Federal Aviation Administration

Office of Security

Internal Security

Internal Security works with security specialists assigned to security divisions at each FAA region and center. It ensures this agency complies with public laws, national directives, and Department of Transportation policies that influence our security practices. It creates an FAA environment that reduces the risks posed by:

  • Espionage
  • Sabotage
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Terrorism
  • Other criminal acts

Contractor & Industrial Security Program

The Contractor & Industrial Security Program focuses on security for contractors working at FAA. Program objectives include:

  • Providing the basis for contractors' clearances
  • Determining contractors' suitability for employment in the agency with access to FAA resources, facilities, and sensitive information
  • Safeguarding classified material in the possession of FAA contractors

FAA considers the suitability of contractors the same as an FAA employee. The Department of Defense provides support in getting contractor clearances following a 1967 agreement between the Departments of Defense and Transportation.


Personnel Security

The Personnel Security Program provides a basis for security determinations for sensitive positions, clearances for access to classified material, and suitability for Federal employment. The program concerns are an individual’s:

  • Suitability and loyalty to the United States
  • Questionable habits
  • Character
  • Associations
  • Personal reliability
  • Judgment
  • Susceptibility to coercion

All issues are resolved as favorable if the access to sensitive information is determined to be clearly in the interest of National Security.

Employment Questionnaires

ID Media

The ID Media Division establishes standards and procedures ensuring the integrity and security of the FAA-wide ID card program. Responsibilities include:

  • Implementing the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) and other ID cards and Identity Management System (IDMS).
  • Developing processes for PIV Card issuance and maintenance aligned with the technical and functional requirements for Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 201-1.
  • Working with all lines of business and staff offices to support FAA physical and logical access control requirements, including the implementation and maintenance of the turnstiles at the FAA Headquarters facility.
  • Writing new policies and implementing the operational processes for the PIV Card and other ID cards within the agency.

Page Last Modified: 05/23/11 15:00 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ash/ash_programs/security/