Guide to Federal Records

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Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: H

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H    I   J   K   L   M  
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H Group (German Army) 242.7.2
habeas corpus cases
    California courts 21.6.1
    District of Columbia courts 21.10.1, 21.10.4
    Hawaii courts 21.13, 118.11
    Supreme Court 267.3.4
    Virginia 21.49.2
"Habitat 67" exhibit 207.14
"HABS/HAER National Archives Record Group Presentation
    Ceremony" (video recording) 515.4.4
Hacker Creek Experimental Forest, IN 95.10.2
Hadamar Concentration Camp 338.7.2
Haddington General Hospital, Philadelphia 393.4, 393.13.9
Hadley, Elwood 75.19.81
Hafstad, Lawrence R. 326.2.3
Hagerman, Herbert J. 75.25
Hagerstown, MD
    Civil War trade 366.8
    health survey 90.3.6
Hagerstown, MD, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.4
Hague, Arnold 57.4.1
Hague Conference (1929-30) 43.11.11
The Hague, Netherlands
    U.S. naval attaches, missions 38.6.1, 63.2.3
    U.S. War Trade Board 182.9.5
Hahnemann Hospital 381.5.5
Haida Indians 75.16.5
Haida totem poles 35.3.2
Haig, Alexander 64.15
Hailey, ID, land office 49.9.8
Haines, AK
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Haines, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
    census records 29.3.6
    claims 76.4
    Dominican boundary controversy 38.3.2, 76.5
    geological surveys 57.3.2
    maps 59.6
        harbor charts 80.7.2
        buildings 38.4.16
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
        rubber production 234.5.9
        U.S. National Guard 168.5
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
        Marine Corps activities 127.6.3, 127.7.1
            photographs 127.9, 127.12
"Haitian Commission" 220.4.1
Haitian Customs Receivership 350.1, 350.2
Haitian refugees 220.18.24
Haldeman, H.R. (Bob) 460.5.1
Halder, Franz 242.16
half tracks 156.15
Halfmoon Bay 77.10.55
Halfway Rock, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Halifax Fisheries Commission 76.6
Halifax, Nova Scotia
    U.S. Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
    U.S. Naval Representative 38.6.1
    U.S. prisoners 45.8.5
Hall, Charles F. 78.6
Hall, Roscoe W. 418.3.4
Hall, W.L. 95.5.2
Halleck, Henry W. 108.2, 108.2.1
Halley's Comet 27.5.7
Halliburton, Erle P. 253.2.2
Halloran, Arthur F. 22.17.1
Halperin, Samuel W. 235.3.1
ham radio operators 26.10
Hamburg-America Line 32.7, 131.3.2
Hamburg, Germany
    claims 76.4
    emigration facility 32.7, 131.3.2
    Grain Corporation, American Relief Administration 5.4.2
    shipping 32.5.13
Hamburgh, DC 42.2.2, 42.14
Hamill, Pete 319.28
Hamilton (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Hamilton, Alexander
    bicentennial commission 79.4.8, 148.11
    Constitutional Convention 360.4
    watercolor 391.8
Hamilton Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Hamilton County, OH 252.4.3
Hamilton Field, CA 18.9.1
Hamilton, Walton H. 1.2
Hamilton, William 75.11.4
Hamlet Evaluation System 330.10
Hamlin, Charles S. 158.2
Hamlin, Chauncey L. 220.3
Hamm, Luxembourg 332.2.3
Hammer (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Hammond, IN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.16.2
Hammond, IN, Division (District Court) 21.16.1
Hampton Institute 75.19.50
Hampton Roads Bunkering Association 32.5.12
Hampton Roads, VA
    fishing (photographs) 22.4.4
    naval forces maps 313.4.5
    rent control 252.4.2
    water sources (maps) 187.5.2
Hampton Roads, VA, Field Personnel Council
   (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2
Hampton, VA, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Hampton, VA, soldiers' home 15.3
Hampton, Wade 98.2.2
Hams Bluff, VI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.3
Hanafi Muslims 118.10
Hancock, John 360.2.1
Hancock Statue Commission 42.12
Hand, Edward 93.2.1, 93.3
Hand, Walter C. 294.2
handicapped persons SEE disabled persons
Handicapped, Subcommittee on the (Senate) 46.16
Hanes, John W. 56.2.3
Hanford Engineer Works, Richland, WA 77.11.1
Hanford, WA, Operations Office (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.5.8
hangars (architectural plans) 28.4.6
Hankow, China
    German consulate 242.4.2
Hanks, Nancy 288.2.1
Hanna Coal Co. 220.5.10
Hanna, Frank A. 240.3.4
Hannah, Philip 174.4.4
U.S.S. Hannibal 181.3.6
Hannibal, MO, Division (Circuit Court) 21.27.2
Hannibal, MO, Division (District Court) 21.27.1
Hannibal, MO, internal revenue collection district 58.5.25
Hanover, NH 77.14.2, 338.11.6
Hans Knoff Collection 127.12
Hansen, Morris H. 29.4.2
Hanson, John 360.2.1
Hanzlik, Rayburn 220.23.4
Happy Days (CCC newspaper) 35.2
Harbin, China
    railroad quartermaster 43.11.10
Harbor and Lighthouse Improvements on Lake Erie, Office of 77.4.3
Harbor and Shipping Control Board 32.5.12
Harbor Boat Service 92.5.3
Harbor Craft, Office of the Director of (Allied Force HQ) 331.32.3
Harbor Defense Board 394.2.1
Harbor Defense Unit (Pearl Harbor Naval District) 181.2.13
harbor defenses
    Army commands 338.2.1, 394.2.2, 394.2.9
    Army Engineers 77.2.4, 77.10.44, 77.10.57
        architectural, engineering plans 77.10.5
        maps 77.2.5, 77.10.5
    Army Supply Division 165.6.5
    Cuba (maps) 38.4.3
    joint board 45.7.5
    mine system experiment 77.6.2
harbor facilities SEE ALSO docks and wharves
    Army Engineers maps 77.6.4
    coal transport 67.4.4, 245.3.4
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau maps 151.11
    German potash cartel (maps) 131.5
    inland waterway terminals (maps) 91.3
    lend-lease reports 169.3.5
    longshore labor study 32.2.10, 280.4.1, 317.3.2
    Shipping Board 32.2.3, 32.2.8, 32.5.1, 32.5.8
        charts 32.4.3
    War Shipping Administration 248.3.2
Harbor Line Advisory Board 41.4.1
harbors SEE ports and harbors
Hardie Board of Claims 107.11
Hardie, James A. 107.11,159.4
Harding, Warren G.
    administration temporary organizations 220.2
    Fuel Distribution Committee 89.2
    photographs 16.7.1, 59.3.9, 75.29, 126.11
Hardlines and Home Furnishings Section
   (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Hardware Section, Houseware and (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Hardwicke, R.E. 253.3.5
Hardwood Veneer, Plywood, and Miscellaneous Wood Products Section
    (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Hardwoods Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Hargrave, Thomas J. 330.13.2
Harigan, W.M. 253.7.1
Harkins, Paul D. 472.8
Harlan, Charles L. 83.4.1
Harlan, John M. 60.4.3
Harlem Renaissance
    Johnson Library exhibit posters 64.7
Harlem River 77.10.37
Harmon, Millard F. 18.8
Harmon, Vincent N. 319.20.4
harness (drawings) 156.15
Harness, Forrest A. 60.10.1
Harpers Ferry, WV
    Army commands 393.7
    Brown raid 46.22.1
    federal land 121.2.2
    lithographic view 92.17
Harpers Ferry, WV, Defenses of 393.4, 393.8, 393.13.7
Harpers Ferry, WV, District of (Army) 393.5
Harpers Ferry, WV, Historical Park 79.6.6
Harpers Ferry, WV, Military District of 393.4, 393.5, 393.13.7
Harpers Ferry, WV, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Harriman Mission to London 169.12.1
Harriman, W. Averell
    foreign aid committee 220.7.5
    London economic mission 169.12.1
    National Security council 273.5
    Soviet mission 169.12.2
Harris, Fred R. 220.11.2
Harris, John 45.8.1
Harris, Patricia Roberts 207.11, 220.25
Harrisburg, PA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Harrisburg, PA, Camp of the Invalid Corps 393.4, 393.13.4
Harrisburg, PA, District Office (Price Administration) 188.12.6
Harrisburg, PA, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Harrisburg, PA, field office (Geological Survey) 57.10.1
Harrisburg, PA, Field Personnel Council
   (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2
Harrisburg, PA, Office
   (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Harrison, AR, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.5.1;
    (Circuit Court)21.5.4; (District Court) 21.5.3
Harrison, AR, internal revenue collection district 58.5.3
Harrison-Bundy Files 77.11.1
Harrison, E.G. 30.2.1
Harrison, George L. 77.11.1
Harrison Narcotic Act (1914) 170.2
Harrisonburg, VA
    register of sick, wounded 249.3.3
Harrisonburg, VA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.49.5
Harrisonburg, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.4
Harrisonburg, VA, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.9.1
Harrison's Point, VA 112.5.7
Harrodsburg, KY, military asylum 231.2.3
Harry S. Truman Library 64.6, 64.7
Hart, Gary W. 220.18.5
Hart Inquiry 80.5.4
Hart, Thomas C. 80.5.4, 128.3
Hartford, CT
    customs collection (Middletown) 36.3.1
    naturalization records 21.8.3
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Hartford, CT, District Office
   (Price Administration) 188.11.3, 188.11.6, 188.11.7
Hartford, CT, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Hartford, CT, Division Office
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Hartford, CT, Invalid Corps Depot 393.4, 393.13.8
Hartman, Edwin P. 255.5
Hartman, Isaac 60.2.2
Hartwell Dam, GA 77.10.56
Hartwell, GA 77.10.56
Haruta and Co. 131.3.3
Harvard University
    Blue Hill Observatory 370.6
    defense research 227.5.3, 227.10.2
"Harvest of Shame" 174.6
Harvey Cedars, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Harvey, Frederick L., Sr. 42.13.1
Harwood, Wilson 307.2
Haskell Club 75.20.17
Haskell Indian Junior College 75.20.17
Haskell Institute 75.19.26, 75.19.50
Haskell, John H.F. 165.11, 319.5
Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 23.2, 167.2.2
"Hasten the Day" (radio program) 171.4.8, 188.7.4
Hastings, NE, Division (Circuit Court) 21.29.3
Hastings, NE, Division (District Court) 21.29.2
Hatch Act (1887) 164.2
Hatchett (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
"hate strikes" 228.4.2, 228.4.3
Hatteras Inlet, NC, Coast Guard Station 26.6.4
Hattiesburg, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.3
Hauser, Philip M. 29.3.1
Haushofer, Karl 242.14
Haussimont, France 120.5.3
Havana and Pinar del Rio, Province of 395.11.2
Havana, Cuba
        city railroads 140.4
        yellow fever distribution 140.4
        coast batteries 77.2.5
        Maine wreck removal 77.10.37
    shipping 32.5.13
    U.S. Army commands, posts 395.5.3, 395.11.2, 395.11.5
Havana, Cuba, Arsenal Medical Depot 112.5.6
Havana, Cuba, Arsenal, U.S. 395.11.1
Havana, Cuba, Naval Station, U.S. 45.6, 71.2.5
Havana, Cuba, Ordnance Depot 156.11
Havana, Department of (Army) 140.3.6, 395.11.2
Havlik, Hubert 59.5.2
Havre de Grace, MD 41.5
Havre, MT, land office 49.9.16
Hawaii and Hawaiian Islands
        farm, home plans 96.4.9
        irrigation projects 115.1
        land classification maps 310.3
        vegetable breeding experiments 54.3.17
    airport analysis case files 237.5.10
    Army commands 395.12
    Atomic Energy Commission contractor facilities
   (motion pictures) 326.5.1
    census records 29.3.6, 29.4.1
        agricultural schedules 29.8.3
        health survey 29.5.3
    coast survey 23.5.1
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.10
        attorneys, U.S. 118.11
        district courts 21.13
    food administration 4.3
    gazetteer 324.2
    harbors 77.10.20
    maps and charts
        military radio systems 111.8
        naval operating forces 313.4.4
        Oahu military facilities 338.8
        ports 313.3.1
        Territories Office 126.2
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    mineral resources 70.9
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.8
    natives 220.18.27
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.3.3
        forts 165.21
        naval construction 181.2.13
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
        Peace Corps 490.5
        submarine periscope photography 313.4.4
        Territories Office 126.11
        towns 48.16
    PN-9 flight 72.2.2
    port facilities 32.5.12
    price controls 295.3
    public works plans 181.2.13
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.11
    territorial administration 48.4.7, 126.2
    tidal wave disaster relief 207.6.5
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
    World War II
        labor board 202.5.13
        manpower 211.23.14
        martial law 118.11
        military government 338.5.2
        oil supplies 253.2.2
        price controls, rationing 188.19.2, 188.19.3, 188.19.5-188.19.7
    WPA field records 69.6.1
Hawaii, Department of (Army) 395.12.1
   SEE ALSO Hawaiian Department (Army)
Hawaii Fleet Air Commander 313.5.3
Hawaii National Guard 395.12.1
Hawaii, Territorial Office for
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.6.11
Hawaii, U.S. Army 338.8
Hawaii, U.S. Attorney for 118.11
Hawaii, U.S. District Court for the District (Territory) of 21.13
Hawaiian Air Depot 18.9.3
Hawaiian Defense Command 349.5.1
Hawaiian Department (Army) 92.7.1, 338.5.1
   SEE ALSO Hawaii, Department of (Army)
Hawaiian Division Special Troops 391.6.3
Hawaiian Ordnance Depot 156.11
Hawaiian Rat Control Project 22.8.3
Hawaiian Sea Frontier 181.2.13, 313.7
Hawkins-Stafford Elementary and Secondary School Improvement
    Amendments (1988) 220.15.12, 220.17.1
Hawkins Taylor Commission 94.11
Hawley Board/Committee 330.12.3
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 56.3.1
Hawthorne, NV, Naval Ammunition Depot 181.15.9
    Agricultural Economics maps 83.8
    grading 136.2.3
    Indian agency records 75.19.36
    market news 136.12
    photographs 145.2
    spontaneous combustion 97.3.3
Hay, Feed, and Seed Division (Agricultural Economics) 136.2.3
Hayden, Ferdinand V. 57.2.3
Hayden Survey 57.2.3, 79.17
Hayes, Erving P. 73.2.2
Hayes, Helen 330.14
Hayes, Rutherford B.
    correspondence 130.2.1
    photographs 121.8
Haymaker, K.V. 3.4.8
Haynes, Frank J. 79.17
Haynes, Rowland 73.5
Hays, Brooks 142.3.2
Hays City, KS, land office 49.9.12
Hayward Indian School 75.20.18
Hayward, Phillips A. 151.5
Hazard Analysis Division
   (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.2
Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (1975) 467.2
hazardous substances SEE ALSO chemical warfare
Agriculture Secretary's correspondence 16.3.2
Atomic Energy Commission personnel exposure 326.4.3
labeling 424.3
sea transportation 41.2.2
Hazards of Tire Hydroplaning to Aircraft Operations
   (motion picture) 255.9
Hazelhurst Field, NY 18.9.1
hazing 405.6.4
Hazing Investigation Board 404.14
Head Start program 235.3.2, 381.3.8, 381.6.3, 381.12
    SEE ALSO Headstart
    motion pictures 362.3
Headgate Rock Dam 75.21.7
Headquarters 6th Army Group (SHAEF) 331.8
Headquarters 12th Army Group (SHAEF) 331.9
Headquarters 15th Army Group (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.1
Headquarters 20th Air Force 18.7.10
Headquarters 21st Army Group (SHAEF) 331.10
Headquarters Africa-Middle East Theater 338.3.3
Headquarters Air Staff (Forward) (SHAEF) 331.13.3
Headquarters Air Staff (Rear) (SHAEF) 331.13.3
Headquarters Allied Armies in Italy 331.25
Headquarters Allied Commission 331.30.1
Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Naval Force 331.14
Headquarters Allied Land Forces Norway 331.12
Headquarters Allied Naval Commander-in-Chief, Expeditionary Force 331.14
Headquarters Army Air Forces 18.7
Headquarters Army Ground Forces
records 337
unit histories 319.20.3
Headquarters Army Schools
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.5
Headquarters Army Service Forces 160
Headquarters Battalion (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.5
Headquarters Battalion (Philippine Cavalry) 395.14.5
Headquarters Berlin District (SHAEF) 331.12
Headquarters Central Group of Armies (SHAEF) 331.9
Headquarters Civil Affairs Regions
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.3
Headquarters Command (SHAEF) 331.4.7
Headquarters Command Allied Forces 338.3.2
Headquarters Commandant (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.5
Headquarters Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean 331.27
Headquarters Company (Washington Provisional Brigade) 394.3.2
Headquarters Detachment (Peiping Headquarters Group) 338.4.6
Headquarters Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.1
Headquarters Eighth British Army (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.3
Headquarters Engineer Construction Group (Army) 338.11.10
Headquarters European Theater of Operations U.S. Army 332.2
Headquarters Fifth U.S. Army (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.2
Headquarters First Allied Airborne Army (SHAEF) 331.11
Headquarters Fourth Army and Western Defense Command 338.9.4
Headquarters Fourth Coast Defense District (Naval Forces) 313.9.1
Headquarters Florence Command (Allied Force HQ) 331.29.2
Headquarters Mediterranean Air Transport Service
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Air Forces
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26
Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Forces
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Headquarters Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Headquarters Mediterranean Theater of Operations U.S. Army 332.5
Headquarters MIS-X Detachment (Army) 332.2.2
Headquarters Northern Group of Armies (SHAEF) 331.10
Headquarters of the Army 108
Headquarters Office Battalion (Quartermaster General) 92.3.5
Headquarters Rear Echelon (China-Burma-India Theaters) 338.4.2, 338.4.3
Headquarters Royal Armoured Corps (British) 331.18.3
Headquarters Second Coast Defense District (Naval Forces) 313.9.1
Headquarters Services of Supply (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7
Headquarters Southeast Asia Command 331.35
Headquarters Southern Group of Armies (SHAEF) 331.8
Headquarters Special Troops (1st Army) 338.9.1
Headquarters Special Troops (2d Army) 338.9.2
Headquarters Special Troops (3d Army) 338.9.3
Headquarters Special Troops (Army Vietnam) 472.6.1
Headquarters Special Troops (SHAEF) 331.8.2, 331.9.3
Headquarters Support Group (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Headquarters Support Troops (Army Vietnam) 472.6.2
Headquarters, Training, and Defense Installations, Subcommittee on (Army Installations Board) 335.11.13
Headquarters U.S. Air Force 341
Headquarters U.S. Army Forces, China-Burma-India 332.3.2
Headquarters U.S. Army Forces in Korea 332.4
Headquarters U.S. Army Forces in the Far East 332.4
Headquarters U.S. Army Vietnam 472.5
Headquarters U.S. Army Vietnam Training Support 472.6.5
Headquarters U.S. Forces, China Theater 332.3.3
Headquarters U.S. Forces European Theater 332.2, 260.4.11
Headquarters U.S. Forces in Austria 260.11
Headquarters U.S. Forces, India-Burma Theater 332.3.4
Headquarters U.S. Forces, Korea 349.5.2
Headstart, Economic Opportunity, and Community Partnership Act
    (1975) 220.14.5, 381.1, 381.3 SEE ALSO Head Start
Health and Human Services, Department of
Interim Committee for the White House Conference on Aging 220.25
Health and Income Maintenance Division
   (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.16
Health and Law Follow-Up
   (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.8
health and medical care SEE ALSO dental care; diseases;
    drugs and pharmaceuticals; hospitals;
    Indian health programs; military health and medical services;
    nurses and nursing; occupational health and safety;
    physicians; sanitation; headings beginning with Medical
    Alaska 75.11.3
    aviation medicine 242.21, 341.6
    California, Hawaii surveys 29.5.3
    Civil Service Commission circulars 146.5.7
    coal industry survey 245.6
    disasters (photographs) 512.4.1
    family utilization survey 510.2
    FDA announcements (motion pictures) 88.9
    foreign aid (photographs) 286.11
    fraudulent products 173.6
    HEW documentaries, interviews 235.3.4, 235.6
    interdepartmental coordination 220.5.1
    Job Corps services 369.2.3
    national survey, 1935-36 443.2
    National Youth Administration participants 119.5.3
    postwar Japan 331.50.1, 331.50.2
    Presidential inaugural activities 274.9
    program financing 220.7.16
    TVA 142.4, 142.10.1
    World War II
        air raid protection 171.4.7
        manpower 211.20
        merchant seamen 248.4
Health and Medical Committee
    (Community War Services) 215.2.1, 215.2.8
Health and Medical Services, Assistant Secretary of Defense for 330.12
Health and Safety Branch (Bureau of Mines) 70.5
Health and Safety Department (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.7
Health and Sanitation, Division of
   (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.9.2
Health and Scientific Affairs, Assistant Secretary of
   (Health, Education, and Welfare) 514.2
Health and Scientific Resources, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
Health and Welfare Activities, Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate 220.5.1
health associations 224.2
health benefits administration 214.2
Health Branch (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.16
Health Bureau (Canal Zone) 185.9
Health Care Policy and Research, Records of the Agency for (RG 510)
    administrative history 510.1
    predecessor agencies' machine-readable records 510.2
Health Division (Indian Affairs) 75.14.4, 75.16.8, 75.19.74;
   (Mines Bureau) 70.5.2;
   (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.5
health education
    postwar Japan 331.50.2
Health, Education, and Welfare Department
(Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.5
Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of
    mental health planning 511.2.1
    school civil rights surveys 441.4
Health, Education, and Welfare, General Records of the Department of (RG 235)
    administrative history 235.1
    Federal Security Agency 235.2
    machine-readable records 235.9
    motion pictures 235.6
    other records 235.5
    Public Health Division, Office of the General Counsel 235.4
    records 235.3
    sound recordings 235.7
    video recordings 235.8
Health Education Branch, Youth and
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
Health Facilities, National Advisory Commission on 220.14.22
Health Forums Coordinator
   (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.8
Health Industry Advisory Committee
   (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.7
health insurance
    employer survey 510.2
    occupational disease coverage (maps) 100.2
    railroad workers 184.1
Health Insurance for the Aged Act 47.4
Health Manpower, Bureau of (Public Health Service) 512.3
Health Manpower Council, National Advisory 512.3.3
Health Mobilization Training for Communities and Environmental
    Health Personnel in Disasters (slide set) 512.4.1
Health, National Institutes of 443
Health Needs of the Nation, President's Commission on the 220.7.16
Health Office (National Youth Administration) 119.5.3
Health, Office of (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.7
Health Planning and Evaluation, Office of
    (Health Assistant Secretary) 514.3
Health, Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for (RG 514)
administrative history 514.1
Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs 514.2
records 514.3
Health Research and Health Services Amendments (1976) 443.5
Health Research Facilities Council, National Advisory 443.3.2
Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, Office of
(Health Assistant Secretary) 514.3
Health Resources and Services Administration, Records of the (RG 512)
    administrative history 512.1
    Emergency Health Services, Federal Health Programs Service 512.4
    Health Professions Bureau 512.3
    Health Services and Mental Health Administration 512.2
    machine-readable records 512.5
    still pictures 512.6
Health Resources Management Branch (Federal Health Programs Service) 512.4.2
Health Resources Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Health Services and Mental Health Administration 512.2
Health Services Utilization and Expenditures Study 510.2
Health Statistics Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.50.2
Health, Subcommittees on (Senate) 46.11, 46.16
Health Supplies and Chemicals Division
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Health, United States 514.3
Health, Welfare, and Housing Division
    (Institute of Inter-American Affairs) 469.5
Healy, G.P.A. 42.7
Hearing Commissioner, Chief
    (National Production Authority) 277.2.1
Hearings Branch (Wage and Hour Division) 155.2.2
Hearings, Director of (War Trade Board) 182.5.1
Hearst Movietone News 12.2.1
Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. 220.9.3
Heart Council, National Advisory 443.5
Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,
   President's Commission on 220.14.3
Heart Disease Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Heart Mountain Relocation Center 210.3.4
Heat Exchange and Pressure Vessel Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3
Heating and Cooking Equipment Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.6
Heating Equipment Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Heating Fuel Enforcement Branch (Price Administration) 188.6.10
Heavy Artillery School (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
Heavy Artillery Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2, 120.7.6
Heavy Chemicals and Coal Tar Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Heavy Mobile Ordnance Repair Shops
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
heavy oil production 253.6.1
Heavy Ordnance, Board on 156.4.1
heavy water research 227.3.1
Heavy Weapons Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Hebrew-language captured records 242.22
Hebron, OH, National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
Hedgecock, George S. 54.3.14
Heidelberg, Germany, base (OSS) 226.18
Hein, Samuel 23.3.2
Heineman, Ben W. 220.14.24, 220.26
Helena, AR
Army commands 393.7
Helena, AR, Division (Circuit Court) 21.5.2
Helena, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.1
Helena, AR, internal revenue collection district 58.5.3
Helena, MT, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.6
Helena, MT, Assay Office 104.5.6
Helena, MT, District (Territorial Court) 21.28.1
Helena, MT, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.3
Helena, MT, District Office (Price Administration) 188.17.3, 188.17.6, 188.17.7
Helena, MT, Division (Circuit Court) 21.28.3
Helena, MT, Division (District Court) 21.28.2
Helena, MT, Division Office
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Helena, MT, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Helena, MT, internal revenue collection district 58.5.26
Helena, MT, land office 49.9.16
helicopter mail service 28.4.6
    cargo vessels 169.11
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration charts 370.11
    naval aviation 72.4.1
    military aviation use 18.5.5, 72.4.7
    production 70.2.2, 70.2.3, 70.9
    Vietnam War unit 472.7.7
Helium Production Plant, U.S. 72.4.7
Hell Gate channel, NY 233.33
Heller, Walter D. 459.1
helmets 156.7.15
"Help Yourself and Your Community to Better Health"
   (radio program) 90.14
Helper, UT 96.4.9
"Helpers' Files" 332.2.2
Helweg-Larsen, Christian (Danish Virgin Islands) 55.2.1
Hemisfair Exposition 306.11
Hemorrhagic Fever Commission
    (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
hemp war production program 161.2, 270.3.4
    engineering plans 54.3.1
    photographs 16.7.1, 54.3.18
Henderson, James H. 296.3
Henderson, Leon 179.7
Henderson, Robert R. 21.22.2
Hendrik, John 226.12
Hennessey, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Henrico, Department of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Henrico, District of (Army) 393.5
Henry Barracks, PR 395.15.3
Henry Brown Farmer (motion picture) 16.7.2
Henry J. Damm Field, NY 18.9.1
Henry, Joseph 27.3
Henson, Matthew A. 56.3.1
Herbert, Anthony B. 319.11
Herbicide Orange Project 341.5.2
    Agent Orange 341.5.2
    South Vietnam spraying 330.10
Herblock 65.10
Here Comes the Sun (motion picture) 220.18.10
Hereford, TX, project office 114.14.13
"Here's to Veterans" radio series (sound recordings) 15.10
"Here's Your Infantry" tour 337.6.1
Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Records of the (RG 368)
    administrative history 368.1
    cartographic records 368.6
    Federal Inter-Agency Committee on Recreation 368.2
    Outdoor Recreation Bureau 368.5
    Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission 368.3
    Recreation Advisory Council 368.4
Heritage program (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.7
Herman, MO 393.4, 393.12
Hermes Reef 37.3
Hermiston, WA 338.11.4
    Pearl Harbor mess attendants 80.3.1
    World War I
        Allied awards (photographs) 120.16
        dramatizations (motion pictures) 53.6
"Heroes of the Merchant Marine" (radio program) 178.13
Herrick, John 75.5.3
Herter, Christian 59.7, 59.8
Hertz, John 107.3.2
Herzog, Ellis 70.12.1
Hesburgh, Theodore M. 220.18.13
Hess, Stephen 220.23, 220.23.7
Hesse, Land Commissioner for
   (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.4
Hesse, Office of Military Government 260.7.2
Hester, Joseph G. 123.8
Hestonville, PA, Discharge Barracks 393.7
Hetch Hetchy project 118.6.1
Hetch Hetchy Valley, CA, reservoir 79.4.1
Hewes, Harry L. 69.5.3
Hewitt, Henry K. 80.5.4, 128.3
Hewitt Inquiry 80.5.4
Heyman, Ken 412.8
Hiawatha Forest National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
Hibben, Paxton 153.2.5
Hichborn, Philip 19.2
Hickam Field, HI 18.9.1
Hickernell, Warren F. 240.5
Hickerson, John D. 59.3.4
Hickey, Margaret A. 211.6, 220.10.11
Hickman, KY, Coast Guard Depot 26.6.2
Hickory, NC 29.8.3
Hide, Leather, and Leather Goods Division
    (War Industries Board) 61.3.12
hides 29.6.4, 169.7.7
Hides Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Higgins boats 38.7.2
High Altitude Traffic Control (motion picture) 237.3
High Blood Pressure Education Program 443.5
HIGH CARS Film Report No. 2 (motion picture) 72.7
"High Command Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
High Commissioner, Austria 338.7.3
High Commissioner for Germany, Office of the U.S. 238.6, 260.4.3
High Commissioner for Germany, Records of the U.S. (RG 466)
    administrative history 466.1
    Berlin Element 466.4
    general records 466.2
    Land commissioners 466.3
    other organizational units 466.8
    U.S. Courts, Allied High Commission 466.7
    U.S. Element, Extradition Board 466.6
    U.S. Element, Military Security Board 466.5
High Commissioner, Guam 126.6.3
High Commissioner, Office of the
   (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.1
High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, U.S. 126.7, 350.5
High Cost of Living Division 60.11
High Cost of Living, Joint Committee on the 128.3
High Court (American Samoa) 284.3.1
High Energy Accelerator Study Group 326.5.7
High Frequency Broadcasting, International Conference on 43.2.50
High Frequency Research, Plenipotentiary for (Germany) 242.5.5
High Point, NC 135.3
High School Victory Corps 12.5.7, 80.3.1
higher education SEE colleges and universities
Higher Education Act (1965) 220.14.11
Higher Education Branch
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
Higher Education, Division of (Education Office) 12.3.1
The Highest Honor (motion picture) 146.6
Highway and Conservation Section (WPA) 69.4.4
Highway and Highway Transport Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.8
Highway Council, U.S. 67.5.8
Highway Education Board 12.2.2
highway post offices 28.4.2
Highway Safety Act (1970) 398.2, 416.1
Highway Traffic Advisory Committee to the War Department 30.6
Highway Transport Department (Defense Transportation Office) 219.4.1
highways and roads SEE ALSO military roads;
   national roads; wagon roads
    aerial photographs 77.5.3
    Alaska 220.9.7
    Army Engineers records 77.2.9
    Autobahn construction 242.5.7
    engineer training 229.5.1
    federal construction aid 30, 406
    Indian reservations 49.3.7, 75.14.20
        agency records 75.19.4, 75.19.6, 75.19.10, 75.19.11,
         75.19.16, 75.19.21, 75.19.27, 75.19.41, 75.19.45,
         75.19.60, 75.19.81, 75.19.95, 75.19.98, 75.19.107,
         75.19.111, 75.19.113, 75.19.122, 75.19.124,
        75.19.126, 75.19.127, 75.19.129
        area offices 75.16.2, 75.16.4, 75.16.8-75.16.10, 75.17.4
    Interior Department projects (motion pictures) 48.14
    Land Management Bureau projects 49.14.2
        logging roads 49.14.6
        Alaska 126.2, 220.4.2
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.15
        Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.12.1
        civilian defense 171.5.1
        District of Columbia 351.4
        Federal Highway Administration 406.3, 406.4
         Indian lands 75.14.22, 75.16.10, 75.19.82, 75.19.98,
         75.19.128, 75.26
        Missouri River Commission 77.8.1
        National Capital Planning Commission 328.3
        National Park Service 79.4.5, 79.14
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.3, 187.5.5
        Philippine Islands 350.2, 395.14.1
        public lands rights of way 49.3.7
        Public Roads Bureau 30.5, 30.7
        Senate 46.23
        southeastern states 142.10.2
        southern France 169.8.2
        World War II
            Europe 331.2.3, 338.7.1
            Iran 332.5
    national parks 79.4.1, 79.6.3
    Nicaragua survey 77.5.3
        Indian reservations 75.19.51, 75.19.111
        national parks 79.6.2, 79.17
        National Youth Administration 119.10
        Philippine Islands 350.3
        Public Roads Bureau 30.5, 30.8
        Puerto Rico 350.2
        Tennessee 406.3
        Virgin Islands 55.4
        WPA projects 69.10
    prison labor 209.2
    surface water standards 57.6.6
    traffic safety 416.1
    Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    WPA projects 69.4.4
Highways and Traffic, Department of (DC Government) 351.4
Highways Transport Committee
   (Council for National Defense) 62.10.5
Hildreth, Melvin D. 274.2, 274.3
Hileman, T.J. 79.17
Hill-Burton Act (1946) 235.4
Hill Culture Research Division (Section)
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.8
Hill, Grover B. 16.3.2
Hill, Joseph A. 29.4.2
Hill, Robert 57.5
Hillers, John K. 57.2.2, 391.8
Hilliard, A.R. 250.3.6
Hillman, John A. 407.9
Hillsdale, MI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.22
Hilo, HI
    labor demonstration 126.11
    Peace Corps photographs 490.5
Hilo, HI, Naval Air Facility 181.12.7
Hilton, David 126.8
Hilton Head, SC
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
    Civil War property, trade 366.6
    property surveys 58.4.8
Hilton Head, SC, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9, 393.12
Himmler, Heinrich 242.3.1
    accident investigation 197.2.1
    photographs 237.3.3
Hindman, T.C. 109.13.2
Hine, Lewis 12.2.4, 69.5.9, 102.4, 142.3.1, 142.18
Hines, IL, Veterans Administration center 15.6.1
Hingman, MA 74.6
Hinrichs, J.H. 156.2.2, 156.7.9
Hinton, John H. 75.19.126
Hinton, Sherman 60.4.3
The Hinton Story (motion picture) 378.2
Hinton, WV 378.2
Hinton, WV, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.4
Hiroshima, Japan, bombing
    blast damage
        motion pictures 18.11, 342.12
        photographs 77.11.1, 243.4.4
        reports 71.2.5, 77.11.1
    eyewitness account 243.4.3
Hirsch, Siegfried S. 240.3.5
Hispanic Americans
    Cabinet committee on opportunities 220.15.6
    census maps 29.3.6
    Civil Rights Commission research 453.3
    education 220.15.8
    photographs 220.15.6
Hiss, Alger 59.3.8, 60.3.5
Historian (Fuel Administration) 67.2
Historian (Price Administration Region IV) 188.14.1
Historian, Chief (Army Center of Military History) 319.20
Historian, Office of the     (Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) 374.3.3;
    (Quartermaster General) 92.13;
    (Radiation Laboratory) 227.10.1;
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.2.2;
    (Shipping Board) 32.2.1
    Antarctic programs 330.6.6
    Army programs 319.20.1, 319.20.3, 319.21
        Natick Laboratory 338.11.6
        Vietnam War 472.7.6
    Munitions Board 330.13.2
Historian's Office (Maritime Commission) 178.2.3
Historic American Buildings Survey
    Military Academy 404.15
    National Park Service division 79.4.7
    records 515
    WPA records 69.4.1
Historic American Buildings Survey Advisory Board 515.2.3
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)/Historic American
   Engineering Record (HAER) Division, Records of the (RG 515)
    administrative history 515.1
    cartographic records 515.5
    HABS records prior to 1982 515.2
    HABS/HAER Division records 515.4
    HAER records prior to 1982 515.3
    machine-readable records 515.9
    motion pictures 515.6
    sound recordings 515.8
    still pictures 515.10
    video recordings 515.7
Historic American Engineering Record
    Military Academy 404.15
    National Park Service division 79.4.7
    records 515
Historic Merchant Marine Survey 69.4.1
historic preservation
    cultural resource conservation 187.3.4
    McDonald Ranch House 434.3.5
historic preservation organizations 515.4.1, 515.4.2
Historic Sites Act (1935) 79.4.7, 515.2, 515.3
historic sites and monuments
    American Battle Monuments Commission 117
    Fine Arts Commission 66
    HABS/HAER records 515
    markers 79.4.5
    memorial commissions 148.5
    National Capital Planning Commission maps 328.3
    national monuments (maps) 49.16
    National Park Service 79
        American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 452.3.5
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        CCC visitors 35.3.2
        Fine Arts Commission 66.4
        Indian ruins 57.12
        National Park Service 79.17
        postwar Europe 260.4.9, 342.15
        Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.3.4
        Puerto Rico 126.11
        Quartermaster General 92.3.1
        Revolutionary War period artwork 148.6
        St. Elizabeths Hospital 418.4.2
        State Department 59.3.9
        Washington, DC 111.10
    war damage protection 239
    Washington, DC 42.3.4, 42.7
    WPA projects 69.4.3, 69.6.2
Historical Analysis Section
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.15.2
Historical and Field Reports Division
        (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2
Historical Branch (Air Force Headquarters) 341.6;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.3.5;
     (Ordnance Department) 156.6.8, 156.7.3;
    (Price Administration) 188.3.15
Historical Division (Army Engineers) 77.3.4;
    (Berlin Command) 260.6;
    (European Theater, Army) 332.2.1;
     (German Air Force High Command) 242.9.3;
    (Joint Chiefs of Staff) 218.2.2;
    (Marine Corps) 127.2.3;
    (U.S. Forces, Austria) 260.11
Historical Information Management System (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.17
Historical Officer (Boston Naval District) 181.2.1
Historical Officer (Naval Support Force, Antarctica) 313.8.1
Historical Policy Research, Division of (State Department) 59.3.9
Historical Records Section (War Production Board) 179.2.7
Historical Records Survey 69.5.6, 187.3.4
Historical Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.3;
    (American Battle Monuments Commission) 117.4;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.6;
    (Army Forces Korea) 332.4;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.1;
    (Army War College) 319.20.3;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4;
    (Naval Records and Library) 38.3.5;
    (Peiping Headquarters Group) 338.4.6;
    (SHAEF) 331.3.8; (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.3.3;
    (War Department General Staff) 165.7.2
Historical Services Division (Army Staff) 319.20.2-319.20.4
Historical Society of Washington 64.6
Historical Staff (CIA) 263.2.2
Historical Unit (Army Surgeon General) 319.20.6
Historical Unit (War Assets Administration) 270.2.3
Histories Division (Army Staff) 319.20.5
    Agricultural Economics research 83.4.9
    Army policies, methods 319.20.2
    government agencies, 1910-13 51.2
    Pan American commissions 57.9
    World War II agencies 51.11.1
History, and Government, Department of English,
    (Naval Academy) 405.4
History and Reports Section (Naval Operations) 38.2.2
History and Research, Division of
   (Naval Support Force, Antarctica) 313.8.1
History Branch (Agriculture Department) 16.3.2;
   (Army Service Forces) 160.4.2;
   (National Park Service) 79.4.8
History Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
History Department, Statistics and (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.5
History Division (Energy Department) 434.3.5
History Division (Office of Economic Stabilization) 432.5
History of Agricultural Education in the United States 164.2.4
History of Agricultural Experimentation and Research in the United States 164.2.4
"History of Lend-Lease" 169.3.8
History of Military Government Training 389.3
"A History of Negroes in Public Housing" 196.5.6
"History of the Army Air Forces Basic-Advanced Flying School" 404.16
"History of the Army Medical Service at the U.S.M.A." 404.13
History of the Census of Manufactures 29.6.4
"History of the Counter Intelligence Corps of the United States Army" 319.21
History of the Formation of the Union under the Constitution 148.6
"History of the Mexican Fruit Fly Investigations in Mexico City" 310.5.4
"History of the Office of Education" 12.2.8
History of the Philippine Insurrection against the United States 350.3
"History of the U.S. Army Air Service" 120.5.1
History Office (NASA) 255.6
History Office (Strategic Services Unit) 226.3.13, 226.17.3
Hitch, Charles J. 250.3.5
Hitchcock, TX 80.11
Hitchman Coal and Coke Co. 67.7
Hitler, Adolf
    assassination plot 226.12, 238.3.3, 242.28
    filmstrip biography 242.28
    genealogy 260.4.9
    Morell papers 242.14
    Mussolini correspondence 242.17.1
    opposition 242.16
    personal, political testaments 242.16
    photographs 242.28
    speeches (sound recordings) 131.3.2, 242.27, 262.4
Hitler Youth 242.28
Hiwassee Factory 75.3
HK-1 flying boat 269.11.4
Hobart, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Hobby, Oveta Culp 235.2.1, 235.3.1
Hoboken, NJ, Army Port of Embarkation 92.15.4
Hobson, Julius Wilson 65.2.2
Hobucken, NC, Coast Guard Station 26.6.4
Hockensmith, Roy D. 114.6
Hockson, C.H. 313.3.1
Hodgdon, Samuel 45.8.1, 93.1, 93.4.1
Hodges, D.B. 253.6.4
Hodges, Harry F. 77.2.5
Hodges, Luther 40.10
Hodges, Norman A. 220.14.5
Hodgson, James D. 174.3
Hodgson, Joseph V. 238.2
Hoelscher Study 335.2
Hoffman, A.C. 83.4.6
Hoffman, E.V. 4.4.1
Hoffman Island, VA, Coast Guard Training Station 26.6.4
Hoffman, William 249.2
Hoffmann, Heinrich 242.28
Hog Island "B" ships 92.5.3
Hog Island, PA 32.4.12, 32.4.13
Hog Island, VA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Hogback Summer Range Pastures, MT 95.10.8
Hoh Indians 75.19.125
Hokkaido, Japan, District
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.41.4
Hokkaido-Osaka, Japan, regional office
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.6
Holabird Motor Transport Depot, MD 92.15.4
Holabird, Samuel B. 92.3.4
Holbrook, AZ 393.11.2
Holcombe, Ernest P. 75.14.7
Holdenville, OK, Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.19.26
Holding and Reconsignment Points (Army Transportation Corps) 336.3.2
Holguin, Cuba 395.11.5
Holguin, District of (Army) 395.11.4
Holland SEE Netherlands
Holland, Elizabeth 60.17.10
Holland, George West 57.7.4
Holland, MI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.7
Holland, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Holleman, Jerry R. 174.3.4
Holley, Robert H. 29.4.1, 29.6.3
Hollister, John 286.9
Holloman Proving Grounds, NM 319.3.2
Holly Beach, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Holly Springs, MS
Army commands 393.7, 393.14
Holly Springs, MS, internal revenue collection district 58.5.24
Hollyhock (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Hollywood, CA, office (OWI) 208.3.4
Holman, A.T. 54.3.1
Holmes and Narver, Inc. 326.5.1
Holmes, C.L. 83.4.3
Holmes County, MS 147.2.2
Holmes, T.H. 109.9.3
Holmes, William Henry 57.2.3
    exhibit posters 64.8
Holston, VA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Holt, Bobby 274.13
Holtzoff, Albert 60.9.2
Home Base Employment Council (Naval Operations) 38.7.3
Home Building and Home Ownership, President's Conference on 167.7
Home Conservation Division 4.2.3
home economics
conferences 12.3.3
photographs 16.7.1
vocational education 12.4.1
Home Economics, Bureau of 176.3, 176.4
Home Economics Division (Education) 12.3.3
Home Economics, Office of 176.2
Home Economics Section (Education) 12.3.3
home extension agents (Indian Affairs) 75.14.5
Home Furnishings Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.6
home heating oil 432.2.4
Home Loan Board, Subcommittee on Investigating the
   (House of Representatives) 233.13
home mortgages
    economically depressed areas 207.6.9
    farms, farm homes 96
    Federal Home Loan Bank Board 195.2.2, 195.2.3
    Federal Housing Administration 31
    prefabricated housing 207.8.2
Home Owners' Loan Act (1933) 195.3
Home Owners' Loan Corporation 3.6.3, 195.3
Home Registration and Information Division (Housing Corporation) 3.4.3
homeless persons
    interagency task force 207.7.10
homemakers 220.16.3
Homer (steamer) 22.4.1
Homes for Veterans (motion picture) 252.5
"Homes on the Land" (radio series) 103.10
Homes Registration Service, U.S. 3.7.3
Homes Use Division 207.5
Homestead Act (1862) 49.3.3
Homestead Air Force Base, FL 342.6.2
Homestead Division (General Land Office) 49.17
homesteading SEE ALSO subsistence homesteads
    Alaska 126.5.1
    contests docket 49.3.15
    Indian lands 75.7.2, 75.7.3, 75.20.8
    land entry records 49.3.3
        soldiers 49.3.17
    land office records 49.9.6-49.9.27
        Farm Security Administration homesteads 96.2.1
        General Land Office 49.7.9
        Hawaii 126.2
    national forests 49.3.6, 49.8.3, 49.13.3, 95.4.7, 95.9.4
        surveys 49.7.2, 49.7.9, 49.9.5
    Virgin Islands 55.3.2
Homework Committee (National Recovery Administration) 9.8.5
homing pigeons 19.5
Honda Point naval disaster 19.4.1
    archeological sites 106.4
    boundary arbitrations 76.5
    public health photographs 90.15
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        naval attaches, missions 38.6.1
honey (photographs) 145.4
Honeybee Control Committee 136.5.3
Honeybees Importation Act 7.1
Hong Kong
    harbor charts 80.7.2
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.3, 84.4
Honolulu, HI
    OSS base 226.18
    Russian consulate 261.3
    shipping 32.4.1, 32.5.13
    war memorials 117.3.3
    World War I postal censorship 182.8.1
Honolulu, HI, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Honolulu, HI, Coast Guard District 26.6.11
Honolulu, HI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.11
Honolulu, HI, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.20
Honolulu, HI, district (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.12
Honolulu, HI, Divison Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Honolulu, HI, Field Office (Native Hawaiians Study Commission) 220.18.28
Honolulu, HI, Food Inspector 136.10.2
Honolulu, HI, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Honolulu, HI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.11
Honolulu, HI, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.11
Honolulu, HI, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.11
Honolulu, HI, Naval Air Facility 181.12.8
Honolulu, HI, Naval Communications Station 181.10.1
Honolulu, HI, Naval Station 80.2.1
Honolulu, HI, Office (Alien Property Custodian) 131.4.1;
   (Foreign Funds Control) 265.2.2;
   (Price Stabilization) 295.3;
   (Weather Bureau) 27.6.3, 370.3.4
"Honor and Academics" (video recording) 404.3.1
Honor Board (Military Academy) 404.3.4
"Honor Board Procedures" (video recording) 404.3.1
Hood, J.B. 109.13.2
Hook Commission 330.5.1
hookworm disease 90.15
Hoonah, AK 49.13.1
Hoopa Boarding School 75.19.45
Hoopa Irrigation Project 75.19.45
Hoopa Valley, CA, maps 49.9.5
Hoopa Valley Indian Agency 75.19.45
    photographs 75.16.8
Hoopa Valley Reservation 49.9.5, 75.19.45
Hooper, George L. 220.23.5
Hoover Commissions SEE Organization of the Executive Branch of
    the Government, Commissions on the
Hoover, Dickerson N. 41.2.5
Hoover, Herbert C.
        temporary organizations 220.4
        White House personnel 130.3.4
    Executive branch organization commissions 264.2, 264.3
        CBS interview (sound recording) 264.2.1
    Food Administration 4.2.3, 120.12
    Fuel Distributor 89.2, 89.3
    Grain Corporation 5.2
    home building conference 167.7
    inaugural 42.8, 274.1
    law enforcement commission 10.1
    motion pictures 28.2.2, 130.5
    photographs 24.12
    Timber Conservation Board 151.10.2
    War Foreign Debt Commission 220.2
Hoover, J. Edgar 65.2.1, 65.8, 65.10
Hope Indian School 75.20.42
Hopi Indian Agency
    area office records 75.16.8
    records 75.19.46
Hopi Indians
    crafts (photographs) 435.4
    irrigation accounts 75.16.11
    unapproved allotment plats 75.7.2
Hopi Reservation (aerial photographs) 75.26
Hopkins, G.M. 351.4
Hopkins, Harry L. 69.3.1, 220.5.8
Hopkinsville, KY 393.4, 393.7
Horikoshi and Co. 131.3.3
Horizons (FAA magazine) 237.5.6
Horizons program
    (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.7
Hornbeam (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1, 26.6.3
Horne, Jon 195.2.1
Hornig, Donald F. 220.9.10, 359.4
Horowitz, Harold W. 235.3.1
horse claims
    Confederate Treasury records 365.2.3
    Indian pony claims 75.19.11
    Treasury accounts 217.4.8, 217.8.5
horse farms 17.2.2, 17.3.5
horse racing
    Colorado gambling vote 220.15.1
horse trails 75.19.45
    breeding charts 17.3.5
    Cavalry records 108.4.3
    Confederate Quartermaster valuations 109.7.3
    Indian pony payment roll 75.19.106
    photographs 17.2.2
    wild horses 49.13.7
    World War I contracts 62.10.3
Horticultural and Pomological Investigations, Office of
   (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Horticultural Crop Research Branch
   (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Horticultural Investigations, Office of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Horticultural Nomenclature, American Joint Committee on 54.3.6
horticulturalists 54.3.3
Horton, Frank 220.17.6
Horton, Frederick W. 70.3.3
Horton Indian Agency 75.19.47
hosiery 188.8.6
Hospital Corps 94.12.4
Hospital Corps Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.1
Hospital Department 360.2.4
Hospital Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Hospital Division (Public Health Service) 90.7.1
Hospital Dupuy, DC 393.4, 393.13.9
hospital matrons 75.14.4, 94.12.4, 112.2.3
hospital patient records
    Adjutant General's Office 94.12.3, 94.12.5
    Army Civil War commands 393.13.9
    Army Medical Department
        Fort Bayard, NM 112.5.3
        Hot Springs, AR 112.5.1
        San Francisco, CA 112.5.2
    Civil War
            military hospitals 109.8.2
            Navy, Marine Corps service 109.14.1
        prisoners of war 249.2.4, 249.3.2, 109.14.2
        Surgeon General's index 15.2.1
    Fort Shafter, HI 395.12.2
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    Indians 75.14.4, 75.19.11, 75.19.73, 75.19.81, 75.19.95,
     75.19.104, 75.19.106, 75.19.108, 75.20.26, 75.21.3,
     75.21.8, 75.21.13
    Military Academy 404.13
    Naval Academy 405.5.1
    naval units 52.2.2, 52.4.2
    St. Elizabeths 418.2.2, 418.3.3, 418.4.1
        photographs 418.4.2
    Treasury accounts 217.7.3
Hospital Section (Army Engineers) 77.3.1
hospital stewards
    medical records 94.12.3
    military service records 94.3, 94.12.4, 112.2.3
    naval appointment papers 52.2.2
Hospital Survey and Construction Act (1946) 235.4
hospital trains 120.7.7
Hospitalization, Board of Consultants on 121.5.1
Hospitalization, Directorate of Plans and (Air Force HQ) 341.6
Hospitalization Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.7
hospitals and medical facilities SEE ALSO hospital patient
   records; marine hospitals; military hospitals; naval
   hospitals; veterans' hospitals and health services
    Alaska 48.4.6, 126.2
    Area Resource File 512.3.1
    CCC camps 407.7
    census lists 29.2.3
    civil defense emergency management 512.4.1
        federal aid 90.8, 235.4
        Treasury Department records 121.2.3
    Continental, Confederation Congress reports 360.2.8
    Cuba 140.3.6, 140.4
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    District of Columbia
        architectural plans 48.4.6, 351.2.3
        Interior Secretary 48.4.6
        St. Elizabeths 418
    drug treatment 511.2.2, 511.2.3
    federal standards, surveys 51.6
    Germany 243.3.1
    Immigration and Naturalization Service reports 85.5.3
    Indian Affairs
        agency records 75.19.11, 75.19.16, 75.19.32, 75.19.37,
75.19.39, 75.19.95, 75.19.124, 75.19.129
            architectural plans 75.19.29
        facilities 75.21.3, 75.21.8, 75.21.10, 75.21.12-75.21.14
            architectural plans 75.21.10
            photographs 75.16.5, 75.19.95, 75.29
        Health Division 75.14.4
    Latin American facilities 229.9.2
    lead mining clinic 70.5.2
    nurse training 62.4.2
    Philippine Islands (maps) 350.2
    Public Health facilities 90.3.2, 90.4, 90.7.1, 512.2
        photographs 90.15
Hospitals for Disaster (motion picture) 235.6
Hossfeld, Henry 319.20.3
"Hostage Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Hostile Fire File 38.9
Hot Springs, AR
Army and Navy General Hospital 112.5.1
photographs 48.16
Hot Springs, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.3
Hot Springs, AR, Reservation (maps) 48.4.1
Hot Springs, AR, Reservation, Board of Commissioners for 49.2.3
Hot Springs National Park, AR 79.7.7
Hot Springs, NC, internment camp 85.4.1
Hot Springs Reservation of Arkansas,
   U.S. Commission for the Disposal of the 49.9.4
Hotchkiss guns 74.3.1
    Presidential inaugural accommodations 274.9, 274.12
    rent control 252.4.6
    travel lodges (photographs) 77.22
Hotels and Restaurants Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Houchin, John R. 220.8
Houma, LA 80.11
Houmas claim 56.15.3
House Administration, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.14
House of Color 220.23.7
House of Kings, Creek Nation 75.19.116
House of Representatives, Confederate 109.4
House of Representatives, Records of the United States (RG 233)
    administrative history 233.1
    Agriculture Committee 233.3
    Appropriations Committee 233.4
    Armed Services Committee 233.5
    Banking and Currency Committees 233.6
    Budget Committee 233.7
    cartographic records 233.28
    Claims Committee 233.8
    Commerce Committees 233.9
    District of Columbia Committee 233.10
    Education and Labor Committees 233.11
    Foreign Affairs Committee 233.12
    general records 233.2
    Government Operations Committee 233.13
    House Administration Committee 233.14
    Interior and Insular Affairs Committee 233.15
    Internal Ssecurity Committee 233.25
    Judiciary Committee 233.16
    machine-readable records 233.32
    Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee 233.17
    motion pictures 233.29
    Post Office and Civil Service Committees 233.18
    Public Works Committees 233.19
    Rules Committee 233.20
    Science and Astronautics Committee 233.21
    select committees 233.22
    Small Business Committee 233.23
    sound recordings 233.31
    Standards of Official Conduct Committee 233.24
    still pictures 233.33
    Veterans' Affairs Committee 233.26
    video recordings 233.30
    Ways and Means Committee 233.27
House of Representatives, U.S. SEE ALSO specific committees
    electric power documents index 77.2.9
    floor proceedings (video recording) 233.30
    office building construction (photographs) 48.16
    records 233
    resolutions 11.3
houses SEE ALSO housing
    artwork 3.5
    Charleston, SC, leases 366.9
    construction, renovation (motion pictures) 31.4, 69.2.9
    electric, gas equipment financing 234.6.2
    lock tender's dwelling (architectural plans) 77.9.14, 77.10.26
    national park cabins (plans) 79.4.5
        Housing Corporation 3.5
        Mines Bureau 70.17
        Plant Industry Bureau 54.7
        Shipping Board 32.4.4
    standard designs (plans) 3.4.9, 3.8, 31.2.1, 195.4
    steel houses (plans) 96.4.5
Houseware and Hardware Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Housewares and Accessories Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.6
housing SEE ALSO defense housing; discrimination in housing;
    home mortgages; houses; Indian housing; rent control
    Caribbean conference 126.6.1
    census data 29.5.2
        construction survey 29.5.3
        maps 29.3.6
        special agent 29.2.3
    DC transients 274.6
    Federal Housing Administration 31
    Housing and Urban Development Department 207
    Housing Corporation 3
    Housing Expediter 252
    Hungarian refugees 220.9.9
        civilian defense 171.6
        Federal Emergency Relief Administration surveys 69.3.1
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
    National Bureau of Standards studies 167.5.3
    National Capital Housing Authority 302
    National Emergency Council 44.3.5
        California 96.4.9
        coal communities 245.6
        industrial communities 69.5.9
        mining 70.17
        Philippines 268.2.3
        TVA 142.10.2
        Virgin Islands 55.4
        Washington, DC 302.2.1, 302.3
    postwar occupied Europe 260.4.4, 260.7.4, 331.33.3
    Presidential commissions 167.7, 220.14.19
    Public Housing Administration 196
    TVA employees (plans) 142.10.1
Housing Act (1937) 196.3; (1949) 196.5.1, 196.5.7,
    207.7.6; (1954) 207.6.9; (1961) 398.2
housing allowance program 207.7.4
Housing and Community Facilities Division
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.4
Housing and Home Finance Agency 207.6, 207.7.1
Housing (and Urban Affairs), Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.6
Housing and Urban Development Act (1968) 294.1
Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies,
(Appropriations) Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.4
Housing and Urban Development, Department of
    model city proposals 220.11.4
    Pruitt-Igoe housing project 196.5.10
Housing and Urban Development, General Records of the Department of (RG 207)
    administrative history 207.1
    cartographic records 207.9
    Central Housing Committee 207.3
    Defense Housing Coordinator 207.4
    Housing and Home Finance Agency 207.6
    machine-readable records 207.13
    motion pictures 207.10
    National Housing Agency 207.5
    records 207.7
    regional offices 207.8
    Research and Statistics (FHA) 207.2
    sound recordings 207.12
    still pictures 207.14
    video recordings 207.11
Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act (1983) 207.7.8
Housing Assistance Administration 196.5.4
Housing Authority, U.S. 69.10, 196.3, 196.9
Housing Branch (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.13
Housing, Census of 29.9
housing consultant (War Manpower Commission) 211.23.2
Housing Corporation, Records of the U.S. (RG 3)
    administrative history 3.1
    cartographic records (general) 3.8
    divisions and other related units 3.4
    field office records 3.7
    liquidation 3.6
    officials 3.3
    predecessor and other related agencies 3.2
    reference library 3.5
housing discrimination SEE discrimination in housing
Housing Division
    (Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works) 196.2
Housing Division, Population and (Census Bureau) 29.5.2
Housing Expediter, Records of the Office of the (RG 252)
    administrative history 252.1
    headquarters records 252.3
    motion pictures 252.5
    predecessors 252.2
    regional and area offices 252.4
    sound recordings 252.6
Housing for War Needs Act (1918) 3.1, 3.2
Housing, Joint Committee on 128.3
Housing Management, Deputy Assistant Secretary for (HUD) 207.7.1
Housing Management, Office of
  (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.2
Housing, President's Commission on 220.19
housing projects
    FHA-insured projects 31.2.3
        maps 31.3
    FSA, Resettlement Administration projects 207.5
    greentowns 196.5.9
    Housing Corporation projects 3.4.3, 3.4.6, 3.7.4
        architectural plans 3.8
        photographs 3.5
    minority construction employment 196.5.6
    modular construction demonstrations 207.7.7
        Fine Arts Commission 66.4
        HUD 207.14
        State Department 59.3.9
        WPA 69.10
    Public Housing Administration 196
        architectural plans 196.2-196.4, 196.5.7
        photographs 196.5.1, 196.9
    Puerto Rico 323.3.2
    Shipping Board
        architectural plans 32.4.4
        photographs 32.4.1, 32.4.4
    Washington, DC (photographs) 302.3
Housing Research, Division of 207.6.2, 207.7.4
Houston, MO 393.4, 393.7
Houston Ship Channel 77.10.18
Houston, TX
    campus unrest 220.15.17
    customs collection 36.3.1
    International Women's Year conference 220.16.2
    longshore labor 317.3.2
    rent control 252.4.5
    urban planning (maps) 187.5.5
    vessel documentation files 41.5
    water supply (maps) 187.5.5
Houston, TX, area counsel
   (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.7
Houston, TX, district
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.2, 253.7.3
Houston, TX, District Office (Farm Credit Administration) 103.7.9
Houston, TX, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.15.1-188.15.3, 188.15.6, 188.15.7
Houston, TX, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.39.2;
    (Circuit Court) 21.46.6; (District Court) 21.46.5
Houston, TX, General Hospital 109.8.4
Houston, TX, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Houston, TX, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Houston, TX, office (Confederate Cotton Bureau) 365.12.2
Houston, TX, Tank Car Service Section
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.5
Houston, TX, Vessel Documentation Office
   (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Houston, TX, War Price and Rationing Board 188.15.7
"Howard Court of Inquiry" 94.11
Howard, George A. 28.7
Howard, Herbert E. 330.13.2
Howard K. Smith Reports on Poverty (motion picture) 378.2
Howard, Leland O. 7.4
Howard, Oliver Otis 94.11, 105.2
Howard, S. Kenneth 220.9.14
Howard University
    architectural plans 48.4.6, 217.3.11
    photographs 48.16
Howard's Grove Hospital, Richmond, VA 109.8.4
Howe, Frederick C. 145.3
Howe, Louis M. 134.2
Howell, Clark 197.4
Howell, Joseph 93.5.1
Howell, W.B. 321.2
Howitzer (publication) 404.4.5
Howland Island 37.3, 237.2, 313.4.4
Hoyt, J.C. 57.6.3
Hruska, Roman L. 220.15.33
Hubbard, Charles J. 370.3.1
Huber, Oscar 272.5
HUD Urban Environmental Design National Awards 207.14
Hudson City, NY 26.2.2
Hudson River
    maps and charts 77.10.37, 313.3.1
    photographs 23.7
Hudson's Bay Company 76.4, 261.2
Hue, Vietnam, regional team (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2
Huebner, Clarence R. 260.3
Hueneme, CA 36.3.1
Huerta, Victoriano 141.2
Huggins, Edwin V. 340.7
Hughes, Charles E. 60.17.3
Hughes, Howard 269.11.4, 460.7
Hughes Plant Activity (Army) 338.1
Hughes Tool Co. 153.12
Hugo, CO, land office 49.9.6
Hula Project 38.4.9
Hull Changes, Board on (Navy Department) 80.7.3
Hull, Cordell 59.8, 239.1
Hull Division (Pearl Harbor Navy Yard) 181.3.7
Human and Community Affairs Management Division
   (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.8
Human Factors Division
   (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.2
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic,
   Presidential Commission on the 220.19
Human Nutrition and Home Economics,
   Records of the Bureau of (RG 176)
    administrative history 176.1
    Home Economics, Bureau of
        divisions 176.4
        general records 176.3
    Home Economics, Office of 176.2
    records 176.5
    still pictures 176.6
Human Resources Development, Directorate of
    (Army Staff) 319.11
Human Resources Division (General Accounting Office) 411.4
Human Resources Division (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.16
Human Resources Office
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.4
human rights
International Year observance (1968) 148.14
Human Rights and the Status of Women, Subcommittee on
   (State Department) 353.5.2
Humboldt, CA, land office 49.9.5
Humboldt County, CA 75.19.45
Humboldt, District of the (Army) 393.2, 393.5
Humboldt, KS, land office 49.9.12
Humboldt Meridian 49.9.5, 49.12
Humboldt National Forest, NV 95.11.2
Humboldt River, NV 77.10.50
Humboldt, TN, area office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.22
Humphrey, George M. 56.2.3
Humphrey, Hubert
        motion picture 128.5
        Pre-Inaugural Committee, 1969 274.8
        Environmental Quality Committee 429.3
        foreign travel 306.11
        Veterans Administration 15.6.1
    residence 121.4.2
    Youth Opportunity Conference address (motion picture) 146.6
    Youth Opportunity Council 220.14.12
"A Hundred Million Questions" (sound recording) 188.7.4
Hungarian 1st Army 242.7.7
Hungarian-language captured records 242.22
Hungarian Refugee Relief, President's Committee for 220.9.9
Hungarian Section (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
    captured records 242.19
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau (photographs) 151.13
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
    U.S. naval intelligence 38.4.9
    World War I claims 76.9.2
    World War II
        Allied intelligence 331.17.2, 331.17.3
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        military government, civil affairs 331.19.2
        Paris Peace Conference 43.5.6
            maps 43.6.7
        photographs 242.28
hunger 220.18.12
Hunt, E. Howard 460.4.1, 460.4.2, 460.5.2, 460.12
Hunt, Edward Eyre 73.2.1
Hunt, Reed Oliver 220.15.14
Hunter, E.C. 33.9
Hunters Point, CA, Navy Yard 181.3.12
Huntersville, AR 393.4, 393.7, 393.9
    Alaska Reindeer Service 75.21.1
    census surveys 29.5.3
    Forest Service game management reports 95.9.1
    wildlife management 22.5, 22.6.1, 22.8.4, 22.11.4, 22.11.7
Huntington, Samuel 360.2.1
Huntington, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Huntington, WV, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.21
Huntington, WV, internal revenue collection district 58.5.48
"Huntley-Brinkley Report" (video recordings) 220.11.1
Huntoon, Robert D. 167.3.2
Huntsville, AL
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
Huntsville, AL, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.2
Huntsville, AL, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.12
Huntsville, AL, Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.7;
    (Circuit Court) 21.2.3;
    (District Court) 21.2.2
Huntsville, AL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.1
Huntsville, AL, land office 49.9.1
Huntsville, AL, Medical Supply Depot 112.5.6
Huron-Manistee National Forest, MI 95.11.3
Huron, SD, District (Territorial Court) 21.44.1
Huron, SD, land office 49.9.23
Huron, SD, project office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.2
Huron, SD, project office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.12
Hurr, Nicodemus 75.19.126
Hurricane Disaster Relief Act (1965) 207.7.5
    damage investigation 15.6.2
    disaster relief 33.4.4, 69.3.1, 126.4.2, 207.7.9
    maps 27.7
    New England 77.9.4
        civil defense 304.6.2
        WPA 69.10
Hutchins, Thomas 360.2.6
Hutson, John B. 250.3.4
Hyannis, MA 41.5
Hybla Valley, VA 237.3
hybrids SEE plant breeding
Hydaburg, AK, Trading Co. 75.16.5
Hyde Park, NY
    Roosevelt Library site survey 49.3.6
Hyder, AK
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Hyder, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
hydraulic laboratory reports 115.3
hydraulic research
    Army Engineers 77.9.16, 77.10.18, 77.10.25, 77.10.26,
    77.10.35, 77.10.41, 77.10.45, 77.10.52, 77.10.61,
    Geological Survey 57.6.6
    Soil Conservation Service 114.4.9
Hydraulics Section (Army Engineers) 77.10.25
Hydro (motion picture) 305.3
HYDRO Annual Review (motion picture) 72.7
hydroelectric power projects
    Army Engineers reports 77.10.6
    Bonneville Power Administration 305
    fish, wildlife protection 22.4.3, 22.11.8
    Flathead customer ledgers 75.21.5
    Geological Survey studies 57.6.4
    maps 95.12, 115.2
    motion pictures 115.8
    national parks 79.12.2
    Niagara Falls 77.2.9
    Public Works Administration projects 135.3
    Reclamation Bureau 115
    Southeast River Basins Study Commission photographs 414.2
    Southwestern Power Administration 387
    TVA 142
Hydrographic Bulletins 37.4.2
Hydrographic Division (Geological Survey) 57.10.3
Hydrographic Office, Records of the (RG 37)
    administrative history 37.1
    cartographic records 37.5
    general records 37.3
    predecessors 37.2
    still pictures 37.6
    subordinate units 37.4
hydrographic stations
    Chesapeake Bay 22.4.3
hydrographic surveys and reports
    Albatross cruise 22.3.3
    Army Engineers
        Lake Survey 77.5.1
        maps and charts 77.2.3, 77.10.4, 77.10.28, 77.10.49
    Coast and Geodetic Survey 23
    Geological Survey 57.6.3
        Uinta reservation canal (maps) 57.8
    Hydrographic Office 37
        charts 37.3, 37.4.1-37.4.3
        progress charts 37.4.3
        Sailing Directions Division Archives 37.4.1
    Japanese-mandated islands 181.2.13
    Japanese maps and charts 37.4.3, 242.25
    Mississippi River 91.3
        Mississippi River Commission 77.7.1
    National Ocean Service chart data base 370.9
    naval air stations 181.11.5, 313.4.3
    Naval Records Collection 45.4.2         charts 45.9
    Panama Canal 185.4, 185.5.2, 185.5.3
Hydrography and Topography, Division of (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.3.4
Hydrography, Bureau of Ordnance and (Navy Department) 37.2, 45.4.2, 74.2
Hydrography, Confederate Office of Ordnance and 109.12
Hydrography, Inspector of (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.3.3
Hydrologic Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.3
hydrologic equipment
    photographs 77.5.1
    plans 114.4.3
Hydrologic Investigations Atlas 57.6.1
hydrologic laboratories 114.4.3
hydrologic research
    Agricultural Engineering Bureau 8.4
    Agricultural Research Service 310.5.12
    Army Engineers 77.9.16, 77.10.17, 77.10.18, 77.10.23,
     77.10.24, 77.10.26, 77.10.35, 77.10.41, 77.10.45,
     77.10.48, 77.10.52, 77.10.55, 77.10.61, 77.14.1
    Beach Erosion Board 77.6.7
    Forest Service 95.10.5, 95.11.6
    Geological Survey 57.4.1, 57.6.1, 57.6.5, 57.6.6, 57.6.10,
    57.6.11, 57.10.3
    Reclamation Bureau 115.3, 115.4.2
    Soil Conservation Service 114.4.3, 114.4.9
Hydrologic Services, Division of (Weather Bureau) 27.5.11
hydrologic stations (maps) 27.5.11, 315.2.2
Hydrology Branch (Section) 77.10.23, 77.10.55
Hydrology Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.6
Hydrology, Subcommittee on
   (Federal Interagency River Basin Committee) 315.2.2
hydroplanes 77.6.3
hydroponic gardening 92.4.6
Hygienic Laboratory 90.3.6, 121.2.1
hygrothermograph charts 370.6
Hyneman, J.E. 111.2.4
hypersonic flight 255.4.8

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