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Contact: Cory Fritz

House Majority Releases Report Documenting ObamaCare’s Devastating Impact on American Jobs
New Report Finds ObamaCare Will “Eliminate Jobs” & “Exacerbate the Nation’s Dire Fiscal Condition”

Jan 6, 2011

- Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today joined Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and several House committee chairmen in releasing a report entitled ObamaCare: A Budget-Busting, Job-Killing Health Care Law.  The report, which can be found online here, provides a compelling case for taking immediate action to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with reforms that will lower costs and protect jobs.  Boehner released the following statement:

“The evidence is clear: by raising taxes, imposing new mandates, and increasing uncertainty for employers and entrepreneurs, ObamaCare is already destroying jobs in this country.  And it will continue to destroy jobs unless we do something about it.  The report released today shows how the health care law is making it harder to end the job-killing spending binge that threatens our children’s future.   When you look at it dollar by dollar, the numbers just don’t add up.  This report presents a very sobering picture, and every lawmaker and taxpayer – no matter where you stand on this critical issue – should take a look at it.

“With nearly 10 percent unemployment and massive debt, the American people want us to focus on cutting spending and growing our economy.  That’s why tomorrow the House will take the first steps towards repealing this job-killing health care law and replacing it with reforms that will bring down costs and protect jobs.”

NOTE: Joining Boehner and Cantor on the report are Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the Committee on Ways & Means; Rep. John Kline (R-MN), Chairman of the Committee on Education & the Workforce; Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chairman of the Committee on the Budget; and Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Chairman of the Committee on Energy & Commerce.


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