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Forest Vegetation Simulator

Additional References

FVS General Technical Reports.

These documents are available as additional background information for FVS, related models, and programs.

Additional References on the FVS Website
Document File Date File Size
Advance FVS Topics for Forest Planning 09-02-2009 Advance_Topics.pdf 6.0M
Comparison of Measured Growth and Mortality Trends to Modeled FVS Projections Relative to Oak Decline Impacts as Observed Over Three FIA Inventory Cycles - Mark Twain National Forest 04-07-2010 MTNF_OD_FVS.pdf 5.9M
FVS Validation Protocols 01-21-2010 FVS_Model_Validation_Protocols.pdf 97k
Crown Ratio Modeling Using Stand Density Index and the Weibull Distribution 08-28-2000 crownratio.pdf 513k
Evaluating Stand Density Management Alternatives using the Forest Vegetation Simulator 06-08-1999 canpap.pdf 73k
National Algorithms for Determining Stocking Class, Stand Size Class, and Forest Type for Forest Inventory and Analysis Plots 11-15-2002 Arner2001.pdf 179k

Additional References on Treesearch

These documents are available from the USDA Forest Service's Research and Development Treesearch.

FVS Validation Subcommittee

In the spring of 2008, the FVS Steering Team created the Validation Subcommittee to establish protocols for variant testing and validation, develop partnerships to perform validation and to suggest and facilitate possible funding sources.

Read more about the Validation Subcommittee and related references…

US Forest Service
Forest Management Service Center
2150 Centre Avenue, Bldg. A
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891

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Last modified: 11-21-2011