imageBob Latta

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Contact: David Popp (202) 225-6405

Washington, Oct 15, 2010 - Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) made the following statement in light of recent reports that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon finalize a new environmental regulation on ozone standards.

 “I am proud to represent the largest manufacturing district in the Ohio congressional delegation  and the 20th largest manufacturing district in the country.  The proposed rule coming from the EPA is nothing more than a backdoor national energy tax that will cripple our manufacturing base.  In Ohio, this rule would have a projected tax hike of $69.2 billion and the potential to lose over 296,000 manufacturing jobs, on top of the current 10.1 percent unemployment rate in the state.  This is the last thing Ohio and our country needs in this time of economic uncertainty.
Whether it is the flawed Cap and Tax proposal put forth by Congressional Democrats, or this EPA regulation, Democrats in Washington are once again showing how out of touch they are with reality.  If the President is serious about saving and creating jobs, he should start with his own EPA and its jobs-killing regulations."


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