<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> NIST Speech Group Website
Information Technology Lab, Information Access Division NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology

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  • MADCAT Phase 2 Evaluation

    Phase 2 evaluation continues what was done for Phase 1. Three tasks identified in Phase 1 as the main components to be measured are:

    1. Document image translation (measuring the end-to-end system)
    2. Document image recognition (measuring the recognition capability)
    3. Document text translation (measuring the translation capability)


    • Evaluation plan - this document describes the evaluation protocol for Phase 2.
    • Data plan - this document describes the data proposed for Phase 2.
    • Development data list - the file lists the documents selected as Phase 2 development data
    • File status list - the file lists all Phase 1 eval documents and indicates which documents have been selected for the progress test set and for the control set. Note that no development and/or training is allowed on the documents selected as part of the progress set.


    Go/No Go Track Milestones
    Feb 9
    1st training data release
    May 11
    2nd training data and development data release
    Jul 9
    3rd training data release
    Oct 15
    Eval data arrives at NIST for final QC'ing
    Oct 28
    Eval data (w/o and w/ segmentation) for tasks 1 & 2 arrives at BBN
    Nov 18 at 10am
    System output for tasks 1 & 2 due at NIST
    Nov 18 at 3pm
    Eval data for task 3 arrives at BBN
    Nov 30
    System output for task 3 due at NIST
    Nov 30
    Post-editing starts
    Jan 27
    Post-editing completes
    Jan 29
    Final results to DARPA
    Go/No-Go Dry Run
    Sep 11
    Sample test data arrives at BBN
    Sep 18
    Output of sample test data due to NIST
    Sep 22
    Post-editing kit of sample test data due to LDC
    Sep 25
    Post-editing results due to NIST
    Sep 28
    NIST reports results and/or any issues
    Challenge Track Milestones
    Mar 19
    Gold standard eval data to NIST
    Mar 26
    Test set to BBN
    Apr 16
    System output to NIST
    Apr 20
    Auto scoring
    Apr 23
    Post-editing begins
    Jun 11
    Post-editing ends
    Jun 16
    Final results to DARPA
    Challenge Scenario Dry Run
    Oct 23
    Gold standard eval data to NIST
    Oct 28
    Eval data (w/o and w/ segmentation) for tasks 1 & 2 arrives at BBN
    Nov 18 at 10am
    System output for tasks 1 & 2 due at NIST
    Nov 18 at 3pm
    Eval data for task 3 arrives at BBN
    Nov 30
    System output for task 3 due at NIST
    Nov 30
    Post-editing starts
    Jan 27
    Post-editing completes
    Jan 29
    Final results to DARPA

    [ MADCAT home ]



    Page Created: Jan 9, 2009
    Last Updated: October 8, 2009

    Multimodal Group is part of IAD and ITL
    NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce
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