 60.4.2
    records appraisal task force 64.12
    special prosecutors 449.2, 449.4.1, 449.5, 449.6, 449.7
    Watergate investigations 460.3.1, 460.4.1, 460.4.2, 460.5.1, 460.8, 460.9
    WPA investigative reports 64.4.6
Federal Bureau of Investigation Building (photographs) 65.10
Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory (photographs) 65.10
Federal Bureau of Investigation National Information Center
     (photographs) 65.10
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Records of the (RG 65)
    administrative history 65.1
    American Protective League 65.5
    Criminal Investigation Bureau 65.3
    general records 65.2
    machine-readable records 65.9
    motion pictures 65.6
    National Bureau of Criminal Identification 65.4
    sound recordings 65.8
    still pictures 65.10
    video recordings 65.7
Federal Bureau of Investigation Training Academy 65.6, 65.7
    photographs 65.10
Federal Civil Defense Act (1950) 304.5, 311.2
Federal Civil Defense Administration 304.5
Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (1969) 47.1, 70.13
Federal Coal Mine Safety Act (1952) 70.13
Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review 70.13
Federal Commission on the Commemoration of the
    75th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg 92.14
Federal Communications Commission
    AT&T job discrimination case 403.2.1
    Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service 262.3.1
Federal Communications Commission, Records of the (RG 173)
    administrative history 173.1
    Broadcast Bureau 173.10
    cartographic records 173.12
    Chief Accountant 173.7
    Chief Engineer 173.8
    Common Carrier Bureau 173.9
    Executive Director 173.6
    Federal Radio Commission 173.4
    general records 173.5
    Interstate Commerce Commission 173.3
    motion pictures 173.13
    Radio Intelligence Division 173.11
    Radio Service and Radio Division 173.2
    sound recordings 173.14
Federal Communications Commission, Select Committee to
    Investigate the (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Federal Compensation, President's Panel on 220.17.11
federal contracts
    claims suits 123.2
    construction industry wages 236
    employment practices survey 453.2.1
    General Supply Committee 137.2
    non-discrimination compliance 220.8, 325
    NRA survey 9.5.3
    nuclear energy 326.5, 430.2.1-430.2.3
    patent policy survey 60.17.6
    performance contracting 381.3.2
    procurement commission 220.15.5
    Scientific Research and Development 227
    White House list 130.3.3
Federal Control Act (1918) 14.1, 91.1
Federal Cooperation, Office of (Forest Service) 95.4.5
Federal Coordinating Service 16.8.4, 137.3
Federal Coordinator of Transportation, Records of the (RG 133)
    administrative history 133.1
    cartographic records 133.7
    Coordinator's Office 133.2
    operating sections 133.3
    other records 133.6
    regional offices 133.5
    Research Staff on Railroad Consolidation 133.4
Federal Council for Science and Technology 359.4
Federal Council of Citizenship Training 85.2.3
Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities 288.2.3
Federal Court Appellate System, Commission on Revision of the 220.15.33
federal courts SEE ALSO Commerce Court; Court of Claims;
       courts of appeals; district courts; Supreme Court; Tax Court
    Administrative Office 116
    appointments 60.16.2
    clerks' records 60.3.3, 60.16.1
    Indian agency records 75.19.89
    judges 60.3.3
        appointments 60.4.3, 50.16.1
    minority employment 453.2.1
    multidistrict litigation 482
    Treasury accounts 217.6.2, 217.6.3, 217.10.4, 217.10.5
    Treasury correspondence 56.2.1, 56.2.2
Federal Courts Improvement Act (1982) 123.1, 276.1
Federal Crop Insurance Act (1938) 258.1
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Records of the (RG 258)
    administrative history 258.1
    records 258.2
    still pictures 258.3
Federal Crop Insurance Program,
     Commission for the Improvement of the 220.19
federal debt SEE ALSO debts due United States
    accounts 39.2.1, 39.2.3, 217.3.7, 217.6.4
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.3
    joint Congressional committees 128.4
    Public Debt Bureau 53
Federal Deposit Insurance Act (1950) 34.3.1
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Records of the (RG 34)
    administrative history 34.1
    operating divisions 34.3
    records 34.2
Federal Disaster Act (1950) 207.7.9, 311.2
Federal Disaster Assistance Administration 207.7.9
Federal Disaster Assistance--Civil Defense Activities,
    Study Committee on 220.15.13
Federal Drought Relief Committee 33.4.4
Federal Drug Abuse Coordinating Committee 511.4
Federal Drug Management, Special Assistant to the Director
   (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.1
Federal Election Campaign Act (1971) 460.7
Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works
    general records 135.2
    Housing Division 196.2
    maps 135.10
    railroad loans 234.2.5
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Records of the (RG 311)
    administrative history 311.1
    cartographic records 311.4
    Flood Insurance Program 311.3
    motion pictures 311.5
    predecessor agencies 311.2
    sound recordings 311.6
Federal Emergency Relief Act (1933) 69.3, 96.2.2
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    census projects 29.4.2
    farm loans 96.4.4
    investigative records 69.4.6
    photographs 15.6.1, 69.10
    records 69.3
    Virgin Islands 55.3.2
    WPA records 69.4.2, 69.4.3, 69.4.7
Federal Employee-Management Relations,
   President's Review Committee on 220.14.21
federal employees
   SEE ALSO Presidential nominations and appointments
    Biennial Register 59.4.5
    black employment 188.3.13
    Civil Service Commission 146
    cost-of-living studies 257.4
    Employment Service 183.3
    health care programs 90.7
    job discrimination 220.9.5, 220.10.2, 453.2.1
    Merit Systems Protection Board 479
    patents 153.9.2, 153.9.5
    pay 220.15.28, 220.17.11
    Personnel Management Office 478
    photographs 121.8
    Presidential commissions 220.15.27, 220.18.18
    records preservation 220.17.5
    training, apprenticeships 325.2
    World War II draft deferments 211.7
Federal Employees' Compensation Act (1916) 448.2
Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (1990) 220.15.28
Federal Employment Service Act (1933) 183.3
Federal Employment Stabilization Act (1931) 187.6
Federal Employment Stabilization Board 187.2
Federal Employment Stabilization Office (Commerce) 187.2, 187.6
Federal Energy Administration 434.2
Federal Energy Administration Act (1974) 434.2
Federal Energy Regulation Study Team 220.15.36
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Records of the (RG 138)
    administrative history 138.1
    cartographic records 138.4
    Federal Power Commission 138.2
    records 138.3
Federal Ethics Law Reform, President's Commission on 220.20
Federal Executive Drug Abuse Council 429.6
Federal Executive Institute 146.3.1
Federal Facilities Corporation 234.6.1, 234.7.2
Federal Farm Board 103.3
Federal Farm Loan Act (1916) 103.2
Federal Farm Loan Bank 46.6
Federal Farm Loan Board 103.2
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 103.6.8
Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska
Federal Field Services, Task Force on
    (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
Federal Fire Council 162.5
Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act (1974) 311.2
Federal Flood Indemnity Administration 207.6.6
Federal Flood Insurance Act (1956) 207.6.6
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938) 88.7
Federal Forum Project 12.5.5
Federal Fuel Distributor, Records of the (RG 89)
    administrative history 89.1
    President's Fuel Distribution Committee 89.2
    records 89.3
Federal Government
    general records 11
    organization 51.8.1
    publications 149, 287
    reorganization plans 11.6
    terminated agencies 64.5
Federal Government, Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the 220.19
Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act (1960) 424.1, 424.3
Federal Health Program, Subcommittee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.19
Federal Health Programs Service 512.4
Federal Highway Administration, Records of the (RG 406)
    administrative history 406.1
    cartographic records 406.4
    field offices 406.3
    headquarters records 406.2
    sound recordings 406.5
    still pictures 406.7
    video recordings 406.6
Federal Home Building Service Section 195.4
Federal Home Loan Bank Act (1932) 39.8, 195.2;
   (1935 amendments) 195.5
Federal Home Loan Bank Administration
    Housing Corporation liquidation 3.6.2
    orders 195.3
Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Records of the (RG 195)
     administrative history 195.1
    cartographic records 195.6
    Federal Home Building Service Section 195.4
    Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council 195.5
    Home Owners' Loan Corporation 195.3
    machine-readable records 195.8
    records 195.2
    sound recordings 195.7
Federal Home Loan Bank System 195.2.1, 195.4
"Federal Home Loan Exhibit" (sound recording) 195.2.1
Federal Horticultural Board 7.3.1, 54.3.13
Federal Housing Act
    violation file 60.3.4
Federal Housing Administration
    employment practices survey 453.2.1
    records 207.2
    secondary market 294.2
    sound recordings 69.9
Federal Housing Administration, Records of the (RG 31)
    administrative history 31.1
    cartographic records 31.3
    motion pictures 31.4
    records 31.2
    sound recordings 31.5
Federal Housing Administration, Subcommittee to Investigate the
     (Senate) 46.6
Federal Housing Garden Projects 96.4.9
Federal Income Tax Statistical Project 56.14.8
Federal Inter-Agency Alaskan Development Committee 126.5.2
Federal Interagency Committee on Education 12.2.1
Federal Inter-Agency Committee on Recreation 368.2
Federal Interagency River Basin Committee 315.2
Federal Interagency River Basin Program 95.6.5
Federal Interagency Task Force on Food and Shelter for the Homeless 207.7.10
Federal Investigations, Office of (Civil Service Commission) 478.2
federal land acquisition
    Agriculture Department 16.3.1, 16.5.2
    Air Force installations 341.3.1
    Alabama New Deal projects 60.12.2
    Animal Industry Bureau 27.2
    Army 319.3.2
    Defense Relocation Corporations 96.2.5
    foreign service sites 353.2
    Forest Service 95.5.2-95.5.4
    housing projects 196.5.2, 196.6.1, 196.6.3
    Indian use 75.7.2
    Library of Congress 48.4.5
    lighthouse sites 26.2.1, 26.2.2
    military reservations 92.7.2
    national parks 79.4.5, 79.4.6
    naval facilities 71.1, 71.3.5
    payment of debts 206.1, 206.4
    public buildings 121.2.2, 121.4.1
    Resettlement Administration 16.5.5, 96.4.4, 96.4.10
    TVA-Forest Service exchange 142.11
    Transportation Department 467.2
    wildlife refuges 22.8.7
federal lands SEE ALSO public lands; surplus property disposal
    agency property inventories 269.6
    Alaska transfers 220.14.2
    Asset Management Study maps 233.15
    District of Columbia 42, 52.2.4
    Interior Secretary maps 48.4.1
    Land Management Bureau 49
    power systems 57.7
    Property Review Board 429.11
    Public Land Law Review Commission (photographs) 409.2
Federal Lands, Joint Committee on Recreational Survey of 220.3
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 56.1, 56.19
Federal Livestock Feed Agency 136.2.3
Federal Loan Agency 234.3
Federal Manpower Policies, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.17
Federal Maritime Board 358.2
Federal Maritime Commission, Records of the (RG 358)
    admininstrative history 358.1
    Federal Maritime Board 358.2
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Records of the (RG 280)
    administrative history 280.1
    boards, panels, and commissions 280.4
    Conciliation Service, U.S. 280.2
    records 280.3
    sound recordings 280.5
    still pictures 280.6
Federal Medical Services, Task Force on
     (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
Federal Medical Services, Task Force on
   (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7, 330.12.3
Federal Migratory Bird Law 22.6.1
Federal Music Project 69.5.3
Federal Narcotics Control Board 170.5
Federal National Mortgage Association
    general records 234.5.10
Federal National Mortgage Association, Records of the (RG 294)
    administrative history 294.1
    records 294.2
Federal Oil Conservation Board 80.7.3, 232.2
Federal Open Market Committee 82.4
Federal Paperwork, Commission on 220.17.6
Federal Pay Comparability Act (1970) 220.15.27
Federal Personnel Council 146.4
Federal Plant Quarantine Board 7.3.1
Federal Power Act (1920) 138.2, 138.2.1, 434.3
Federal Power Commission
    Agriculture Department records 16.12
    Army Engineers reports 77.9.9, 77.10.32
    Bonneville Power Administration reports 305.2
    California river basin studies 49.13.3
    Geological Survey cooperation 57.6.9, 57.7.1
    records 138.2
    unions 25.5.3
Federal Preparedness Agency 269.11.5
Federal Printing and Paperwork, Subcommittee to Study
   (House of Representatives) 233.14
federal prisoners of war
    AGO records 109.14.2, 109.14.3
    Commissary General of Prisoners 249.2.2, 249.2.3, 249.3.2, 249.3.3, 249.5.1
    Confederate Secretary of War 109.6
Federal Procurement Policy, Office of
   (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.1
Federal Project No. 1 69.5.1
Federal Project No. 263 75.21.7
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act (1949) 64.2,
     121.1, 121.3, 137.5, 162.4, 207.6.5, 269.1, 269.2,
    274.1, 352.2, 368.5, 398.2
Federal Property Council 429.7
Federal Property Resources Service, Records of the (RG 291)
    administrative history 291.1
    motion pictures 291.4
    Property Management and Disposal Service
        general records 291.2
        regional offices 291.3
Federal Public Housing Authority 196.1, 196.4, 196.5.2, 207.5
federal publications 149, 287
Federal Radiation Council 412.2.2
Federal Radio Commission 173.2, 173.4, 173.5
Federal Railroad Administration, Records of the (RG 399)
    administrative history 399.1
    Safety and Service Bureau, ICC 399.2
Federal Real Estate Board 16.8.5
federal records
    photographs 64.6
    temporary commissions 220.17.5, 220.17.6
    WPA survey of archives 64.6, 69.5.7
Federal Records Centers, Office of (National Archives) 64.4
Federal Regional Council, Region II (New York) 414.6.1
Federal Regional Council, Region IV (Atlanta) 414.6.2
Federal Regional Councils
   (Hispanic opportunities committee) 220.15.6
Federal Register 64.5
Federal Register Division (National Archives) 64.5
Federal Register, Office of the (National Archives) 64.5
Federal Relations with International Organizations,
    Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.13
Federal Republic of Germany
    foreign relations
        postwar conferences 43.7.7, 43.7.11, 43.7.13-43.7.15
        U.S. agreements 335.6
    Military Government for Germany 260.3.5
    USIA centers 306.2
Federal Reserve Act (1913) 82.1-82.3, 82.5; (1938) 34.1
Federal Reserve banks
    FHA maps 31.3
    liberty bonds, war loans 53.6, 154.2
    Mexican currency exchange 104.3.6
    Special Liquidator of Securities 101.5.2
    Treasurer's records 50.4
    War Finance Corporation accounts 154.3.5, 154.3.8
Federal Reserve Building 82.6, 82.7
Federal Reserve System
    Capital Issues Committee 158.3
    Issue and Redemption Division 101.6
    Senate committees 46.6
Federal Reserve System, Records of the (RG 82)
    administrative history 82.1
    advisory council 82.5
    Board of Governors 82.3
    motion pictures 82.6
    Open Market Committee 82.4
    Reserve Bank Organization Committee 82.2
    sound recordings 82.7
Federal Rules of Civil Procedures 60.4.2
Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council 195.5
Federal Savings and Loan Associations 39.8
Federal Security Agency
    Community War Services liaison 215.2.2
    defense training 211.22.1
    records 235.2, 235.3.1, 235.5
Federal Seed Act 136.3.2
Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. 80.8.1
Federal Spending Practices and Open Government,
     Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.13
federal-state cooperation
    agricultural research 164
    price controls enforcement 188.18.4
    tax coordination 58.6.6
    water resources projects 57.6.2
Federal-State Cooperation, Division of
   (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.3
federal-state relations
    aid procedures commission 220.9.2
    commission 220.9.14
    grant system coordination 414.6
Federal-State Relations, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Federal Statistical Board 83.4.1
Federal Statistics 220.15.19
Federal Statistics Board 51.7
Federal Strategy for Drug Abuse and Drug Traffic Prevention 429.6
Federal Supply, Bureau of 137.5
Federal Supply, Commissioner of 137.5
Federal Supply Service, Records of the (RG 137)
    administrative history 137.1
    Federal Coordinating Service 137.3
    General Supply Committee 137.2
    Procurement Division 137.4
    records 137.5
Federal Supply, Task Force on (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation 16.5.1
Federal Tax Section (Alien Property Bureau) 131.2.4
Federal Tender Board (National Recovery Administration) 232.6
Federal Tender Board No. 1 232.6
Federal Theatre National Advisory Board 69.5.4
Federal Theatre Project 69.5.4, 69.9
Federal Trade Commission
    oil industry reports 67.5.4
Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) 122.1
Federal Trade Commission Building 122.10
Federal Trade Commission, Records of the (RG 122)
    administrative history 122.1
    cartographic records 122.9
    Consumer Protection, Bureau of 122.8
    Corporations, Bureau of 122.2
    Docket (Legal) Section 122.5
    Economic Division 122.4
    Export Trade Section 122.6
    machine-readable records 122.11
    records 122.3
    sound recordings 122.10
    Special Board of Investigation 122.7
Federal Trade Commission Section
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.1
Federal Traffic Board 59.3.11, 137.3.2
Federal Traffic Section (Division) (Procurement Division) 137.4.2
Federal Triangle 66.2.2
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1956) 412.4.1;
   (1972 amendments) 220.15.34
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
EPA records 412.2.1
Federal Water Pollution Control Administration,
     Records of the (RG 382)
    administrative history 382.1
    headquarters records 382.2
    Northeast Regional Office 382.3
Federal Water Project Recreation Act 368.5
Federal Water Quality Administration 412.2.1, 412.8
Federal Women's Program Committee (National Archives) 64.12
Federal Works Agency
    Community Facilities 207.6.5
    legislative reference file 269.4
    planning 187.6
    still pictures 69.10
    War Department projects 165.12.2
Federal Works Agency, General Records of the (RG 162)
    administrative history 162.1
    Community Facilities 162.4
    Federal Fire Council 162.5
    general records 162.2
    sound recordings 162.6
    staff offices 162.3
    still pictures 162.7
Federal Works and Aid Section
     (War Department General Staff) 165.8.2
Federal Writers' Project 69.5.5, 69.10
Federated Malay States
    Paris Peace Commission report 43.11.5
    U.S. opium conference delegate 43.2.9
Federation of Italian World War Veterans in the United States 131.3.2
feed SEE grain
Feed Materials Branch (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Feeds Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
"Feeling Sports" (sound recordings) 220.17.12
Feiker, Frederick M. 151.2.1
Feiler, Sidney L. 296.3
feldspar 70.11.3
Fellner, William 459.3.2
Felton, David 235.2.4
Femmes et enfants de France aux durs travaux des champs
   (motion picture) 4.2.3
Fenimore, WI 310.5.12
Fennemore, J. 57.2.2
Ferdinand II of Aragon 186.1
Fergus Falls, MN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.25.2
Fergus Falls, MN, Division (District Court) 21.25.1
Fergus Falls, MN, Division, Special Assistant
   to the Attorney General for the 118.22.2
Ferguson, Thomas B. 22.3.1
fermentation research 97.3.4
Fernandez de Taos, NM, District (Territorial Court) 21.33.1
Fernandina, FL
    Army commands 98.2.4, 393.4, 393.12
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Fernandina, FL, Army Port Agency 336.3.2
Ferres, Luis A. 220.15.11
ferries and ferry service
    Crow Creek Indian Agency 75.19.20
    labor disputes 13.10
    Norfolk, VA project 3.4.7, 3.7.1
Ferrous Metallurgical Advisory Board
      (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15
Ferry Lake, LA 49.17
    nitrate allocation 83.2
    price controls 188.3.6
    research 54.2, 54.3.19, 54.5.1
    soil improvement study 83.4.9
Fertilizer, Committee on (Combined Raw Materials Board) 179.3
Fertilizer Control, Office of (Chemistry and Soils Bureau) 54.5.1
Fertilizer Research Division (Chemistry and Soils Bureau) 54.5.1
Fessenden, Reginald A. 27.6.1
Festival program
      (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.7
festivals SEE fairs and expositions
Fetterman massacre 75.14.2
"Fibber McGee and Molly" (radio program) 178.13, 179.7
fibers SEE textiles and textile industry
Fibers, Textile Bags, and Cordage Section
     (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Fichtner, C.C. 240.3.4
Field Accounting Division (Price Administration) 188.5.6
Field Administration, Assistant Administrator for
     (National Recovery Administration) 9.3.4
Field Artillery Board 177.3, 337.8.1, 338.2.3
Field Artillery Brigades (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Field Artillery, Chief of 177.3
Field Artillery Gun Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Field Artillery Motor Training Center
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
Field Artillery Replacement Regiment
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
Field Artillery Rocket and Anti-Aircraft Section
      (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Field Artillery Section
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2, 130.7.6
Field Artillery Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.1
Field Artillery Training Camps (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
field artillery units 391.2.2, 391.2.4
    photographs 391.8
    training exercises (maps) 391.7
Field Audit Section
    (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) 136.5.2
Field Audit Section (Marketing and Marketing Agreements) 136.5.2
Field Bureau (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.4.3
Field Coordination, Division of
   (Community Facilities Administration) 207.6.7
Field Division (Census Bureau) 29.3.5;
    (Price Administration) 188.7.3;
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.16
Field Employment Assistance, Branch of (Indian Affairs) 75.19.23
Field Engineering Division (Army Engineers) 77.10.23
Field Examination Branch (General Land Office) 49.12
field guns 156.2.1
Field Health Division (Indian Affairs) 75.19.26
Field Information Agency, Technical
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.6, 331.3.4
Field Information Division (Shipping Board) 32.2.3
Field Investigations in Pomology, Office of
   (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Field Liaison (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.1
Field Liaison Division (Air Force Information Services) 340.3.2
field matrons (Indian Affairs)
    agency records 75.19.20, 75.19.29, 75.19.32, 75.19.54,
      75.19.73, 75.19.122, 75.19.126
Health Division 75.14.4
Field Office Division
   (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.7
Field Operations, Assistant Controller for
   (Post Office Department) 28.5.1
Field Operations Branch
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.11;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.1, 260.7.3;
    (Price Administration) 188.6.3
Field Operations, Bureau of (OWI) 208.3.7
Field Operations Division (Community War Services) 215.2.6;
    (Finance Chief, Army) 203.2;
    (Land Commissioner for Bavaria) 466.3.2;
    (Land Commissioner for Bremen) 466.3.1
Field Operations Division, Director of the
   (Price Administration) 188.4
Field Operations, Division of
   (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.4.3
Field Operations, Division of (Government Reports) 44.3.3, 44.4.4
Field Operations in Ohio, Chief of
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.23.6
Field Operations Office (Emergency Management Office) 214.3.1
Field Operations Officer for Price (Price Administration) 188.8.1
Field Operations, Special Assistant to the Ambassador for
    (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.9
Field Organization Branch (Price Administration) 188.4
Field Personnel Councils (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.1-146.4.3
Field Photographic Branch
    (OSS) 226.3.11, 226.16, 226.17.2, 226.17.3, 226.17.8
Field Relations Division
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.3
Field Section (OSS) 226.3.12, 226.18
Field Sections (Price Administration) 188.9.7
Field Service (Budget Bureau) 51.8.11
Field Service (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Field Service, Assistant Executive Director for
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.12
Field Service Division (General Land Office) 49.3.17, 49.12
Field Service Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Field Service, Office of
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.9
Field Service Operations, Chief of (Ordnance--Detroit) 156.7.19
Field Service Section
   (National Resources Planning Board) 187.3.3;
   (War Department General Staff) 165.8.2;
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.20
Field Services Division (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.5
Field Signal Battalions (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Field Solicitor (Indian Affairs) 75.19.71
Field Testing Section (Chemical Warfare Service) 175.3.1
Field Unit (War Production Board) 179.2.6
Fielding, Lewis 460.6
Fields, Richard 75.15.12
Fierst, Herbert A. 59.38
Fifteenth SEE ALSO 15th
Fifteenth Army 338.9.11
Fifteenth International Anti-Alcohol Congress 43.2.10
Fifteenth International Congress of Architects 43.2.36
Fifth SEE ALSO 5th
Fifth Army 338.9.1, 338.9.5
Fifth Army Area Food Service School 338.11.8
Fifth Auditor of the Treasury
    Lighthouses Bureau correspondence 26.2.1
    records 217.10
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals 276.6
Fifth International Conference of American States 43.2.7
Fifth Pan American Commercial Conference 43.2.27
Fifth Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
Fifth Special Agency (Treasury Department) 366.6
Fifth U.S. Army (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.2, 331.30.4
Figg, Howard E. 60.11.1
Fight for Life (motion picture) 12.2.1, 44.4.5
fighter aircraft 341.10.3, 341.12.8
Fighter Squadron 132 181.11.5
"The Fighting AAF" (radio series) 18.12
Fighting Squadron 3 (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Fighting Squadron 5 (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Fiji Islands
    photographs 22.3.3
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Fiji Land Claims 76.6
Filene Center 79.11.4, 79.13.6
Filer Commission 56.2.3
Files and Mails Section (National Labor Relations Board) 25.5.3
Files and Records Division (Council for National Defense) 62.10.4
Files and Reference Section
   (House Un-American Activities Committee) 233.25.2
Filing Division (Food Administration) 4.2.2
Filipino Americans 29.3.6
Film Polski 64.14
Film Reports (Air Force motion pictures) 342.12
Film Service, U.S. 44.3.5, 44.4.1, 44.4.5
Film Training Aids (Air Force motion pictures) 342.12
Films at the Archives 64.16
Finance Adviser, Office of the
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.10
Finance and a Uniform National Currency,
    Select Committee on (Senate) 46.11
Finance and Accounting Division
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.7;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.5; (Coal Mine Administrations) 245.5
Finance and Audit Section (Comptroller of Currency) 101.5.3
Finance and Research Division
   (Farm Credit Administration) 103.6.2
Finance and Statistics, Division of
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.7
Finance and Supply Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.1
Finance and Tax Division (Small Business Office) 240.5
Finance and Trade Division
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2
Finance (Army), Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 203)
    administrative history 203.1
    budget officer, War Department 203.3
    records 203.2
    War Credits Board 203.4
Finance Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1; (HUD) 207.7.6;
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.7; (OSS) 226.17.3
Finance Bureau (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Finance, Bureau of (Maritime Commission) 178.5
Finance, Bureau of (Shipping Board) 32.2.7
Finance, Commissioner of (Virgin Islands) 55.3.3
Finance Committee (Farm Credit Administration) 103.6.9
Finance Committee (U.N. War Crimes Commission) 238.2
Finance, Committee on (Senate) 46.11
Finance Department (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.4
Finance, Department of (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Finance, Director of (Air Force Headquarters) 341.8
Finance, Director of (War Department) 203.2
Finance Division (1989 Inaugural Committee) 274.13;
    (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2, 331.31.2;
    (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.1; (Indian Affairs) 75.12;
    (Interior Secretary) 48.5.2;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.10, 260.7.1, 260.7.4, 260.7.5;
    (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.6;
    (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.2;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4, 331.46.4
Finance, Division of (National Youth Administration) 119.4.1;
   (Post Office Department) 28.5.2; (WPA) 69.4.7
Finance Group (Bipartite Control Office) 260.9.4
Finance, Office of (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.3
Finance, Office of (General Services Administration) 269.6
Finance Officer (1st Army) 338.9.1
Finance Officer (Indian Affairs) 75.5.4
Finance, Reich Ministry of 242.4.8
Finance School (Finance Chief, Army) 203.2
Finance Section (European Theater) 338.3.1
Finance Section (SHAEF) 331.9.3
Finance Service (Finance Chief, Army) 203.2
Finance Service (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Finance Subcommittee (Urban Housing Committee) 220.14.19
Finance, Superintendent of
    (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 39.2.3, 360.2.3, 360.3.2
Financial Administrative Policy Group
   (War Department General Staff) 165.10
Financial Adviser, Office of the (Allied Force HQ) 331.19.3
Financial Affairs Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.15
Financial Analysis, Office of (Treasury Department) 56.14.2
Financial and Accounting Department (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Financial and Business Activities of Senate Employees
    and Former Senate Employees, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.19
Financial Branch (SHAEF) 331.3.9
Financial Committee (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Financial Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Financial Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.6
Financial Institutions Act (1951) 34.3.2
Financial Institutions Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.10
Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (1989) 195.1, 195.5
Financial Institutions, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.6
Financial Intelligence Group
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.10
Financial Management Branch
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.12
Financial Management, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for 340.5
Financial Management, Division of (Indian Affairs) 75.14.15
Financial Management Office (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Financial Management, Office of (Budget Bureau) 51.8.6
Financial Reporting Division (Price Administration) 188.5.2
Financial Secretary
   (House Un-American Activities Committee) 233.25.2
Financial Structure and Regulation,
    President's Commission on 220.15.14
Financing Postsecondary Education,
    National Commission on Responsibilities for 220.20
Finch Pruyn Experimental Forest, NY 95.10.3
Finding Mediums, Advisory Committee on (National Archives) 64.6
"Finding Men and Jobs" (filmstrip) 47.3.2
Findlay, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
fine arts SEE arts
Fine Arts, Advisory Committee to the Treasury on 121.2.4
Fine Arts, Records of the Commission of (RG 66)
    administrative history 66.1
    cartographic records 66.3
    records 66.2
    still pictures 66.4
Fine Arts, Section of (Public Buildings Administration) 121.3
Finger, Henry J. 43.2.9
fingerprint registers 65.3
Finished Goods Section 188.8.6
Finished Products Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.9
Finland, SEE ALSO Finnish
    agricultural, industrial cooperatives (motion pictures) 96.2.9
    food relief mission 5.4.3
    Paris Peace Conference 43.5.5, 43.5.6
        maps 43.6.7
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
    visit by U.S. Social Security personnel (photographs) 47.4.2
    World War II (photographs) 242.28
Finlay, Hugh 28.2.2
Finletter Commission 72.3.3
Finletter, Thomas K. 220.7.6, 340.2, 340.8
Finley, WI 22.15.3
Finn, Chester E., Jr. 419.1
Finnish-language captured records 242.22
Finsterbusch, Else 38.4.16
Finucane, Charles G. 335.4
Fir Production Board 32.4.9
fire ant control 310.3
Fire Control Branch, Antiaircraft and
   (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Fire Control Branch, Weapons and (Ordnance Department) 156.7.14
Fire Control Division
   (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Fire Control, Division of (Forest Service) 95.4.2
Fire Defense Section (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.7
Fire Island, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
fire prevention
    civilian defense training films 171.4.8
    Federal Fire Council 162.5
    nitrate film combustibility 64.6
    photographs 97.7
    research 97.2
    wood fireproofing 95.7.8
Fire Prevention Branch (Provost Marshal General) 389.7
Fire Protection Subsection (Ordnance Department) 156.7.7
Fire Research and Safety Act (1968) 220.15.25
Fire Support Base "Mary Ann" incident 319.11
Fire Support Base Nancy 472.7.7
fire towers 75.19.45
Fire Truck and Hose Companies (Army) 391.6.2
The Fire Within (motion picture) 220.7.7
firearms SEE ALSO rifles; headings beginning with Small Arms
    diagrams 156.2.2
    gunshot fatalities study 220.13.2
    industry integration 156.7.13
        Army Headquarters register 108.2.4
        Army training 156.7.12, 335.11.1
        competition photographs 120.16
    photographs 77.22, 156.7.13, 156.9.17
    research, development 156.7.12, 156.7.18
    target range (architectural plans) 395.14.1
Firearms Task Force (Violence Commission) 220.13.2
    civilian defense 171.4.8, 171.5.4
    mine safety 70.5.3
    ordnance equipment 156.7.13, 156.7.18
    Presidential commission 220.15.25
firemen (railroad) 220.9.15
fires SEE ALSO fire prevention; firefighting; forest fires
    CCC camps 49.6.4
    Chippewa claims 75.19.17
    cotton gins 97.3.3
    Federal Fire Council reports 162.5
    incendiary devices 65.10
    photographs 49.13.7, 97.7
firewood 188.12.6
fireworks 424.3
First SEE ALSO 1st
first aid (photographs) 52.7
First Allied Airborne Army 331.11
First Army 338.9.1
First Assistant Postmaster General, Bureau of the 28.3, 28.10
First Auction Sale of WAA (motion picture) 270.3.2
First Auditor, Confederate 109.10.4, 365.2.4
First Auditor of the Treasury
    District of Columbia 50.9
    records 217.6
First Board of Cherokee Commissioners 75.6
First Byrd Antarctic Expedition 370.8.2
First Cincinnati District (Army Engineers) 77.10.10
First Circuit Court of Appeals 276.2
First Comptroller
    Navigation Bureau 41.4.1
    records 217.3
First Division (National Currency Bureau) 318.2
First French Army 331.8.1
First Hoover Commission 264.2
First International Conference of American States 43.2.7
First International Peace Conference 43.2.8
First Isthmian Canal Commission 185.5
First Ladies
    National Archives poster 64.8
First Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs
    of the American Republics 43.2.37
First National Bank of Detroit 101.5.1
First National Labor Relations Board 25.3, 25.4
First Portland District 77.10.46
First Quebec Conference 43.3.2
First Regional Assistance Command (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.5
First Replacement Depot (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.8.2
First Samoan Conference 43.2.6
First Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
First Special Agency (Treasury Department) 366.2
First Transportation Zone (Army) 338.11.9
First War Powers Act (1941) 131.3, 207.5, 216.1, 248.1
Fiscal Analysis Division (Branch) (Budget Bureau) 51.8.3v
Fiscal and Budget Control Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Fiscal and Monetary Advisory Board 51.10.2
Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Conference on 220.10.1
Fiscal Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.1
Fiscal Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4
Fiscal, Budgeting, and Accounting Activities, Task Force on
    (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
Fiscal Commission (U.N. Economic and Social Council) 56.2.3
Fiscal Control, Division of (Forest Service) 95.3.2
Fiscal Director (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.5
Fiscal Director, Office of the (Navy Department) 80.5.8
Fiscal Division (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.6;
    (Commodity Stabilization Service) 145.5.2;
    (Housing Corporation) 3.4.1;
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.3;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.4
Fiscal Management Staff (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4.2
Fiscal Planning Staff (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.3
Fiscal Relations of the District of Columbia, Joint Committee on 128.3
Fiscal Reorganization and Procedures, Advisory Committee on 330.4.4
Fiscal Section (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
Fiscal Section (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.3
Fiscal Service (Treasury Department) 56.16
fish SEE ALSO fisheries
    biological research 22.3.1, 22.4.3, 22.13.2, 22.13.3
    conservation 22.3.4, 22.9.1
        habitat improvement 22.8.8
        water projects protection 22.4.3, 22.11.8
        cookery 22.3.4
        inspection 22.12.4
        research 22.3.1
    Indian reports 75.16.6, 75.19.11, 75.19.107
    motion pictures
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.19
        NOAA public information films 370.5.2
    photographs 106.6
    sport fishing 22.4.4, 22.10, 22.11.4, 22.15, 106.6
        census survey 29.5.3
Fish and Wildlife Act Amendments (1974) 22.1
Fish and Wildlife, Secretary of the Interior's
   Advisory Committee on 22.12.5
Fish and Wildlife Service Act (1956) 22.9
Fish and Wildlife Service, Records of the U.S. (RG 22)
    administrative history 22.1
    Biological Survey 22.5, 22.6
    cartographic records 22.18
    Commercial Fisheries Bureau 22.12, 22.13, 22.16
    field and regional offices 22.14, 22.15
    Fish Commission and Fisheries Bureau 22.3, 22.4
    general records 22.7, 22.9
    motion pictures 22.19
    national wildlife refuges 22.17
    operating units 22.8
    Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Bureau 22.10, 22.11, 22.15
    still pictures 22.20
    Treasury records relating to Alaska 22.2
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. 75.21.1
Fish Commission, U.S. 22.3, 22.4
Fish Culture Division (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.4.2
fish hatcheries 22.4.2, 22.11.1, 22.11.3, 22.11.6, 22.14.1,
    Alaska 22.4.1
    maps 22.15.5
    photographs 22.3.3, 22.3.4, 22.4.2
Fish Hatcheries, Division of 22.11.1, 22.15.3
Fish Hawk (ship) 22.3.4
fish ponds 77.10.44
Fish Protein Concentrate Program 22.13.2
Fish Resources, Supervisor of (National Park Service) 79.4.4
Fish Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Fisher, Adrian Sanford 383.2
Fisher, Frank 75.19.17
Fisher, Louis 146.5.3
    census record books 29.2.2
    customs agreements 36.3.1
    Fish and Wildlife Service 22
    international aspects
        arbitrations 76.6
        conferences 22.3.1, 22.2.5, 43.2.44
        Lake Erie maps and charts 76.2.4
        organizations 22.3.4, 22.9.1, 22.9.2, 22.12.5, 22.13.3,
          43.11.1, 43.11.4
        research 22.8.6
        resource development 22.9.2
    occupied Germany 260.7.4
    photographs 22.3.3, 22.3.4, 22.4.4, 106.6
    reservoir fisheries 77.10.56
    waterways 77.10.44
Fisheries, Bureau of 22.3, 22.4, 22.9.2, 22.14.1
Fisheries Commission 76.6
Fisheries, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Fisheries Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.49.2
Fisheries, Office of Coordinator of
   (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.14.3
Fishery Industries, Division of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.4.4
Fishery Services, Division of 22.11.9, 22.15.4
fishing rights
    Indians 75.14.20, 75.19.115
    international organizations 22.12.5
fishing vessels
    bounties 56.15.3
    photographs 22.3.4, 22.4.4
Fisk, Walter L. 77.5.1
Fitchburg, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
Fitial, Benigno R. 220.18.21
Fitting Out Section (New London Naval Base) 181.4.4
Fitzgerald, A. Ernest 479.2.1
FitzGerald, Joseph H. 220.14.7
Fitzgerald, M. Brookes 253.4.3
Five Civilized Tribes SEE ALSO specific tribes
    enrollment records 75.7.5
        rolls 48.5.5
    investigation records 75.22
    Land Division docket books 75.7.1
    land leases 75.7.5
    tribal, individual payments 75.11.3
Five Civilized Tribes, Commission to the
    employees 75.14.9
    records 75.23.3
Five Civilized Tribes Indian Agency 75.19.26
Five Year Agricultural Program
    (Crow Creek Indian Agency) 75.19.20
Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory 54.5.2, 156.6.2
Flag Day 12.2.2
flag journals 313.3.2
Flag Lieutenant (Naval Forces) 313.4.3, 313.4.5
Flag Office Command (Allied Force HQ) 331.27
Flag Secretary (Naval Forces) 313.2.1, 313.4.4, 313.4.5
flag standards 37.4.3
Flag Watch Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
    Fine Arts Commission 66.4
    photographs 92.17, 111.10
    Samoan designs 284.2
    Treasury Department 56.16
Flaherty, Robert 145.2
flak maps 313.5.3
Flammable Fabrics Act (1953) 424.1
Flanagan, Hallie 69.5.4
Flanagan, William E. 240.4.2
Flandreau census 75.19.128
Flandreau Garment Factory 75.20.14
Flandreau Indian School 75.20.14
Flat Creek, IN 114.3.3
Flathead Indian Agency
    Billings area office 75.16.4
    records 75.19.27
Flathead Indians
    enrollment 75.7.5
    timber lands 75.9
Flathead Irrigation Project 75.16.4, 75.21.5
Flathead Lake, MT 138.4
Flathead Reservation 75.19.27
flax 54.3.1, 145.2
Flax Investigation Project 54.3.7
Fleet Air Commanders Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Fleet Air Detachment Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Fleet Air Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 313.5.2
Fleet Air West Coast 313.5.7
Fleet Air Wing 1 313.5.3
Fleet Air Wing 4 313.5.3, 313.5.7
Fleet Air Wing 5 313.5.7
Fleet Air Wing 14 313.5.3, 313.5.7
Fleet Air Wings, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Fleet Aircraft Service Squadron 9 181.11.5
Fleet Aircraft Southern Pacific 313.5.3
Fleet Airship Wing 1 313.5.7
Fleet Corporation 32.4
Fleet Logistic Air Wing Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Fleet Logistical Support, Pacific 313.6.9
Fleet Marine Force 7th Fleet 313.5.5
Fleet Marine Force Pacific 127.8, 313.5.3
Fleet Problem XXI (Naval Forces) 313.4.2
Fleet Salvage Unit (Pearl Harbor Navy Yard) 181.37
Fleet Training, Division of (Naval Operations) 38.5
Fleet Training Group Western Pacific 313.5.8
Fleet, U.S.
    Commander in Chief 38.2.3, 313.4.1
    records 313.4, 313.5.1
Fleisher, David 47.4.2
Fleming, Philip B. 162.2.1
Fleming, Robert V. 220.9.8, 274.5
Flemington, NJ, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.8
Flemming, Arthur S. 220.24, 235.3.1
Fletcher, Frank F. 141.2
Fletcher's Ice Island 370.6
flex-deck project 72.3.4
"Flick Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
flight SEE aviation
Flight Crew Operations Directorate (NASA) 255.4.7
Flight Division (Naval Operations) 38.2.2
The Flight of Apollo 7 (motion picture) 255.9
The Flight of Faith Seven (motion picture) 255.9
Flight Standards Division
   (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.6, 237.5.7
Flight to Tomorrow (motion picture) 255.9
Flight Without Wings (motion picture) 255.9
Flint, MI, Division (District Court) 21.24.2
Flint, MI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.22
FLIR Demo--1st Flight (motion picture) 472.7.7
float lights 227.5.3
floating batteries 77.2.5
floating drydocks 71.2.4, 71.6
flood control
    Agricultural Economics policy records 83.4.5
        maps 83.6.5
    Agriculture Secretary's correspondence 16.3.1
    Army Engineers records 77.6.4, 77.6.9
        district records 77.10.10, 77.10.20, 77.10.23, 77.10.25,
           77.10.48, 77.10.59, 77.10.61
        division project records 77.9.1-77.9.23
        engineering plans 77.9.4, 77.10.45, 77.10.59
        maps and charts 77.9.18, 77.10.13, 77.10.17, 77.10.21,
          77.10.22, 77.10.25, 77.10.26, 77.10.28, 77.10.41,
          77.10.46, 77.10.49, 77.10.50, 77.10.53, 77.10.56,
          77.10.61, 77.10.62
        photographs 77.2.3, 77.9.4, 77.10.25
    District of Columbia map 351.2.3
    Forest Service programs 95.4.4, 95.6.5, 95.9.7
        land use projects 95.5.4
        research 95.7.5
    Indian reservations (maps) 75.19.37, 75.19.71
    legislation drafts 115.6
    Mississippi River Commission 77.7
    Missouri Basin Commission 220.7.17
    motion pictures 115.8
    National Reclamation Association 115.6.3
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.4-187.5.6
    Soil Conservation Service projects 114.2.1, 114.10.6, 114.13.5
        maps 114.7.1, 114.10.1, 114.10.4, 114.10.8, 114.10.12
        photographs 114.4.1
        surveys 114.7.1, 114.7.3
    TVA 142.1
        photographs 142.4
Flood Control, Board of 77.6.9
Flood Control, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Flood Control Section (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.5, 83.6.5
flood insurance
    Federal Emergency Management Agency program 311.3
    housing agencies 207.6.6, 207.7.5
Flood Insurance Program 311.3
Flood Prevention and River Basin Programs, Division of 95.6.5
aerial photographs 328.3
Agricultural Research Service 310.5.9
Arkansas (motion picture) 18.11
civil defense motion pictures 304.7
Geological Survey studies 57.6.10
maps 114.7.1, 187.5.4, 311.3
Colorado forecast 77.10.2
Alaska railroad damage 48.16
civil defense 304.6.2
Coast Guard relief efforts 26.5.2
District of Columbia 328.6
Los Angeles River 77.10.25
Mississippi River 77.7.1
Missouri River 220.7.17
Quartermaster General 92.17
Soil Conservation Service 114.4.4, 114.16
TVA 142.3.1
WPA 69.10
sedimentation effects 114.4.4
storm data 77.10.35, 77.10.61
Weather Bureau reports 27.6.2, 27.7
Florence, AL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.2.3
Florence, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.2
Florence, AZ, land office 49.9.3
Florence, IN 77.10.10
Florence, Italy
    Allied command records 331.29.2
Florence, OR, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
    aerial photographs
        Gulf Coast 37.3
    Army Field Headquarters 108.3
    census schedules 29.8.2
    claims 76.4
    Confederate organizations
        courts 21.11.3
        miscellaneous records 109.13.1
        Treasury field offices 365.10.2
    discrimination case files 453.2.1
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.6
        district courts 21.11
        marshals, U.S. 118.47.4
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    hurricane disaster, 1935 15.6.2, 69.3.1
    insects 7.2, 7.6
    lifesaving station logbooks 26.4.2
    lobster hatcheries 22.3.4
        Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.10.22, 77.10.56
        conservation 69.7
        forest types 95.10.6, 95.10.7
        General Land Office 56.5
        private land claims 49.3.4
        property surveys 31.2.2
        Seminole War operations 57.8
    Marine detachments 127.7.3
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2, 394.2.4
    mineral production 70.11.3
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.3
    naval timber reserves 71.2.5
        maps 49.3.6
    passenger arrivals 85.3.1, 85.3.2
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        geological formations 57.2.2
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
        Seminole Indians 75.29
    price controls 295.3
    public lands
        land entry index 49.4
        land offices 49.9.7
        private claims 49.3.4
        surveys 49.3.6
    railroad reports 234.7.3
    rent control 252.4.4
    river basin studies 22.11.8, 414.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Spanish land grants 56.2.2
        direct taxes 58.4.3, 217.10.3
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.9
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.7
        manpower 211.23.8
        rent control 188.3.5
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Florida, 1st District of (Army) 393.5
Florida, 2d District of (Army) 393.5
Florida, Army of 393.8
Florida Blanca (gunboat) 395.14.5
Florida, Confederate States District Court for the Northern
    District of 21.11.3
Florida, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Florida Direct Tax Commission 584.3
Florida, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9, 393.14
"Florida Forum" interview 453.2.2
Florida Group (Atlantic Reserve Fleet) 181.15.1
Florida Keys
    coast survey 23.5.1
    hurricane damage 15.6.2
Florida militia 92.12.2
Florida State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2
Florida, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6, 393.14
Florida, Surveyor General of 49.3.6
Florida, U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of 21.11.2
Florida, U.S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of 21.11.7
Florida, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of 21.11.4
Florida, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of 21.11.1
Florida, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of 21.11.6
Florida, U.S. Marshals for the Southern District of 118.47.4
Florida, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.11.5
Florida, U.S. Troops in 393.11.2
    census scrapbooks 29.6.4
    China relief 103.3.2
    hearings 88.4
    mills 75.19.67
    wartime production, distribution 4.3
        maps 4.2.3
Flour Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
    photographs 54.3.7, 54.7
    Plant Industry Bureau 54.2
    Washington state (maps) 106.3
Flowers, W.A. 49.17
Floyd, J.B. 109.13.2
Fluid Mechanics Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.5
Fluid Milk and Dairy Products Section
   (Price Administration) 188.8.7
fluoridation 512.3.1
Fly, James L. 259.2, 259.3
flying boat HK-1 269.11.4
flying boat NC-4 (photographs) 181.18
Flying Field, TX 18.9.1
Flying Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.4
FM radio 173.10.2
FOCUS project 237.5.6
fog 37.4.2
Foley, E.H. 56.2.3
Foley, Edward H. 274.6
folk art (photographs) 145.2
folk culture
    Alaska, Siberia photographs 75.11.4
    TVA photographs 142.18
folk music 69.5.3, 305.4
folklore 69.5.5
Follow-Up Unit (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.8
Folly Island, SC 393.5, 393.9, 393.11.1
Folsom, Marion B. 56.2.3, 235.3.1
Folsom, NM, land office 49.9.19
Fond du Lac Agency 75.19.28
Fond du Lac Reservation 75.19.17
Fono (American Samoa) 284.2, 284.3.2
Fontana, CA 96.4.9
Fontevrault, France 120.3.5
food SEE ALSO nutrition; specific commodities and crops
    advertising 88.7
    Army rations 92.3.5, 92.4.4, 92.4.6
    Civil War trade 366.8
    Council of Economic Advisers policy 459.4
    economic research 51.4
    family consumption studies 257.4, 462.2.2
    industry financial studies 188.5.4
    information for magazine editors 16.7.1
    marketing agreements 16.5.4
    NRA codes 9.4.7
    price controls 251.1
    prison consumption reports 209.2
Food Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.4
Food Administration Department
   (Council for National Defense) 62.5.4
Food Administration, Records of the U.S. (RG 4)
    administrative history 4.1
    cartographic records 4.7
    Food Purchase Board 4.6
    headquarters records 4.2
    Milling Division 4.4
    motion pictures 4.8
    state food administrators 4.3
    still pictures 4.9
    Sugar Distributing Committee 4.5
Food Administration, U.S.
Cummings' historical records 176.5
Grain Corporation correspondence 5.2.1
White House budget records 130.2.3
Food Administrator for Occupied Areas 335.4
food administrators 4.3, 62.6
Food Advisory Committee (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.8
Food, Agriculture, and Forestry Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.1
Food, Agriculture, and Forestry Group
   (Bipartite Control Office) 260.9.4
Food Allocations Division
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.4
Food and Agricultural Machinery Branch
   (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4
Food and Agriculture Division
   (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Food and Agriculture, Interagency Committee on 353.5.7
Food and Agriculture Organization 83.3.3
Food and Agriculture Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Food and Consumer Services, Records of the (RG 462)
    administrative history 462.1
    Compliance Division, Food Safety and Quality Service 462.3
    Food and Nutrition Service 462.2
    machine-readable records 462.4
Food and Container Institute (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Food and Drug Administration 7.4
Food and Drug Administration, Records of the (RG 88)
    administrative history 88.1
    Chemistry Bureau 88.3
    Food and Drug Inspection Board 88.4
    Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration 88.7
    general records 88.2
    motion pictures 88.9
    Philadelphia Field Station 88.8
    Referee Board of Consulting Experts 88.5
    still pictures 88.10
    Tea Examiner 88.6
Food and Drug Inspection, Board of 88.4
Food and Drugs Act (1906) 88.2-88.4, 88.7
Food and Feed Conservation, Office of 16.10.3
Food and Fiber, National Advisory Commission on 220.14.10
Food and Fuel Control Act (1917) 4.1, 4.2.3, 67.1
Food and Materials Requirement Division (Commodity Stabilization Service) 145.5.2
Food and Nutrition, Division of (Home Economics) 176.4.3
Food and Nutrition Service 462.2
Food and Nutrition, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Food Beverages Rationing Branch 188.9.5
Food Commission (Virgin Islands) 55.3.4
food conservation
    Chemistry Bureau 88.3
    civilian defense 62.10.2, 171.4.8
    Food Administration photographs 4.2.3
    wartime cartoons (motion picture) 4.2.3
Food Conservation (motion picture) 4.2.3
Food Control (Lever) Act (1917) 60.11, 60.11.1
Food Conversion Section
   (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.3
Food Distribution Administration 33.4, 136.7
Food Distribution, Director of 136.8.1
Food Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.31.2;
    (Food and Drug Administration) 88.7;
    (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.3;
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.7
Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration 88.7
food editors 16.7.1
Food Enforcement Division (Price Administration) 188.6.8
"Food, Fertilizer, and TVA" (filmstrip) 142.4
"Food Fight for Freedom" (radio program) 16.7.3
Food for Freedom 171.5.5
Food Industries Labor Branch (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.4
food inspection and safety
    adulteration tests 97.2
    fish 22.12.4
    Food and Drug Administration 88
        motion pictures 88.9
        photographs 88.10
    fruit, vegetable marketing 136.10.2
    insecticide residue 7.4
    investigations 462.3
    meat 16.5.2, 17.1
    milk 152.2
    photographs 16.7.1, 145.3
Food Inspector in Charge, Honolulu 136.10.2
food management (World War I)
    allocations 182.5.2
    Chemistry Bureau 88.3
    Council of National Defense 62.10.2
    Food Administration 4, 176.5
     production 16.3.2
food management (World War II)
    Agriculture Department 16.10.2
    Commodity Credit Corporation programs 145.5.2
    conservation 171.4.8
    distribution 136.7, 136.8, 136.10.1
        Europe (photographs) 331.4.4
    farmers' defense effort (radio programs) 16.7.3
    Japan 331.36
    nutrition program 176.5
    price controls, rationing 188.3.5, 188.3.6,
       188.6.8, 188.9.5, 188.16.6, 188.18.6
    procurement (photographs) 169.6.7
    production 145.6.2
        loans 96.3, 234.7.2
        OWI campaigns 208.3.3
    reconversion 250.4.2
    territories 126.2, 126.3.2, 136.8.9
Food, Office of (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.8
Food Policy Committee (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.8
food preparation SEE cooking
food preservation
    Defense irradiation project 335.9
    Food and Drug Administration 88.3
    freezing technology 142.6.1
    photographs 4.2.3, 145.4
    refrigeration study 176.4
food preservatives 88.5
Food Price Division (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Food Production, Distribution, and Consumption, Subcommittee to
    Investigate (Senate) 46.3
Food Programs, Office of
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.4
Food Purchase Board 4.6
Food Rationing Division (Price Administration) 188.9.3, 188.9.5
food relief
    China 103.3.2
    post-World War II needs 83.3.3
    Red Cross donations 103.4.1
     shipping 32.5.8
     World War I 5
        maps 5.2.1
        photographs 4.2.3, 5.4.2
Food Safety and Quality Service 462.3
Food Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Food Service Branch (Air Force Headquarters) 341.12.5
Food Service Branch (Army Support Services) 410.4.1
Food Service Division (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Food Service School (Army) 338.11.8
Food Stamp Division (Food and Nutrition Service) 462.2
food stamp program
    Agriculture Solicitor 16.5.1
    recipient households survey 462.4.1
Food Standards Committee 88.2
food supply
    Germany 242.5.7
    Military Government of Veracruz 141.5
    productivity commission (sound recordings) 220.15.29
    resource development 88.3
Food Supply Division (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.9.3
Food Supply, New England Research Council on Marketing and 354.3
Foods Requirements Committee 16.10.2
foot-and-mouth disease 16.7.2, 17.2
Foote Mineral 70.11.3
"For the Benefit of All" (filmstrip) 47.3.2
"For the Record: How HABS/HAER Documents America's Heritage"
    (video recording) 515.4.4
"For This We Fight" (radio program) 178.13
For Valor: Jap-American Soldiers Win Combat Citations
     (newsreel) 210.5
forage and forage plants
    Agricultural Economics maps 83.8
    Cavalry records 108.4.3
    Land Management Bureau surveys 49.14.2, 49.14.5
    Quartermaster General 92.4.2
    research 310.3
Forage Crop Gazette 54.3.13
Forage Crop Investigations, Office of
     (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.13
Forage Crops and Diseases, Division of
    (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.13
Force Commander's Office
   (Naval Forces in European Waters, U.S.) 125.3.9
Force Development Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3
Force Development, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (Army) 319.13.1, 319.13.2, 319.14
Forces, Austria, U.S. 338.7.3
Forces in Central Africa, U.S. 338.3.4
Forces in Puerto Rico, U.S. 395.2.2
Forces, India-Burma Theater, U.S. 338.4.4
Forces Korea, Headquarters U.S. 349.5.2
Forces, U.S. 393.2, 393.4
Ford County, IL 114.4.6
Ford County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Ford, Ford B. 174.3.2
Ford, Gerald R.
    administration temporary organizations 220.16, 220.17
    American Revolution Bicentennial (motion picture) 64.14
        Economic Development Administration 378.7
        foreign travel 306.11
        Management and Budget Office 51.14
        Olympic Sports Commission 220.17.12
Ford Island, HI, Naval Air Station 181.11.6
Ford, James 3.4.3
Ford Motor Company 25.5.4, 70.11.3, 70.12.3
Ford, William D. 220.18.26
Ford, Worthington C. 56.3.1
Ford's Theatre Disaster, Joint Commission on the 127.3
Fore River, MA 32.4.1
Fore River Shipbuilding Corp. 125.3.16
Forecast Division (Weather Bureau) 27.5.9
Foreign Activities Office
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Foreign Activities, Office of (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.8.6
foreign affairs SEE foreign policy, U.S.
Foreign Affairs, Committee for
  (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.2
Foreign Affairs, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.12
German study mission 43.10.26
Foreign Affairs Conference, Naval Academy 405.3.3
Foreign Affairs, Department of
   (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.2, 360.3.1
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of (Italy) 242.17.1
Foreign Affairs, Secretary for
  (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.2, 360.3.1
Foreign Affairs, Task Force on (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
foreign agents SEE ALSO diplomats, foreign; consular service
    intercepted messages 47.2
    military representatives 319.12.2
    World War II communications censorship 216.2.2
Foreign Agents and Reports, Bureau of 182.9
Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of 166.2
Foreign Agricultural Service, Records of the (RG 166)
    administrative history 166.1
    cartographic records 166.5
    Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of 166.2
    international agricultural conferences 166.4
    machine-readable records 166.6
    records 166.3
    still pictures 166.7
foreign aid
    agencies, 1948-61 469
    Agency for International Development 286
    agriculture 166.2
    Army Staff records 319.5.2
    fisheries 22.9.2
    mutual security programs 330.6.1
    Presidential commission 220.15.3
    State Department committees 353.3
    War Department Special Staff 165.10
    World War II Russia 80.5.7
Foreign Aid Expenditures, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.13
Foreign Aid, President's Committee on 220.7.5
Foreign Aid Program, Special Committee to Study the
     (Senate) 46.22.2
Foreign Aid, Select Committee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Foreign Aid to Free Europe, Subcommittee on U.S.
    (Senate) 46.12
Foreign Air Forces East staff
   (German Intelligence Section) 242.9.1
Foreign Air Forces West staff
   (German Intelligence Section) 242.9.1
Foreign Airmail Service (Post Office Department) 28.4.5
Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of
    Cost of Production Division 81.4
    international trade reports 20.3.1, 20.3.2
Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Records of the Bureau of (RG 151)
    administrative history 151.1
    Business Economics Office 151.8
    cartographic records 151.11
    commodities divisions 151.5
    Foreign Service Division 151.3
    general records 151.2
    independent boards and commodities 151.10
    International Trade Office 151.9
    Marketing Laws Unit, Regional Economy Division 151.4
    motion pictures 151.12
    other divisions 151.6
    Small Business Office 151.7
    still pictures 151.13
Foreign Armies East Section (German Army Intelligence) 242.7.1
Foreign Armies West Section (German Army Intelligence) 242.7.1
Foreign Assets Control, Records of the Office of (RG 265)
    administrative history 265.1
    Foreign Funds Control 265.2
Foreign Assistance Act (1948) 334.4.11, 335.4; (1961) 286.1, 334.4
Foreign Assistance Agencies, 1948-1961, Records of U.S. (RG 469)
    administrative history 469.1
    Economic Cooperation Administration 469.2
    Foreign Operations Administration 469.6
    Institute of Inter-American Affairs 469.5
    International Cooperation Administration 469.7
    Mutual Security Agency 469.3
    Technical Cooperation Administration 469.4
Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee 330.6.2
Foreign Assistance Steering Group 353.5.7
Foreign Assistance, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.12
Foreign Branch (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Foreign Broadcast Information Service 263.3
Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, Records of the (RG 262)
    administrative history 262.1
    general records 262.2
    offices and divisions 262.3
    sound recordings 262.4
Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service 262.2
Foreign Charters and Ship Warrants, Division of
    (War Shipping Administration) 248.3.3
Foreign Claims, Commission for Adjustment of 153.9.6
Foreign Claims Section (War), Records of the (RG 213)
    administrative history 213.1
    records 213.2
Foreign Commerce and Tourism, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Foreign Commerce, Bureau of 489.2
Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee to Study (Senate) 46.9
Foreign Commodity Analysis, Assistant Administrator for 166.3
Foreign Crude Coordinating Committee 253.2.5
foreign currency transactions
    Mexico-U.S. exchange 104.3.6
    President's foreign trade adviser 20.3.2
    special licenses 265.2.2
Foreign Developments Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Foreign Diplomatic and Official Personnel,
     Subcommittee on (State) 353.5.4
Foreign Disaster Assistance, Office of U.S. 286.5.2
Foreign Division (National Production Authority) 277.3.3;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2, 253.5.3, 253.7.1;
    (War Production Board) 179.2.6
Foreign Division Operating Committee
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.2
Foreign Documents Division (CIA) 263.4
Foreign Economic Administration
    commodities purchasing 234.5.6
    export controls 151.9.1
Foreign Economic Administration, Records of the (RG 169)
    administrative history 169.1
    Areas Bureau 169.8-169.10
    British Empire and Middle East Branch 169.9
    Cargoes, Inc. 169.11
    cartographic records 169.13
    Defense Aid Reports Division 169.3
    Economic Warfare Office 169.4
    Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations 169.5
    general records 169.6
    Lend-Lease Administration 169.3
    other geographical area branches 169.10
    President's Liaison Committee 169.2
    special missions 169.12
    still pictures 169.14
    Supplies Bureau 169.7
Foreign Economic Assistance Act (1950) 469.4
Foreign Economic Assistance Committee
   (National Security Resources Board) 353.5.12
Foreign Economic Development Staff
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Foreign Economic Policy, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.12
Foreign Education Section (Education Office) 12.3.3
Foreign Exchange Depository Group
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.10
Foreign Finance Staff (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Foreign Financial Affairs Office (Army Staff) 319.7.2
Foreign Funds Control (Treasury Department) 265.2
Foreign Geology Section (Geological Survey) 57.4.3
Foreign Governments, Committee to Aid 353.5.7
Foreign Governments, Subcommittee to Investigate Activities of
     Individuals Representing Interests of (Senate) 46.15
Foreign Information Section (OWI) 44.5.4
Foreign Information Service 208.5.2
Foreign Intelligence Branch (Naval Operations) 38.4.7-38.4.13
"Foreign Intelligence Files" (Manhattan Project) 77.11.2
Foreign Intelligence Section (Manhattan Project) 77.11.1
Foreign Intercourse, Division of (First Comptroller) 217.3.4
Foreign Labor Market Section
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.15.3, 211.19.3
foreign language education
    Agency for International Development training 286.4.1
    Army schools, training 160.4.3, 165.4.14, 319.24.5
    WPA project 69.5.11
Foreign Language Section (OWI) 208.3.5
foreign languages
    Allied propaganda 331.4.5
    American Commission to Negotiate Peace 256.2
        maps 256.4
    broadcast translations 262
    inter-American commercial commission 43.11.8
    War Department General Staff 165.4.5
Foreign Languages Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Foreign Liaison Branch (Air Force Headquarters) 341.11.2
Foreign Liaison Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.8
Foreign Liaison, Office of (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.3
Foreign Liquidation Commissioner 59.3.11
Foreign Materials Program 253.4.2
Foreign Military Aid Branch (Air Force Headquarters) 341.12.5
Foreign Military Aid Branch (Army Staff) 319.10.3
Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee 353.11.6
foreign military intelligence 330.7.5
Foreign Military Studies Program 319.20.8
Foreign Minerals Division (Mines) 70.4.3
Foreign Nationalities Branch (OSS) 226.8, 226.17.2
foreign nationals SEE aliens
Foreign News Bureau (OWI) 208.3.10
Foreign Observer (Budget Bureau) 51.11.2
Foreign Office (Germany) 242.4.1, 242.4.2
Foreign Oil Committee
   (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Foreign Operating Committee
  (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.2, 253.5.2
Foreign Operations Administration 286.9, 469.6
Foreign Operations and Government Information,
    Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.13
Foreign Operations and Monetary Affairs, Subcommittee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.13
Foreign Operations and Stockpiling Division
    (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.5
Foreign Operations, [Appropriations]
    Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.4
Foreign Operations Division
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5
Foreign Parasite Control, Division of 7.5.12
Foreign Permits Office (State Department) 59.3.2
Foreign Petroleum Committee 253.2.5
Foreign Petroleum Industry Material Plan 169.7.3
Foreign Petroleum Materials Committee 253.2.5, 253.5.2
Foreign Petroleum Requirements Committee 253.2.5, 253.5.2
Foreign Picture Service, Division of
     (Public Information Committee) 63.2.3
Foreign Plant Quarantines, Branch of 7.3.2
Foreign Policy, Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of 220.15.31
foreign policy, U.S. SEE ALSO treaties
    agency reports 220.15.31
    Asia (motion pictures) 12.2.1
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.2, 360.3.1
    fiscal relations
        claims settlement 39.2.3
        debts owed U.S. 39.1
        postal service accounts 28.7
        Treasury Department 56.2.1
    Nixon statement (sound recording) 130.6
    OSS consultants 226.17.1
    photographs 59.3.9
    political reports 59.3.7
    State Department
        central files 59.2
        committees 353
    weekly guidance papers 335.2
Foreign Press--Mail Service 63.2.3
Foreign Press--Wireless and Cable Service 63.2.3
Foreign Principals in the United States, Subcommittee to
      Investigate Activities of Nondiplomatic Representatives of
      (Senate) 46.12
Foreign Procurement and Development Branch
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.7
Foreign Production Division
      (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.1
Foreign Property Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.2
Foreign Quarantine Program 442.2.3
Foreign Refining Division (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2
Foreign Relations Authorization Act (1972) 220.15.31
Foreign Relations, Committee on (Senate) 46.12
Foreign Relations Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15
Foreign Relief and Rehabilitation Operations, Office of 169.5
Foreign Research Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Foreign Resources Section (Materials Policy Commission) 220.7.14
Foreign Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.2
Foreign Section (Public Information Committee) 63.2.3
foreign service SEE ambassadors; consular service; diplomats
Foreign Service, Board of 353.5.9
Foreign Service Buildings Act (1926) 353.2
Foreign Service Buildings Commission 353.2
Foreign Service Buildings Office (State Department) 59.3.11
Foreign Service Division (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.3
Foreign Service Personnel Board 59.3.2
Foreign Service Policy Committee 353.5.9
Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State,
      Records of the (RG 84)
    administrative history 84.1
    cartographic records 84.6
    consular posts 84.3, 84.4
    diplomatic posts 84.2, 84.4
    still pictures 84.7
    United Nations, U.S. Mission to 84.5
Foreign Service School 59.3.2
Foreign Service, U.S.
    commercial officers 151.3
    posts 84
        inspection reports 59.4.5
        location maps 59.3.10
    training (motion pictures) 59.7
    USIA records 306.5.2
Foreign Supply and Distribution Division
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
foreign trade SEE international trade
Foreign Trade and Commerce Division
  (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.2
Foreign Trade Office (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Foreign Trade Price Division (Price Administration) 188.8.10
Foreign Trade, Records of the Office of the
      Special Adviser to the President on (RG 20)
    administrative history 20.1
    general records 20.2
    staff offices and divisions 20.3
Foreign Trade Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.7
Foreign Trade Statistics, Division of (Census Bureau) 29.6.2
Foreign Trade Studies Section
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.7
Foreign Trade Zones Board 489.6.4
Foreign Transactions of the United States Government 375.2
Foreign Travel Subcommittee (State Department) 353.5.3
foreigners SEE aliens
Forest and Health (motion picture) 16.7.2
"Forest Atlas" 95.4.1
Forest City, MN, land office 49.9.14
forest engineers 95.3.1, 95.4.1
forest experiment stations 95.10
    map 95.10.8
Forest Extension, Office of (Forest Service) 95.4.5
Forest Fire Services 171.4.8
forest fires
    Forest Service prevention, control 95.4.2, 95.9.7,
      95.11.10, 95.11.14
        annual reports 95.6.3
        lookouts 95.11.8
        maps 95.3.2, 95.4.1, 95.10.5
        posters 95.13
        research 95.11.6
    Indian lands 75.16.1, 75.19.11, 75.19.35, 75.19.80
    interagency suppression center 49.15.2
    national parks 79.4.3
    OWI prevention campaign 208.3.3
        controlled burning effects 75.16.9
        Indian reservations 75.9
    western states 95.10.1, 95.10.4, 95.10.5
    Yellowstone Park 79.7.11
Forest Hall Prison, DC 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.7, 393.13.11
Forest Influences, Division of (Forest Service) 95.7.5
Forest Insect Research, Division of (Forest Service) 95.7.7
Forest Land Planning, Division of (Forest Service) 95.5.3
Forest Management, Office of (Forest Service) 95.4.5
Forest Management Research, Division of (Forest Service) 95.7.4
Forest Pathology, Division of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.14
forest products SEE ALSO lumber; naval stores
    defense preparedness 304.3.2
    foreign agriculture reports 166.2
    hardwood reports 40.4
    Menominee businesses 75.21.9
    naval wood preservation investigation 45.4.1, 125.3.1
    wartime purchasing 234.5.6
    wood research 95.7.3, 95.7.8
    wood-using industries 142.9.3
    Wood Utilization Committee 151.10.1
Forest Products Division
   (Business and Defense Services Administration) 40.4, 489.4.1
Forest Products Division (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Forest Products, Division of (Forest Service) 95.7.3
Forest Products Laboratory 95.7.8
Forest Products Section (Railroad Administration) 14.9
Forest Products Section, Primary (Price Administration) 188.8.9
forest rangers
    diaries 95.10.4
    district maps 95.4.1
    employment accounts, vouchers 95.2.4
    stations 95.4.7
Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game,
       Committee on (Senate) 46.3
Forest Reserve Act (1891) 95.2, 95.11
forest reserves SEE national forests
Forest Reserves, Office of 95.3.1
Forest Resources Planning Division
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.9.3
forest roads 95.2.4, 95.4.5
    maps 95.4.1
Forest Service, Chief of the 95.2.1, 95.2.4
Forest Service Manual 95.2.1
Forest Service, Records of the (RG 95)
    administrative history 95.1
    cartographic records 95.12
    forest, range experiment stations 95.10
    general records 95.2
    national forests 95.11
    operating units
        administration 95.3
        CCC activities 95.8
        land acquisition 95.5
        national forest resources 95.4
        research 95.7
        state, private forestry cooperation 95.6
    predecessors 95.2
    regional offices 95.9
    still pictures 95.13
Forest Service, U.S.
    CCC activities 35.2
    land acquisition 60.12.2
    mapping projects 57.5
        public domain committee 220.4.2
        real property 429.11
    permit surveys 75.16.11
    TVA land exchanges 142.11
Forest Statistics, Office of (Forest Service) 95.7.1
Forest Taxation Inquiry 95.7.1
Forester, Associate 95.2.1
Forester, Office of the (Forest Service) 95.2.1
Forestry, Branch of (National Park Service) 79.4.3
Forestry Division (General Land Office) 49.3.16;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.9, 75.14.21, 75.16.8, 75.19.7;
    (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.6;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.6;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.49.2
Forestry, Division of (Forest Service) 95.2.1
Forestry, Division of Construction and
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, Division of
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.9.2
Forestry Project, Prairie States
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.9.2
Forestry Relations Department (Division)
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.9.3
forests and forestry SEE ALSO national forests; naval timber
    aerial photographs 169.6.7
        publications 95.10.3
        timber board 151.10.2
    foreign agricultural reports 166.2
    Indian lands 75.7.3, 75.9
        agency records 75.19.3, 75.19.6, 75.19.7, 75.19.11,
        75.19.16, 75.19.17, 75.19.20, 75.19.21, 75.19.27-75.19.31,
        75.19.38, 75.19.39, 75.19.42, 75.19.45,
        75.19.51, 75.19.53-75.19.55, 75.19.63, 75.19.67,
        75.19.80, 75.19.86, 75.19.89, 75.19.92, 75.19.107,
        75.19.111, 75.19.115, 75.19.122, 75.19.125-75.19.127,
        area field offices 75.17.2
        area offices 75.16.1-75.16.11
        field activities 75.21.9
        photographs 75.7.1
        schools 75.20.18
    insect control 95.9.4
    Japan 331.45.5, 331.49.2
    land classification 54.5.4
        Agricultural Economics 83.4.5, 93.6.2
        Agriculture Information Office 16.7.1
        census 29.3.6
        commercial timber resources 95.12
        foreign economic resources 169.8.1
        Hawaii 126.2
        Latin America 95.7.2
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1, 187.5.3,
           187.5.9, 187.5.10
        New England 95.2.3, 315.2.3
        northwestern timber 122.4
        ownership 95.5.3, 368.5
        Tennessee Valley forest types 142.9.3
        tree species distribution 95.7.1
    motion pictures 16.7.2, 48.13
    photographs 95.13
        Alaska 95.4.1
        CCC work 35.3.2
        logging 48.16
        Southeast River Basins Study Commission 414.2
        Spruce Production Corporation logging 18.13
        TVA 142.10.2
    prison labor 209.2
    private management 95.1, 95.4.5
        experiment stations 95.10.1-95.10.8
        Forest Service operating units 95.7.1-95.7.8
         national forests 95.11.6, 95.11.10, 95.11.11, 95.11.14
        pathology 54.3.14
        photographs 95.13
    timber culture land entries 49.9.6-49.9.27
    timber surveys 95.4.5
    timber trespass
        attorneys, U.S. 118.22.1
        public lands 48.5.3, 49.3.13, 49.3.15, 49.3.17, 49.9.5
    wildlife refuges 22.17.1
forge and foundry industry 211.19.3
Forge River, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
    OSS propaganda 226.12
Forked River, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Former Russian Agencies, Records of (RG 261)
    administrative history 261.1
    Imperial Russian consulates in U.S., Canada 261.3
    Russian-American Company 261.2
    Russian Supply Committee 261.4
Formosa SEE ALSO Taiwan
    Japanese POW camps 319.12.3
    military forces 330.2.4
    naval operations 38.3.2
    OSS intelligence reports 226.6.5
Formosa Patrol Force (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
"Formulae of the Figure of the Earth" 23.3.5
Forney, Stehman 23.5.1
Forrestal, James 80.2.1, 80.5.4, 330.7.2, 340.9.2
Forsyth, William 351.4
Forsythia (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Fort Abercrombie, KS 393.7
Fort Abraham Lincoln, ND 111.5.3, 393.7
Fort Adams, RI 393.7
Fort Adams, RI, Ordnance Machine Shop 92.7.1
Fort Amador, Panama 395.13.2
Fort Andrews, MA 177.2.5
Fort Apache, AZ 393.7
    aerial photographs 75.26
Fort Apache, AZ, Indian Agency 75.19.29
Fort Apache, AZ, U.S. Troops (Battalion Repairing Road)
      Between Camp Thomas and 393.11.2
Fort Atkinson, IA 393.7
Fort Atkinson, Indian Territory 393.7
Fort Aubrey, KS 393.4, 393.7
Fort Baker, CA 77.10.55
Fort Baker, DC 393.7
Fort Barnard, VA 393.13.2
Fort Barrancas, FL 393.7
Fort Barrett, AZ 393.7
Fort Bascom, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Bayard, NM, Army General Hospital 112.5.3
Fort Belknap Indian Agency 75.19.30
Fort Belknap Indian Credit Committee 75.19.30
Fort Belknap Indian Reservation 75.16.4
Fort Belknap School 75.19.30
Fort Belvoir, VA
    architectural, engineering plans 77.10.64
    Army Package Power Reactor 77.17
    engineer activities 77.13
    maps 79.6.6
    post records 77.13.3
Fort Bennett, ND 393.7
Fort Benning, GA 337.8.2
Fort Benton, MT 393.7
Fort Berthold Indian Agency 75.19.31
Fort Bidwell, CA 393.7
Fort Bidwell Hospital 75.19.32
Fort Bidwell Indian Agency 75.19.32
Fort Bidwell School 75.19.32
Fort Bienvenue, LA 393.4, 393.7
Fort Bliss, TX 319.4.2, 338.13, 393.7
Fort Blunt, Creek Nation 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
Fort Bouguen, France 120.8.1
Fort Bowie, AZ 393.7
Fort Brady, MI 393.7, 394.4
Fort Bragg, CA 393.7
Fort Bragg, NC 337.7.4, 337.8.1, 393.7, 394.4
Fort Bray, MI 338.2.1
Fort Bridger, WY 393.7
Fort Brook, FL 393.4, 393.7
Fort Brown, TX 393.7, 394.4
Fort Buford, ND 393.7
Fort Bunker Hill, DC 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort Calhoun, VA 77.10.38, 393.7
Fort Canby, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Canby, WA, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
Fort Carroll, MD 77.10.4
Fort Cass, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort Caswell, NC 77.10.66
Fort Clark, TX 394.4
Fort Clinch, FL 77.10.22
Fort Collins, CO
    sugar beet operations (photographs) 54.3.12
Fort Collins, CO, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.1
Fort Columbia, WA, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
Fort Columbus, NY 393.4, 393.7
Fort Concho, TX 393.7
Fort Conger 27.4.5
Fort Constitution, NH 393.2, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Craig, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Craig, NM, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Fort Crawford, CO 393.7
Fort Crawford, WI 393.7
Fort Crockett, NM 94.16
Fort Crockett, TX 77.10.18
Fort Crook, NE 18.9.2
Fort Cummings, NM 393.7
Fort Custer, MI 394.4
Fort Custer, MT 393.7
Fort D.A. Russell, TX 394.4
Fort D.A. Russell, WY 393.7
Fort Dalles, OR 49.9.22
Fort Davis, TX 393.7
Fort Defiance, AZ
    Navajo Indian Agency 75.17.3, 75.19.62
Fort Defiance Machinery Co. 74.7
Fort Defiance Navajo training school 75.19.62
Fort Delaware, DE 77.10.44, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Delesseps, Panama 395.13.2
Fort Des Moines, IA 394.4
Fort Des Moines, IA, land office 49.9.11
Fort Detrick, MD 175.4.8
Fort Devens, MA 319.22
Fort Dodge, IA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.17.2
Fort Dodge, IA, Division (District Court) 21.17.1
Fort Dodge, IA, land office 49.9.11
Fort Dodge, KS 393.7
Fort Donelson, TN 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.11.1, 393.12
Fort Douglas, UT 393.7, 394.4, 407.4.4
Fort Duncan, TX 393.7
Fort Dupont, DE 77.10.44
Fort Edwards Factory 75.3
Fort Edwards, MA 337.12
Fort Egbert, AK 92.17
Fort Elliott, TX 393.7
Fort Ellis, MT 393.7
Fort Ethan Allen, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort Ethan Allen, VT 394.4
Fort Eustis, VA 336.2.3, 394.4
Fort Federal Hill, MD 393.7
Fort Federes, France 120.8.1
Fort Fetterman, WY 393.7
Fort Fillmore, NM 109.8.4
Fort Fisher, NC 109.8.4, 393.4, 393.11.1
Fort Fletcher, KS 393.4, 393.7
Fort Foote, MD 77.2.5, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Francis E. Warren, WY 394.4
Fort Fred Steele, WY 393.7
Fort Gaines, GA 77.10.31
Fort Garland, CO 393.7
Fort Gaston, CA 393.7
Fort Gibson, Indian Territory 27.4.1, 393.7
Fort Gibson, OK 393.7
Fort Gibson, OK, National Cemetery 92.8.3
Fort Gordon, GA 389.2.1, 389.5
Fort Grant, AZ 393.7
Fort Griffin, TX 393.7
Fort Gulick, Canal Zone 338.6.2
Fort Hall Indian Agency
    photographs 75.16.8
    records 75.19.33
Fort Hall Indian Reservation 114.10.12
Fort Halleck, NV 393.7
Fort Hamilton, NY 394.4, 393.7
Fort Harker, KS 393.7
Fort Hays, KS 393.7
Fort Hays, KS, conservation experiment station 114.4.2
Fort Heiman, TN 393.7
Fort Henry, TN 393.7
Fort Holabird, MD 77.10.4, 319.21, 319.27
Fort Holabird, MD, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Fort Hood, TX 77.10.17
Fort Howard, MD 77.10.4, 394.4
Fort Huachuca, AZ 394.4, 393.7
Fort Huachuca, AZ, Army Hospital 338.11.5
Fort Humboldt, AZ 393.7
Fort Hunt, VA 77.10.64, 79.6.6
Fort Independence, MA 98.2.5
Fort Indiantown Gap, PA, refugee resettlement camp 220.18.24
Fort Irwin, CA, Army Hospital 338.11.5
Fort Jackson, LA 77.10.35, 393.7
Fort Jefferson, FL 77.10.35, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Jefferson Monument 79.6.6
Fort Johnson, NC 393.4, 393.7, 393.14
Fort Johnston, NC 98.2.5, 393.7
Fort Kamehameha, HI 395.12.2
Fort Kearney, NE 393.7
Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake Wagon Road 48.5.3
Fort Keogh, MT 111.5.3, 393.7
Fort Klamath, OR 393.7
Fort Knox, KY 177.4
Fort Knox, KY, Medical Depot 112.5.6
Fort Lafayette, NY 249.6, 393.7
Fort Lapwai, ID 393.7
Fort Laramie, WY 393.5, 393.6, 393.7
Fort Larned, KS 393.7
Fort Lauderdale, FL
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
Fort Lauderdale, FL, field office
   (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.4
Fort Lauderdale, FL, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Fort Lawton, WA 319.29, 338.11.4
Fort Leavenworth, KS
    architectural plans 92.16
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
    artillery battalion 391.2.2
    construction quartermasters 92.7.1
Fort Leavenworth, KS, Military Prison 94.10.2, 153.2.2
Fort Lee, VA, General Equipment Test Facility 92.15.4, 338.11.1
Fort Lee, VA, Quartermaster Facilities 92.15.4
Fort Lewis, CO 393.7
Fort Lewis, WA 319.29
Fort Lincoln, ND, internment camp 85.4.2
Fort Liscum, AK 394.4
Fort Livingston, LA 80.11
Fort Logan, MT 393.7
Fort Lowell, AZ 393.7
Fort Lowell, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Lyon, CO 393.7
Fort Lyon, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort MacArthur, CA, Army Hospital 338.11.5
Fort Mackinac, MI 393.7
Fort Macon, NC 393.7
Fort Macon, NC, Coast Guard Base 26.6.4
Fort Madison Factory 75.3
Fort Maginnis, MT 393.7
Fort Mahan, DC 393.4, 393.7
Fort Marcy, NM 393.3, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Marcy, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort Marion, FL 393.4, 393.7, 393.14
Fort Marshal, MD 393.7
Fort Mason, CA 77.10.55
Fort McClellan, AL 175.4.8
Fort McDermitt, NV 393.7
Fort McDermitt Subagency 75.19.34
Fort McDowell, CA 394.4, 393.7
Fort McHenry, MD 77.10.4, 393.7
Fort McKavett, TX 393.7
Fort McKinney, Wyoming Territory 111.5.3, 393.7
Fort McPherson, GA 407.4.4
Fort McPherson, NE 393.7
Fort McPherson, NE, National Cemetery 92.8.3
Fort McRae, NM 393.7
Fort Meade, FL 393.7
Fort Meade, MD 77.10.4, 319.22, 338.11.8, 389.4.8, 394.4
Fort Meade, SD 393.7
Fort Mifflin, PA 393.7
Fort Miles, DE 77.10.44
Fort Mills, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Fort Missoula, MT 393.7
Fort Missoula, MT, internment camp 85.4.2
Fort Mojave, AZ 393.7
Fort Mojave Subagency and School 75.19.15
Fort Monmouth, NJ 153.5
Fort Monmouth, NJ, Signal Corps laboratory 111.6.2
Fort Monmouth, NJ, Signal Corps school 111.8
Fort Monroe, VA
    architectural, engineering plans 77.10.4
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12
    engineer post records 77.10.38
    history 156.9.8
    sick and wounded register 249.3.3
Fort Monroe, VA, Arsenal 156.9.8
    photographs 156.9.9
Fort Monroe, VA, Artillery School 177.2.2
Fort Monroe, VA, Coast Artillery Board 177.2.3
Fort Monroe, VA, Military District of (Army) 393.5
Fort Monroe, VA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Fort Montgomery, NY 77.10.37
Fort Morgan, AL
    Army commands 394.4
    engineer activities 77.10.31
    firing range (photographs) 156.16, 177.2.3
Fort Morgan, AL, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.6
Fort Morgan, AL, Hospital 109.8.4
Fort Morgan, LA 77.10.35
Fort Moultrie, GA 77.10.8
Fort Myer, VA 393.7
Fort Myers, FL 393.4, 393.7
Fort Niagara, NY 77.10.42, 393.7
Fort Niobrara, NE 393.7
Fort Oglethorpe, GA 394.4, 407.4.4
Fort Omaha, NE 393.7
Fort Ontario, NY
    architectural plans 77.10.6
    Army commands 393.7
    engineer operations reports 77.10.42
Fort Ontario, NY, Emergency Refugee Shelter 210.1, 210.2,
   210.2.3, 210.3.5, 210.4.2
    photographs 210.3.4
Fort Ord, CA 319.29
Fort Orford, OR 393.7
Fort Peck Agency 75.19.35
Fort Peck Dam 77.10.16
Fort Peck Farming Association 75.19.35
Fort Peck Indian Reservation 75.16.4
Fort Peck, MT, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.16
Fort Pembina, ND 393.7
Fort Phil Kearney 75.14.2
Fort Phil Kearney (Fetterman) massacre 75.14.2
Fort Phoenix, MA 393.4, 393.7
Fort Pickens, FL 393.4, 393.7
Fort Pickering, TN 393.7, 393.9
Fort Pierce, FL, Division (District Court) 21.11.6
Fort Point, CA
    engineer post records 77.10.55
Fort Point, CA, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.9
Fort Porter, NY 77.10.42, 393.7
Fort Pulaski, GA 393.7, 393.11.1
Fort Putnam, TN 77.2.5
Fort Randall Dam 77.10.41
Fort Randall, SD 393.7
Fort Randolph, Panama 395.13.2
Fort Reno, OK, Remount Depot 92.15.4
Fort Richardson, AK 319.29
Fort Richardson, TX 393.7
Fort Ricketts, DC 393.4, 393.7
Fort Ridgely, MN 393.4, 393.7
Fort Riley, KS 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.2
Fort Riley, KS, Army Reserve Depot 92.7.1
Fort Riley, KS, Cavalry School 177.4
Fort Ringgold, TX 393.7
Fort Robinson, NE 393.7
Fort Robinson, NE, Remount Depot 92.15.4
Fort Sam Houston, TX, Aviation Examining Board 18.9.4
Fort San Jacinto, TX 77.10.18
Fort San Pedro, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Fort San Severino, Cuba 395.11.5
Fort Sanders, WY 393.7
Fort Schuyler, NY 24.8.3
Fort Scott, KS 393.4, 393.7
Fort Scott, KS, District (Territorial Court) 21.18.1
Fort Scott, KS, Division (Circuit Court) 21.18.3
Fort Scott, KS, Division (District Court) 21.18.2
Fort Scott, KS, land office 49.9.12
Fort Scott, KS, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Fort Screven, GA 177.2.2
Fort Sedgwick, CO 393.7
Fort Selden, NM 393.7
Fort Shafter, HI 395.12.2
Fort Shafter, HI, military hospital 395.12.2
Fort Shaw, MT 393.7
Fort Shaw, MT, Indian School 75.20.15
Fort Sheridan, IL 92.7.1, 338.11.8, 394.2.6, 394.4
Fort Sherman, ID 393.7
Fort Sidney, NE 393.7
Fort Sill Indian School 75.19.50, 75.20.16
Fort Sill, OK 22.17.1, 337.8.2, 393.7
Fort Sisseton, SD 393.7
Fort Slocum, NY 394.4
Fort Smallwood, MD 77.10.4
Fort Smith, AR
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
    post office 75.15.12
Fort Smith, AR, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.5.1
Fort Smith, AR, Division (Circuit Court) 21.5.4
Fort Smith, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.3
Fort Snelling, MN 393.4, 393.7, 394.4
Fort Spokane, WA 393.7
Fort St. Michael, AK 92.17, 394.4
Fort St. Philip, LA 77.10.35, 393.7
Fort Stanton, DC 393.4, 393.7
Fort Stanton, NM, internment camp 85.4.2
Fort Stanton, NM, public health hospital 90.4.17, 90.4.40
Fort Steilacoom, WA 393.7
Fort Stephen D. Little, AZ 394.4
Fort Stevens, OR 77.10.46, 393.7
Fort Stevens, OR, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
Fort Stevenson, MT 393.7
Fort Stockton, TX 393.7
Fort Story, VA 70.2.2
Fort Stotsenberg, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Fort Sully, SD 393.7
Fort Sumner, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Sumner, NM, land office 49.9.19
Fort Sumter, SC
    Army Engineers correspondence 77.10.8
Fort Supply, OK 393.7
Fort Taylor, FL 77.10.22, 393.4, 393.7
Fort Thomas, AZ 393.7
Fort Thomas, KY 394.4
Fort Thompson reservation school 75.19.80
Fort Tilden, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Fort Totten Indian Agency 75.19.36
Fort Totten, NC 393.4, 393.7
Fort Totten, ND 75.14.4, 111.5.3, 393.7
Fort Totten, NY 177.2.2, 393.7
Fort Totten, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Fort Totten, NY, Submarine Defense School 177.2.4
Fort Townsend, WA 393.7
Fort Travis, TX 77.10.18
Fort Union, NM 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
Fort Valley Experimental Forest, AZ 95.10.8
Fort Vancouver, WA 76.4
Fort Verde, AZ 393.7
Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory 393.4, 393.7
Fort Wadsworth, NY 77.10.37, 153.5
Fort Walla Walla, WA 393.7
Fort Wallace, KS 393.7
Fort Warren, MS 393.7
Fort Washakie, WY 393.7
Fort Washington, MD
    architectural, engineering plans 77.10.64
    Army commands 393.2, 393.7
    maps 79.6.6
    Potomac water levels 77.10.64
Fort Wayne Factory 75.3
Fort Wayne, IN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.16.2
Fort Wayne, IN, Division (District Court) 21.16.1
Fort Wayne, IN, land office 49.9.10
Fort Wayne, IN, post hospital 94.12.5
Fort Wayne, MI 394.2.6, 394.4
Fort West, NM 393.4, 393.7
Fort Whipple, VA 393.7
Fort Wilkins, MI 393.4, 393.7
Fort William D. Davis, Panama 395.13.2
Fort Williams, ME, Loop Receiving Station 181.15.24
Fort Winfield Scott, CA 77.10.55
Fort Wingate, NM 391.8, 393.7
Fort Woodruff, VA 393.4, 393.7
Fort Wool, VA 77.10.38, 393.7
Fort Worden, WA 92.5.3
Fort Worth, TX
    aerial photographs 90.12
    helium plant 70.12.2
    urban planning maps 187.5.5
Fort Worth, TX, Clinical Research Center
   (National Institute of Mental Health) 511.2.2
Fort Worth, TX, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.17
Fort Worth, TX, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.15.1-188.15.3, 188.15.6, 188.15.7
Fort Worth, TX, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.39.1
Fort Worth, TX, Division (Circuit Court) 21.46.2
Fort Worth, TX, Division (District Court) 21.46.1
Fort Worth, TX, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Fort Worth, TX, region
   (General Services Administration) 269.11.3
Fort Worth, TX, regional administrator
   (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.6
Fort Worth, TX, Regional Office (Federal Power Commission) 138.2;
    (HUD) 207.8;
     (Public Housing Administration) 196.6.1
Fort Worth, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.7
Fort Wyman, MO 393.4, 393.7
Fort Yates, ND 393.7
Fort Yukon, AK 49.13.1
Fort Yuma, CA 393.7
Fort Yuma, CA, Medical Subpurveying Depot 112.5.7
Fort Yuma Indian Agency 75.19.37
Fort Zarah, KS 393.7
Fortas, Abe 48.2
Fortescue, Louis R. 111.2.4
Fortification Section (Army II Corps) 394.2.2
    Army Engineers records 77.2.1, 77.2.9, 77.6.2
        architectural, engineering plans 77.10.32
        district records 77.10.4-77.10.6, 77.10.8, 77.10.22,
        77.10.25, 77.10.31, 77.10.34, 77.10.35, 77.10.37,
        77.10.38, 77.10.42, 77.10.44, 77.10.46-77.10.48,
        77.10.55, 77.10.66
        equipment engineering plans 77.2.5, 77.10.66
        maps 77.2.5
        photographs 77.2.5, 77.3.1
    Civil War photographs 64.6
    World War II maps 331.16.3, 331.34, 332.2.3, 332.3.1
Fortifications, Board of Engineers for 77.6.9
Fortifications, Board of Ordnance and (War Department) 165.18.1
Fortifications Map File (Army Engineers) 77.2.5
Fortifications or Other Defenses, Board on 77.6.9
Fortress Asterstein 120.9.1
Fortress Monroe, VA 394.4
Fortress Rosecrans, TN 393.7
    architectural plans 92.16
    Army Air Forces records 18.5.1, 18.7.1
    Army Engineers records 77.10.42, 77.10.44, 77.10.47, 77.10.57
    Army finance reports 203.2
    maps 77.12.3, 394.5
    ordnance property 156.3.1
        Hawaii 165.21
        Oregon Territory 76.4
        panoramas 165.21
Forty Mile, AK 36.3.1
"Forum" (radio series) 306.4.2
forward-looking infrared device 472.7.7
Foster Associates 220.15.1
Foster Grandparents 362.3, 381.12
Foster, William Chapman 40.2, 383.2
Founders' Day (Military Academy) 404.15
Fountain City, WI, boatyard 77.10.53
The Four Days of Gemini 4 (motion picture) 255.9
"Four Governors Conference Records"
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.4
"four-minute" men 63.2.2
Four Minute Men News 63.2.2
Four-Party Committee (SHAEF) 331.5
Four Party Joint Military Commission 472.11
Four Power Commission of Investigation
  (Former Italian Colonies) 43.8.2, 43.11.28
Four Power Exploratory Talks 43.10.20
Four Power meeting (1954) 43.10.15
Four Power Naval Commission 38.4.15
Four-Year Plan, Office of the Commissioner for the
     (Germany) 242.5.7
Fourteenth SEE ALSO 14th
Fourteenth International Anti-Alcoholic Congress 43.2.10
Fourth SEE ALSO 4th
Fourth Army 338.9.4
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Bureau of the 28.6
Fourth Auditor of the Treasury
    Equipment and Recruiting Bureau 24.5
    Naval Records Collection 45.2.2
    Navy Department notices 80.2.4
    records 217.9
Fourth Board of Cherokee Commissioners 75.6
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals 276.5
Fourth International Conference of American States 43.2.7
Fourth Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the
       American States 43.2.37
Fourth Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
Fourth Special Agency (Treasury Department) 366.5
Fowler, Coronado Walter 240.3.1
Fowler, Henry 56.2.3
Fox Cooperative Tractor Co. 75.19.108
fox farming 22.6.1
Fox Research Forest, NH 95.10.3
Fox River, WI 77.9.8, 77.10.30
Fox, William 94.16
Foxglove (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Foxholm, ND 22.15.3
fractional currency 50.7, 104.3.3
Framework of International Economic Cooperation,
   Interagency Mobilization Planning Committee on the 353.5.7
Framework of Wartime Economic Cooperation,
   Working Group on 353.5.7
France SEE ALSO headings beginning with French
    canals 185.2
    economic statistics 489.2.2
    harbors 32.2.8
    hospitals 120.7.7
    Indochina campaign (motion pictures) 242.26
    industrial installations 18.7.3
        economic intelligence 169.8.2
        railroads 92.5.1
        Signal Corps 111.8
    military construction 349.6.3
    mineral resources 120.3.2
        agriculture 54.7
        educational aids 75.29
        naval ships, ports 19.3.1, 80.11
        U.S. cemeteries 92.8.2, 332.2.3
        World War I battlefields 111.10
    postwar period
        civil affairs 331.2.2, 331.15.2
        conferences 43.6.5, 43.7.8, 43.7.11-43.7.15, 43.10.2,
        liberation transition 331.5
        military government 338.9.3
        occupied Germany 260.3.4
    rural houses (architectural drawings) 3.5
    U.S. citizens draft status 163.2.4
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.4.4
        naval intelligence 38.4.1
        naval stations 45.5.3
        prefederal period 360.2.2, 360.3.1
        Renting, Requisitions, and Claims Service 165.6.3
    U.S. relations
        claims 39.2.3, 60.3.3, 76.4
            Railroad Administration 14.4
        financial negotiations 56.12.3
        postal convention 11.4.2
    World War I
        aerial photographs 165.19
        American Expeditionary Forces 117.4.2, 120
            engineer activities 77.15.1
            maps 77.12.1, 77.12.2, 120.3.1, 120.3.2, 120.6,
120.7.7, 407.10
            Military Mission 120.14.4
            military observers' reports 120.3.6
            ordnance 156.6.4, 156.6.8, 156.9.14
            photographs 117.4.4, 120.3.5, 120.16
        American Forces in France 120.10
        armistice commission 120.14.6
        farming (motion pictures) 4.2.3
        historical records 165.7.2
        Liberty Loan posters 4.2.3
        Marine Corps maps 127.9
        photographs 106.6
        postcards 165.21
        trade 182.9.3
        YMCA property sales 120.4.2
    World War II
        air forces 331.13.4
        Allied conferences 43.4.4
        beaches (aerial photographs) 331.2.3
        civilian aid to Allies 332.2.2
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        German occupation 242.7.9
        German propaganda films 28.2.2
        German targets (aerial photographs) 242.9.4
        intelligence 331.3.1
        maps 332.2.3
        photographs 242.28
            bombing damage 243.3.3
            German rocket launch site 243.8
        plundered art 260.4.9
        prisoners of Italian Army 331.23.1
        property disposition 331.30.1
        SHAEF mission 331.6
        southern invasion plans 331.19.2
        strategic materials purchasing 234.5.6
        U.S. troop movements 338.9.1
        war crimes 238.3.3, 238.3.4, 331.4.7
France Division (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
France Field, CZ 18.9.3
France, U.S. Naval Forces in 45.5.4
Franco-German potash cartel 131.5
Frank, Hans 238.3.3, 242.15
Frankford, PA, Arsenal 156.9.9
Frankfort, KY, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.10
Frankfort, KY, District Office
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Frankfort, KY, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Frankfort, KY, Division (Circuit Court) 21.19.2
Frankfort, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.1
Frankfort, KY, Division Office
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Frankfort, MI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.7
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
    war damage survey 239.4
Frankfurt, Germany, Office
  (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Frankfurter, Estelle 25.3
Frankfurter, Felix 1.2, 60.4.3
Franklin, Benjamin
    Bicentennial exhibit 452.3.4
    diplomatic correspondence 360.2.2, 360.3.1
Franklin City, MA 147.2.2
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
    photographs 64.6
    site survey 49.3.6
    World War II posters 64.7
Franklin, KY 393.7
Franklin, LA 393.4, 393.7
Franklin, TN, district
  (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.2
Franklin, TX
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Franklin, TX, General Hospital 109.8.4
Franz Josef Land 27.5.15
Fraser Experimental Forest, CO 95.10.8
Fraternal Order of Police 220.15.21
    credit card fraud (motion picture) 309.5
    FDA announcements 88.9
    medical products 173.6
fraud, waste, and abuse in government programs
    Chinese immigration 85.5.8
    Civil War investigations 94.2.5
    immigration official malfeasance 118.6.1
    land entries 48.5.3
    naturalization 85.2.1
    Naval Academy exams 405.6.4
    naval investigations 45.2.4
    pension claims 15.2.1, 15.2.2
    provost marshals 110.2
    Reconstruction 94.11
    war contracts investigation 153.7
    White Earth land suits 118.22.2
    WPA 69.4.3, 69.4.6
"Frech File" 94.2.7
Frederick Gerring land claim (maps) 76.6
Frederick, MD
    airport 77.10.64
    Army commands 393.12
Frederick, MD, CCC camp 114.8.1
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefield Memorial
       Commissions 79.10.1
Fredericksburg, VA 393.7, 393.8, 393.11.2
Frederickson, Donald S. 443.3.1
Fredericktown, MO 393.4, 393.12
Free Delivery System, Superintendent of the
  (Post Office Department) 28.3.5
free enterprise
    civil disorders commission 220.11.5
free ports 81.5
Free Territory of Trieste 331.33
Free Time in the Armed Forces 220.7.9
Free World Military Assistance Office (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.13
Freedman's Savings and Trust Company 101.5.4
    farm maps 56.5
    Freedmen's Bureau field office 105.5
    Indian enrollment, claims 75.7.5, 75.12.3, 75.23.3
    Liberian colonization 45.2.5
    marriage certificates 105.2
    pension movement 15.2.2
    Treasury Special Agency 366.6
Freedmen's Branch (Adjutant General's Office) 105.4
Freedmen's Bureau SEE Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
       Bureau of
Freedmen's Bureau Act (1865) 105.1, 105.5
Freedmen's Hospital (Washington, DC) 48.4.6, 217.3.11
Freedom Foundation 378.2
Freedom of Communications, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Freedom of Information Act
    Watergate investigations 460.10.1
Freedom of Information Committee (State Department) 353.5.13
Freedom of Information, U.N. Conference on 43.2.43
Freedom Seven (motion picture) 255.9
Freedom Telephone Exchange (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.1
Freedom to Serve 220.7.8
Freedom Train exhibit 64.8, 64.16
Freehold, NJ, project office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.8
Freelance Photographers Collection 79.17
Freeman, Frankie Muse 453.2.2
Freeman, Gaylord 220.17.14
Freeman, Richard M. 142.3.2
Freeman, S. David 142.3.2
Freeport, IL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.15.2
Freeport, IL, Division (District Court) 21.15.1
Freeport, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Freeport, TX
    customs collection 36.3.1
Freeport, TX, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.6
Freetown, Sierra Leone
    U.S. naval observer 38.4.13
Freiburg, Germany 466.8
Freight Absorption and Pricing, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Freight Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.48
freight containers 133.3.4, 133.3.5
freight rates
    exports and imports 14.8
    Federal Coordinator of Transportation 133.3.2
    Motor Carrier Study Commission 220.18.23
Fremont Experimental Forest, CO 95.10.8
Fremont, NE, War Price and Rationing Board 188.16.7
French Actualites (newsreels) 208.6.5
French and American Claims Commission 365.15
French and Indian War (artworks) 111.10
French-Anglo-U.S. Tripartite Committee 353.5.5
French Area Committee 353.5.5
French Army of the Rhine 120.11.3
French, Benjamin B. 42.2.5
French Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3
French Division (OWI) 208.6.2
French Empire Economic Affairs, Committee on (State Department) 353.5.7
French Equatorial Africa
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
French Forces of the Interior 331.12
French Guiana
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
French indemnity program 53.4.2
French Indochina
    photographs 350.2
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.4
French, Jesse 240.4.2
French-language captured records 242.22
French maps 120.15
French Morocco
    World War II visa applications 331.17.2
French naval ships 45.8.4
French retirement case 153.2.7
French, S.G. 109.13.2
French spoliation claims 41.4.2, 56.4, 60.3.3, 123.6, 205.3.5
French West Africa
    U.S. Army construction 338.3.4
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
French West Indies
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
    U.S. trade 360.2.2
French Zone of Austria 331.15.2
French Zone of Germany 331.15.2
Frenchmen's Bay, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Frequency Registration and Notification Branch
   (Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee) 417.3
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Fresno, CA
    rent control 252.4.8
Fresno, CA, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.18.3, 188.18.7
Fresno, CA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.6.10
Fresno, CA, Division (District Court) 21.6.11
Fresno, CA, Indian Health Center 75.21.6
Fresno County, CA 114.10.12
Fretter-Pico Detachment (German Army) 242.7.3
Frey, John W. 232.4, 253.2.4
Friant Dam, CA 49.14.2
Frick, H.E. 32.4.1
Friedrich Wilhelm III 242.10
Friedrichshafen, Germany, naval aircraft inspector 72.5.1
Friendship Seven (motion picture) 255.9
Frierson, William L. 60.17.3
Fries, Amos A. 175.4.1
fringe benefits 432.3.2
Frisco, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Fritzlar-Homberg Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Froehlke, Robert 335.2
From Sea to Shining Sea (beautification report) 368.4
Front Royal, VA, Quartermaster Depot 77.10.64, 92.15.4
frontier area maps 94.14
Frontier, Army of the 393.4, 393.8
Frontier District (Army) 393.5, 393.9
Frontier, District of the (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9
Frontier Division (Army) 393.9
Frost, David 64.15
frozen food 142.6.1
Frozen Food Pack Laboratory, U.S. 310.5.5
Fruit and Vegetable Branch
   (Production and Marketing Administration) 136.10.2
Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases, Division of
   (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Fruit and Vegetable Division
   (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.3
Fruit and Vegetable Laboratory 310.2.2
Fruit and Vegetable Section, Fresh (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Fruit Fly Investigations, Division of 7.5.12
Fruit Insect Investigations, Division of 7.5.4
fruits and vegetables
    agricultural estimates 83.4.1
    breeding experiments 54.3.17
    census schedules 29.8.3
    Food and Drug Administration 88.2
    insecticide residue 7.4
    insects 7.5.9
    marketing 136.10.2, 136.11.3
    pathology research 54.3.22
    photographs 54.3.7, 54.7, 145.4
    production maps 83.4.6
    production statistics 355.2.1
    safety, quality standards 462.3
    transportation research 54.3.15
Fry, James B. 110.2
Frysinger, W.C. 253.5.3
    economic research 51.4
    federal supply 89.1
    mineral fuels 70.12.4
    naval ships 19.8.5
    price controls 188.5.3, 188.8.8, 188.12.6
    Quartermaster General 92.4.2
Fuel Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.3
Fuel Administration, Records of the U.S. (RG 67)
    Administrative Division 67.3
    administrative history 67.1
    Bituminous Coal Commission 67.6
    Distribution Division 67.4
    Executive Office 67.2
    Oil Division 67.5
    still pictures 67.7
Fuel Administration, U.S. 48.13, 130.2.3
Fuel Alcohol 220.18.14
Fuel and Consumer Goods Enforcement Division
   (Price Administration) 188.6.10
fuel conservation 208.3.3
fuel economy standards 416.2.1
fuel oil consumption 67.5.5
fuel oil installations (photographs) 32.4.1
Fuel Oil Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.5
Fuel Price Division (Price Administration) 188.8.8
Fuel Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.6
Fuel, Services, and Automotive Enforcement Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.6.11
Fuels and Explosives Branch (Mines) 70.6
Fuels Branch (Geological Survey) 57.4.5
Fuels Division, Minerals and (Interior Secretary) 48.5.11
Fuels Technology Division (Mines) 70.11.3
fugitive slaves
    DC court records 21.10.1
F�hrerhaus 242.28
Fulda, Germany, Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Full Employment Stabilization Unit
    (National Resources Planning Board) 187.4.1
Fuller, G.M. 253.2.4
Fuller, William E. 60.4.4
Fund Branch (Adjutant General's Office) 94.8
Funding Committee, Confederate 109.10.4
Funding Division (War Department) 203.2
Funds Allocation Group (War Department Special Staff) 165.10
funerals SEE ALSO burials
    Air Force chaplains 341.9
    Army chaplains 247.2.1
    Shiloh National Cemetery 79.10.2
Funston, Frederick 141.2
Funter Bay, AK 22.16
fur bearing animals 22.6.1 SEE ALSO seals
Fur Seal Arbitration 76.6
Fur Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
fur trade
    Reindeer Service 75.21.1
    Russian-American Company 261.2
    federal buildings 121.2.3
    park structures 79.4.5
    World War II price controls 188.8.6
fuses 72.7, 107.2.7, 156.6.5, 156.7.15, 156.7.18
Futures Department (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.1

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