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Keeping the Pledge: Energy & Commerce Committee Report Highlights GOP Jobs Bills
Posted by Press Office on July 07, 2011

A new report by the House Energy & Commerce Committee highlights several steps the committee has taken toward fulfilling the Pledge to America. The report highlights action that would create more than 150,000 jobs through American Energy Initiative proposals to boost U.S. energy production, protect nearly four million jobs from being destroyed by excessive regulations, and save taxpayers $90 billion:

Creating More Than 150,000 Jobs by Removing Roadblocks to American Energy Production:

  • The House recently passed the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act (H.R. 2021), American Energy Initiative legislation that will end Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permitting delays to boost offshore energy production, help lower gas prices and create more than 54,000 American jobs.
  • The Energy & Power Subcommittee passed the North-American Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938), legislation that will require the Obama Administration to make a determination by November on whether or not it will allow the Keystone XL pipeline expansion to move forward.  According to an editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal, expanding the pipeline would create more than 118,000 jobs through construction and related economic development.

Protecting Nearly 4 Million Jobs Put in Jeopardy by Excessive Government Regulations:

  • The Commerce, Manufacturing & Trade Subcommittee advanced legislation (H.R. 1939) to improve the safety of consumer products while protecting thousands of jobs put at risk by the harmful, unintended consequences of the 2008 Consumer Product Safety Act.
  • The House passed H.J.Res.37, Communications & Technology Subcommittee legislation to stop the FCC from imposing so-called “net neutrality” regulations.  Enforcement of net neutrality rules has been estimated to cost between 500,000 and 700,000 jobs by 2015, and result in up to 1.45 million fewer jobs in the economy by 2020.


Saving Taxpayers $90 Billion by Defunding & Replacing ObamaCare:

  • The House passed H.R. 1213, Health Subcommittee legislation to repeal an ObamaCare slush fund described as “an unlimited tap on the federal treasury to push for the establishment of state-based exchanges” without Congressional approval.  H.R. 1213 would save taxpayers an estimated $14 billion.
  • The House also passed H.R. 1217, legislation that will decrease direct spending by $16 billion by eliminating an unaccountable ObamaCare slush fund that gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services the full authority to use the account to fund any programs or activities under the Public Health Service Act that she chooses, without Congressional oversight.

To learn more about the House Energy & Commerce’s efforts to reduce spending, rein in job-crushing regulations and help the economy create jobs, check out their newly released second quarter report here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Fra nk Villelli commented on 7/9/2011
    John Hold the line no ceiling up grade. We are broke
  • Patti Giordano commented on 7/12/2011
    Please STAND FIRM!! The people of this country are behind you. Stand for the principles that this GREAT country were founded on. Do not cave!!! Thank You for all you are doing. You are a patriot. Sincerely, Patti Giordano
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